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  • The diplacusis or dycausis really creeps me out, is there any chance for it to go away ? It's been one week.
    Can TTTs cause diplacusis ? Or is it somehing related to cumulative damage ?
    I started to treat my tinnitus as an individual and talking with it, and it stops lmao
    @Damocles juet some philosophocal nonsense, even Tinnitua got tired lol, tho now it's back so, round two here we go
    Cancel that flight @Exit; it's Neuromod all over again...
    If she could shut my tinnitus up I would do whatever I could to marry her<3
    Doesn't even matter one bit if she's a she or a he:D
    No distortions while listening to music or in general, but talking youself is another story
    So earlier I heard one car passing and could literally feel it's vibration in my right ear, when I talk I have "froma pit" echoish sensation
    Hearing the echo of my voice when pressong my head against the pillow. What is this :(
    Could be 'musical'-T. I have the same, hear bits and pieces of real-life conversations and even internal dialogue at times. Been kinda hesitant of talking about it, because people will obviously assume you're out of your mind.
    lol @danielthor. That is both funny as hell and also completely true. One of the noises I once had sounded like two women talking on a bad telephone line.

    Guess that conversation ended a long time ago, because I haven't heard them in YEARS... XD

    Still, sometimes I think about them and I feel kind of lonely... :(
    There's one thing which I can't fucking explain, so when I'm talking I can "feel" it with my right ear, it comes woth a kind of vi bration
    Yes, I really have to clean up my act...
    @Damocles Man, I'd settle to just be able to talk without spiking, or driving a car even with double protection. Hopefully it isn't that far off in the future, if at all.

    I don't think you have to ditch chocolate and caffeine, it's all good. And please, don't leave tinnitus talk, your posts(and bullshitting) is just what we need, haha.

    Have a good one mate.
    I have this same vibrating it's different than the thumping sensation. I prefer the latter. It accompanies broken speaker distortion.
    T is really low today, but I'm really having problem with distortions especially whike talking, for a moment I can hear myself from "inside
    Like a "pit" effect lmao, it mostly happen while I talk I feel ticklish pressure and a "fullness" feeling alongside some cracking and twitching and thumping, so yea fuck you TTTs
    Did anyone have something similar, does ut go away or at least improve ?
    Also one more theory, can my TTTs also this low-drone Tinnitus ?
    70% habituated to Visual Snow, one Tinnitus tone gradually fading, Low-freguency drone is intermittent, TTTs behaving like a bitch tho.
    Sometimes my ear becomes extremely warm, anyone else with this happening to them ?
    Yep, and it's totally fine. Just very sensitive ears that often get warm after long exposure to sound. I'm sure You'll get used to it.
    All the time.
    TTTS only causes fluttering and muscle spasms - kalm, TTTs causes distoetions - panik
    If one's tinnitus is noise-induced, and it's somehow gotten somatic (like when there're some additional hissing while moving your jaw.....
    ....pressing you teeth against each other, yawning), is there a necessity to consult a dentist ? Or is it more likely to go away by itself with sound-induced tinnitus subsiding ? I'm asling this because I myself have some of these somatic components and really hesitant to actually go to dentist
    @Farida Mine is definitely noise induced, but I've also developed somatic symptoms with time. I guess noise can trigger it, but a lot of other crap can in turn modulate it. I don't think the somatic symptoms is anything to worry about with regards to the dentist, it's additional hearing damage by e.g. ultrasonic tools or the like which we need to be careful about.
    I have extremely reactive tinnitus and will try to postpone dentist appointments until I hopefully see some improvements. If I have to, I'll only go for manual cleaning done by hand.
    Yo, my grandpa told me how his broher's tinnitus caused by sudden-sensorineural hearing subsided after about 15 years he got it.
    The brain works in mysterious ways
    Wow, that's insane. It goes to show that tinnitus isn't stuck in the brain and THAT gives a lot to hope for:)
    Hope is, that this will come for us one day, too.
    Feelingg like shit... I was having great progress but now I sometimes started noticing an "electrical" distortion while listening to audios
    Oh yeah, I had that too at the beginning of my worsening(back in March 2020). Maybe it's the way the brain tries to recalibrate external sound? Luckily, it did subside for me, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to think it could go the same way for others.
    @Christiaan the thing is, I also have some sensitivity to noise along with TTTS, can also be because of that ?
    Do you have that fluttering sensation & fullness in the ears? I had it at the same time as that weird distortion. Both went away after +/- 4 months. Edit: I see you've mentioned a new humming sound. If a new tone appears, don't stress about it and try to focus on other things, like funny TV shows. Tinnitus always gets worse if you focus to much on it.
    One of my ears started to hear everything in "broken earphone" way, like when talking through a microphone, strated after last noise exposur
    Pleasee tell me it's not permanent, seriously devastated, can It actually be TTTS ?
    Guys can low drone (or low-freguency) Tinnitus go away completely without ever returning ?
    I'm really worried avout that brief loud noise exposure. Since then I've been having some brief "hzzzrt or hssst" sounds (or distortions)
    Hey @Farida, remember to factor in the psychosomatic element of our condition. Often BELIEVING we may have worsened our tinnitus causes us to perceive our tinnitus as worse.

    Likelihood is, you're listening intently for new sounds and as a result, finding sounds that were already there, but that you hadn't noticed before.
    Lmao I got so used to being obsessed and monitoring to tinnitud that moments or silence are making me uncomfortable and I think I'm deaf lol
    Strange "hzzztt" (distortion) while talking ? Happened at least twice, wtf is this
    Got exposed to a loud honking car, the retard did it for no reason. No change in my tinnitus, but freaked me out. Can it be something bad
    This facial tingling and head numbness will be the death of me lmao, that was why I was scared of A.Neuroma, but since my Tinnitus is fading
    My Tinnitus is fading, but Visual Snow is still the same :(
    Good sign. Maybe the snow will follow
    Visual Snow may take awhile, but it can, and usually *does* get better.
    Imagine getting rid of Tinnitus and then developing Reactive Hypercausis, Misophonia and TTS :/
    Hmm...I almost have no tinnitus, but I still have some other problems like TTTS.
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