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  • Going to eliminate bread, sugary fruit, and other such from my diet. Sucks but it's better than this horrible screeching spike.
    Does it help you? I feel like mine stays the same lol
    Yeah, it definitely is waaay better in comparison to the sugar spike. It seems like different things affect different people differently. My friend doesn't gaf about her t because she says having patulous is way worse, so she just does everything with t that you're not supposed to do with t and it doesn't seem to affect her.
    I think my t might be pulsatile, but unsure. It's mostly cicada sounds, but in time to my heartbeat. "ee. ee. ee." One or both ears.
    I have the same. The cicadas always change. Heartbeat, electrical grinder or piercing
    Tinnitus and hyperacusis for a little over a month now. Hearing loss has recovered through steroid use, t and h continue.
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