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  • Hi, Christiaan! How was the appointment with Dr. De Ridder ? Did he give any useful insights?
    You've become like the ambassador for relations between De Ridder and tinnitus sufferers on TT, @Christiaan.

    We should make you the official correspondent!
    @Damocles Good idea! I'm going to ask Dr. De Ridder if he's okay with that;)
    @Ela Stefan If it is of any help, medical devices may receive an earlier approval in Europe vs. USA because of the European CE-mark regulations (could be given after 1st successful trial).
    Hi fellow T-comrades, I've an appointment with Dr. De Ridder on the 11th of April. Are there any questions you'd like me to ask him?
    Ask him about Neurosoft Bioelectronics. It says he's on the team working on it.
    Of course I will, Jerad.
    @Jerad You can find my notes about Neurosoft in the ''How Much Would It Cost to See Dirk De Ridder?'' thread.
    @Pharz Goed nieuws over TU studie! Check New University of Michigan thread voor meer info
    Oh, never mind. De berichten zijn overgezet naar een nieuwe thread. Je vindt het nu in de ''TU Delft & Prof. Dirk De Ridder'' thread.
    Welcome back! :)
    I'm sorry to hear about the things you went through in the past. Your mother sounds like a nice piece of work. At least you live on your own. That helps a bit, right?
    Yeah, but I blocked her phone number 2 weeks ago and that has started a tsunami of problems with her. Although I don't actually talk to her, she still finds new, creative ways to try to contact me all the time. If I ever decided to *really* tell her what's on my mind, it would destroy her soul so I've been holding back for 20 years.
    I understand deeply that it's super difficult to cut ties with someone you've inevitably spend quite some time with. Perhaps she'll understand your reasons by blocking her phone calls. At least, I hope she's able to reflect on her behaviour. Time will tell, Lurius
    Manchester City at the top of the table, 10 points clear of Chelsea in second, with 18 matches left to play. So the machine rolls on... (/ᗒᗣᗕ\)
    Yeah, good luck to Abramovich. Guess it's only natural to sell a team in a country you're effectively exiled from.
    @Damocles I share your passion. It's certainly fun to watch cup matches and hope that the underdog has a chance of making it to the final and winning qualification for Europe. It must have been a long time ago that a team from lower tier has done something like that? I only remember Millwall in 2005 or so. Fun times :P
    Yeah same problem here. Everything ends up being commercialised. Even 2nd division is very expensive to watch on TV. Well, that's modern football nowadays.
    Ik wens u prettige kerstdagen en hoop met heel mijn hart dat het goed met u gaat.
    Hope your heart is ok, we haven't heard from you in a while. Check in with us to let us know you're ok.
    My heart went berserk last night and I'm wondering if Oxytocin or salty popcorn is the culprit of this story. Feeling a bit jaded.
    @PortugalTheMan Both, actually. I felt better mentally after a few days on Oxy. I also think that my T was less intrusive in the morning and afternoon.
    @Damocles Thanks for doing all that research. Much appreciated bro;) I visited my GP today, and she said that it's 1 in 100 that something like that would happen and given my stable heart rate, she is more inclined towards another possible explanation : adrenaline rush. This may be the case, as I had a busy week and only relaxed a little on Sunday.
    Anyway, I'll take a few days off on Oxy and maybe restart the experiment in a week or so.
    A facepalm moment 4 Republicans who restrict voting rights & impose abortion ban in Texas. May their stupidity bite them in the ass some day
    Well, Dr. De Ridder fell for my charms and prescribed Oxytocin for me. I will let you guys know if the O-juice works its magic on my T.
    @Christiaan I thought I remembered that to be a pregnancy medicine. @Damocles, I haven't been single in a very long time, but it is still possible to feel alone.
    Truth @twa. Truth.
    @twa I'm sorry to hear your significant other isn't very mindful of your delicate situation. I wish there was a way to make people like your husband understand what T & H sufferers are going through
    Cinema, football games and concerts are a no-go, but I have to say that theatrical plays are pretty doable. That def counts for something
    @Christiaan PSV is in great physical and moral condition, a great second part in Lisbon. may the best one win next week.
    HA! @Christiaan! I'm not going to be intimidated by Ronaldo!

    No, we will see how he fares against last seasons Champions League winners, now running at 100% with their new striker.
    Totally agree with you on the transfers. It's a joke.

    You can very easily just buy your way to the top of the Premier League and have yourself ownership of some decent silverware, if you can find yourself a Saudi investor...

    Things have got to be sorted out. We need more caps!
    @Damocles I'll hope so too for you:) The Citizens were fun to watch years ago but now it's time for something fresh and Chelsea may maybe be lucky enough to proclaim the title this season. Lukaku is definitely the guy who can help with something like that
    Locatelli's move to Juventus is going to make Serie A very predictable this year. Who is finally up to the job to take on I Bianconeri?
    Lampard was certainly a great player! He really played better when Makalele, Damien Duff & Joe Cole were signed back in 2003. Those were the years! It's still bad though that Lampard was thrown to the lions as a manager. If he had an older, more experienced assistant, things might have looked differently for Chelsea and certainly for him too.
    Isn't the Premier League trying to change the rules to increase supporters' influence in the way clubs are managed? I believe the German Bundesliga has a system in place where fans have at least 51% of the voting shares. It's one of the reasons why they have affordable tickets & chill standing places for hard core supporters.
    Well, if you put it like that;) Yeah, they are still wondering around like zombies in search of their long lost football stadium XD. On the other hand, the ambiance in the stadium nowadays is more like you're watching a civil polo or field hockey game. It's only on the pitch where you can see some action;p
    @Tanni It caught my eye that you're not a lot on TT lately. I want you to know that I miss your witty comments & hope things are going swell
    I wanna go to The Hague!

    Although I'm calling it Christiaansville from now on!!
    It has a nice ring to it @Damocles;) But I like The Hague as a name too. Did you know that the city is officially called 's-Gravenhage or Den Haag in Dutch? We are really good in making things difficult for ourselves, lol
    lol. I did not know this @Christiaan, and I love it!

    Alright anyway, we can keep it as The Hague... for now. But if things start getting complicated, we're switching to Christiaansville! \(^_^\)
    Hi @Christiaan,

    Can I ask what kind of tinnitus you have?

    Best Jane
    Hoe is het met de Oxytocine? Heeft het je geholpen tot nu toe?
    Dank voor je begrip, Jane. Nu gaat het wel redelijk, maar het is zeker een uitdaging om normale dingen te blijven doen. Les geven op de middelbare school zit er daarom voorlopig niet in voor mij, dus probeer ik nu bij de belastingdienst R'dam gewoon administratief werk te doen in een rustige omgeving. Ik hoop dat je ondanks T nog leuke dingen kan doen gedurende de dag
    Ja, ik durf te zeggen dat Oxytocine helpt. Het heeft mijn tinnitus toch een toontje lager doen zingen. Onlangs heb ik wel een raar moment gehad met mijn hart, maar misschien ligt het niet aan Oxy maar aan stress. Ik ben wel van plan het nogmaals een weekje te proberen. Trouwens, hoe is alles verder in het mooie Amsterdam?
    @Leila Yep, Portuguese. Always wanted to speak the language of my maternal ancestors (my grandma was part Portuguese)
    @PortugalTheMan Good idea! I'm still at basic level (food #1). Here it goes: Eu peço café. Leite é uma bebida;) Still got some work to do. Do you want to learn Dutch? Maybe we can learn together:)
    @twa Really? I thought that mostly Spaniards took the trip to Mexico in colonial times. Do you speak Spanish fluently? And what about Portuguese?
    @Christiaan I believe that some of the Spaniards who went to the Southwest and Mexico had Portuguese ancestry also. I speak Spanish, my mother's first language was Spanish. I studied for many years to become fluent and taught for 12 years in Spanish.
    Things to look forward to this year: Dr. De Ridder's brain zapper 2.0, new season of Outlander and the new vegan KitKat; in that order
    Not gonna lie @Christiaan, I've often wanted to go back and "split a KitKat" with her since we broke up... even if she does have a husband now.... well, especially because she has a husband now, if I'm being honest :I
    @Damocles Oh boy, sorry for opening that old wound, Damocles. If only Marty McFly and Doc Brown were to make a pit-stop at our place with the DeLoreon, it would have been grand to go back in time to make things right.
    And maybe as a nice bonus tell our stupid younger selves to wear those damn earplugs to football matches & concerts from the get-go. But in the meantime, we're playing the waiting game for someone like Elon Musk to cook up something like that *impatiently looking out of the window in hopes of spotting the DeLorean*
    Dealing with a lot of weltschmerz lately. I hope the UN Climate Report is a wake up call for people to cherish our precious little planet
    Wow, what a thriller that shoot-out was! A big thumbs up to the Belgian field hockey team for winning the gold medal at the Olympics
    Hi Christiaan.

    I hope youre doing well. Do you have any idea about the neuomdulation therapy vs notched music therapy?
    Apple offers both. For now Im listening to notched white noise for my tonal Tinnitus. Did you try neuromodulation ? Any suggestion ? Regards Mehmet
    Hi @Mehmet . I'm unfortunately not familiar with neuromodulation therapy. Is it also specific for tinnitus? Personally, I would stick to one kind of therapy, just to be sure if it works or not. Otherwise, you don't exactly know which treatment does precisely what for your tinnitus.

    For the last days I ve been listening to notched white noise on iOS Tinnitus Play app.Relaxing. Apple gave the academic background behind the notch therapy and its very easy to use. You can easily determine the frequency of your tinnitus. If the tinnitus frequency is below 8000 Hz. , there is no restriction in terms of hours you listen to notched music. Do you confirm ?
    That app sounds quite good. If you think it helps with your tinnitus, I'd say: go for it! Could you let me know after some time if it helps? I hope it works:) About the amount of exposure time: I read somewhere that 2 hours a day is more than enough. Don't overdo it btw! There's something called hearing fatigue and if you listen to music for far too long, it could work negatively for your hearing.
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