Recent content by Dave1

  1. Dave1

    Are Otex Wax Removal Ear Drops Safe for Tinnitus?

    @connor Hey, my GP told me not to use Otex as it contains hydrogen peroxide. I was prescribed simple Olive oil.
  2. Dave1

    Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

    Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations
  3. Dave1

    First Thread. All Info Is Welcome

    @Jaybeee Thank you
  4. Dave1

    First Thread. All Info Is Welcome

    @Samir Thanks Samir. My emotions are all over the place lately with T. I look forward to habituation but it seems so far away. If it wasn't for this forum I don't know how I would cope.
  5. Dave1

    First Thread. All Info Is Welcome

    @Michael Leigh Thanks mate !
  6. Dave1

    First Thread. All Info Is Welcome

    Thanks Glynis...haven't seen that done in years, I'll get the basin and towel out soon.
  7. Dave1

    First Thread. All Info Is Welcome

    @glynis @Michael Leigh Hi folks. Thought I'd give you an update. I managed to see a doctor today after a bad weekend. He thinks my Eustachian tube(s) could be blocked and has prescribed me Beclometasone Nasal Spray. I was just wondering if this is standard procedure when investigating...
  8. Dave1

    Dehabituated Myself Into Getting Tinnitus

    @NatureHiker It did seem to be a bad month for T. Sorry to hear what a bad time you were having yesterday, i hope today is better for you. I'm off to work to pretend I'm ok. If you ever want to private message me feel free.
  9. Dave1

    My Story of the Neverending Sound...

    @Lyra Belacqua Thank you. Reading that you habituated to the noise in your left ear gives me hope. All the best to you too.
  10. Dave1

    Feeling Desperate...

    @glynis Thanks. I needed that.
  11. Dave1

    My Story of the Neverending Sound...

    @Lyra Belacqua Welcome to TT. I'm a new member also trying to deal with Tinnitus. I have found these forums really helpful and supportive. Just one ear at the moment for me.
  12. Dave1

    Feeling Desperate...

    @Jaybeee I'm having a bad day too, you're not alone.
  13. Dave1

    Dehabituated Myself Into Getting Tinnitus

    @NatureHiker Welcome to TT. I'm also a new member and understand how you are feeling at the minute. You're not alone.
  14. Dave1

    Howdy Everyone, New Here...

    @jennyD I wouldn't use ear drops until you see your doctor. My doctor advised me not to use ear drops that contain hydrogen peroxide. I was prescribed simple olive oil.
  15. Dave1

    Howdy Everyone, New Here...

    In case it is wax build up I would advise you to resist putting anything in your ears i.e. finger, cotton buds.