Gareth Davies

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  • Hi Gareth, did you have the balloon inflation done? Hope you are keeping well.
    Gareth Davies
    Hi Charbee; not yet.
    However, it is close now - less than a week in fact.
    I'm pretty nervous, but looking forward to the day with a hopeful mind.
    (I'll be posting the result once I've recovered from the operation.)
    In-ear vibrations, random tissue movement and spasms have become semi constant now. Static T unaffected.
    Gareth Davies
    Ugh - another night of head vibrations - it's like there is endless mini-quake going on in my ear.
    I get these symptoms as well. Although I have experience patulous ET before and never wanna deal with that so I'd be worried about balloon inflation
    Gareth Davies
    Yeah, I think patulous ET is a bit my rarer than normal ET? Patulous ET causes whooshing or rumbling from what I've read, because the tube is in a open locked position? The procedure is pretty safe from what I've been told. Again, no cutting, stitching or burning. It's over in 15-20 minutes.
    Every time I try ETD unblocking exercises, I wake up the next day with an even more blocked ear and horrible tinnitus. Go figure.
    Same. Leave it alone. If you're like me, the clogged feeling is from hearing damage. Messing with it just aggravates the nerves. Let it be and it will improve with time. I'm a year and a half in.
    Gareth Davies
    Yeah, I'm not going to try again. The only reason I did it last night was that I felt a new burning sensation in my ear, pain and tissue sliding around / squeezing and contracting - thought I'd try my luck.
    Didn't pan out :/
    Bill Bauer
    Learn from your mistakes, listen to the signals given to you by your own body and act accordingly.
    When genetic engineering becomes widely available in the future, they are going to need to edit this flaw in human design out :S
    Bill Bauer
    Genetic engineering won't become widely available in the future.

    Within 20 years we might no longer be able to enjoy indoor plumbing.
    Gareth Davies
    We'll just have to see ;)
    I have strange sensations of movement somewhere inside and around my ear. It could be the (palatini?) muscles contracting and expanding?
    Gareth Davies
    And if I wiggle my mouth around I feel a "glob" of something inside, in that area. Can only assume it's squished up tissue. Hurts as usual, etc.
    Pop, crackle, crackle, pain, crackle, POP, crackle, pain, PAIN, crackle, pop - and repeat for nearly 5 months. A bone only takes 5 weeks...
    I'm trying to work out the frequency of my T - it's a metallic static; but every tester I've tried has been for pure tone noise. Any ideas?
    @Gareth Davies thank you. yeah loudness isn't an issue anymore. I don't hear it driving or in the house with low ambient noise around. I don't hear it outside. I'm experiencing almost complete silence. In the last few days, most tones have actually vanished. I have one annoying morsecode sound left. But even that is fading. I haven't done anything specific - just protected my ears. How's yours these days?
    Gareth Davies
    Jealous ;) But that's good news then! The same as it was in September really. I can't hear it that's much outside or if I move quickly. But staying still indoors? I put an electrical masking noise on (which luckily masks 100%). I don't seem to get spikes - though I don't feel tempted to test that theory anytime soon haha.
    Gareth Davies
    I don't think it's going to progress or improve any further until the ETD is resolved (it's like a cereal commercial in there).
    Luckily I've got a double ENT appointment this week - public and private.
    If they re-confirm evidence of inflammation and the dilation surgery is green-lit, there might be changes in the future.
    Again, just got to stay hopeful...
    Does anyone's T get temporarily MUCH louder when they yawn? (As in for the duration of the yawn only.) Because mine does :eek:
    Mine changes both pitch and sound on certain jaw movements,but for now that's only temporarily.
    Mine used to.
    our TMJ is too close to the ear. Or nerve endings in the joint cartilage somehow get irritated from the joint itself, due to position or due to muscle tension. ETD is being caused by the same damn thing... if you have been clenching, mewing or chewing hard, don't.
    Woke up today like somebody had punched me in the ear / half deaf. Genuinely can't tell if it's the ETD or some inner ear inflammation.
    It could be sudden sensorineural hearing loss which is likely to be reversible if you start treatment immediately
    Gareth Davies
    I was carrying out some ETD exercises last night, maybe that irritated the inflammation? Managed to pop my ear after a few hours; ringing has died down a bit :S Tapping the front of my ear is a bit like tapping a balloon - so I'm hoping it's just unbalanced air pressure rather than SSHL.
    Gareth Davies
    I think my hearing has gone back to normal - I can hear the rustling of pages at arm's length, for example. I'll speak with my audiologist first thing.
    Noise has definitely changed from a buzzing to a fizzling now.
    Oh that sounds like good news! :) I've had just fizzing before. So much more tolerable.
    Gareth Davies
    It is much easier to listen to! :) Okay, it's still a noise, but much less annoying :D
    Bill Bauer
    Awesome - congratulations! It ought to continue to improve. Often the more it improves, the slower it seems to improve, but improve it does and before you know it you will be feeling a lot better.
    I think I finally figured out how to send my message through, so you might get it but might not haha. The gist of it is it turned out to be an autoimmune problem not an infection. I still have it and don't love but have found ways to live with it and be ok for the most part.
    Gareth Davies
    Sorry to hear that was the case! (I hope your AI is minor.) Yeah, people on this board advise acceptance or total emotional apathy when it comes to T. All the best either way!
    Hi I just wanted to let you know I got your PM but the forum site won't let me post a reply and keeps saying it looks like SPAM, not sure why. I don't go on this site anymore but just wanted you to know I wasn't ignoring your message on purpose.
    Gareth Davies
    Haha - it said it looked like spam?
    No problem at all :)
    In that case, can I assume you have habituated or healed perhaps?
    Well, I've entered the 3 months mark; I guess I'll just have to see what the next 3-6 months, or couple of years give me! :S
    Gareth Davies
    I have seen improvement; day zero it was originally a horrible CACOPHONY of metal drills / scraping metal with multiple tones and random, loud "biting" spikes that lasted microseconds apiece; I'd get dozens of them per day.
    No fun.
    Gareth Davies
    Now it's a single tone in my right ear. A thin line of sound; like the noise the filament of a light bulb makes, made audible.
    Unfortunately, the volume is not whisper quiet, but it's better than it was. The inflammation in my ear is improved (though present), and my eardrum can still crackle at will.
    Gareth Davies
    I will just have to patiently wait for more change; as tough as that is some days :) Sometimes it's happier though - there's a degree of volatility.
    Outside it's pretty good, so hiking and general walks have been quasi-breaks from it. Kind of miss swimming though (can't risk more infections!)
    Sizzling noise now coming out of what feels like my neck - it keeps you on your toes, this condition, I'll give it that.
    Actually chuckled at that. Good on you, being able to apply humour to it. Stay strong, brother.
    I honestly can't tell sometimes if I have T in both ears, or if it's just sound from the post-infection ear conducting through my head.
    Gareth Davies
    Like, if I put my good ear on a pillow when trying to sleep, but it's not always there. Weird.
    Anyone know a good online source (preferably hours long) of electrical noise? The cracklier the better? Google / YouT ain't pulling up much.
    Considering getting melatonin for sleep. Once I'm out, I'm out until morning; but anything that helps initialise sleep will be useful.
    Try it! It's pretty harmless, some experience vivid dreams. Hasn't helped me, but lots of people with sleep issues get good results from melatonin. Weird thing is that I think you have to experiment with dosage. I was better off on 3 mg, than on 9mg.
    Born To Slay
    If that doesn't work, I'd try Benadryl. It works really well for me.
    I can hear (almost feel) a "pattering" noise in my right ear when I fully mask with water via a tap. It stops when I stop the water?
    Another question! Aside from time, healthy foods, curcumin, nasal sprays and more time; is there anything for middle ear inflammation? Ta :)
    Hi @Gareth Davies

    Does steam inhalation recommendable?? I am having T and recently helicopter sound added to it. Just saw your post not sure if i should try stream inhalation?
    It isn't the volume going up, it's T becoming easier to hear once the other sounds aren't there.
    @BillBauer you are exactly right with that one! When I put my earplugs in before I start driving, the volume always seems a lot lower than after the journey, when I turn my car off. But it's not actually louder - it's the perception of it being louder as there's no longer noise covering it.
    Bill Bauer
    Back when my T would spike as a result of a shower, at one point I had been wearing earplugs to the shower.
    @Bill Bauer I also used earplugs in the shower. However, I've stopped now. I didn't feel they made a difference personally.
    Is 75dB dangerous for ears recovering from ear infection T? Just measured it whilst in the car.
    I think it must have to do something with the frequency as well. I do hear it in the car (normally I wear earpro, but have tried without it too) whereas in much, much quieter situations I don't.
    Bill Bauer
    Are you wearing earplugs in those quieter situations?
    No. I mean I can hear it in the car without earplugs, and don't hear at home with background music or the TV on without earplugs as well. I don't understand how it works. If I put earplugs in/earmuffs on, volume goes up of course.
    So, erm, I've been reading up on visual snow. Seems to be a link between tinnitus and VS. Sometimes it appears later. What are my chances?
    I thought I'd have vs only because I have tinnitus. I really think it is unlikely, I've asked my doctor and optometrist about this.
    Gareth Davies
    Sorry, I wasn't clear. No I don't have VS. But I was just wondering on how likely it could happen (or does there lie madness?), and whether there are any steps to prevent it or at least reduce the chance - beyond healthy living.
    Bill Bauer
    Over the past 3.5 years, I've read the posts of about 3-4 people who had reported that they got VS. I don't think it is common.
    Tinnitus has now transitioned into an more bearable, if annoying, electrical buzzing. Fingers crossed for more improvement!
    Bill Bauer
    Awesome!! This is a major development. It ought to continue to fade. The next stage is a hiss.
    Gareth Davies
    Thank you Bill! I hope so too.
    Silly question; but I am safe to use my kitchen/cooking fan on a daily basis? Need it cook healthy meals, but at the same time, it's noise.
    Bill Bauer
    Whatever doesn't feel too loud and doesn't result in a T spike is probably safe. Even Some of the things that feel loud and result in minor T spikes are Probably safe (but personally I have been choosing to avoid things like that and it has worked out well for me).
    Whenever I do steam inhalation, I hear a slight pop below my right ear (the one that had an infection) - is that the ET tube opening?
    Right ear is now completely blocked after sleeping. Muffled hearing, pressure and T. Have inquired with doctor into balloon exp. surgery.
    Gareth Davies
    I'm sorry Bill. That must have been a extremely tough time.
    Your mental resilience must be titanium at this point.
    I'm actually thinking of cancelling my dental appointment for next month, or asking that manual tools be used instead.
    Gareth Davies
    Perhaps, you're right. I need to stop reading horror stories on this forum.
    It's just that the noise last night was akin to dozens of high-vibration steel wires relentlessly scraping against each other. It's quieter today - the ear released some air, reducing pressure, etc, etc.
    Thanks again.
    Bill Bauer
    >I'm actually thinking of cancelling my dental appointment for next month, or asking that manual tools be used instead.

    If it's a dental cleaning appointment, there is no need to cancel it. But make sure to ask for them to use only the manual tools. There is no downside - manual tools are as effective as the ultrasonic scaler.
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