Gareth Davies

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  • I had T from a right ear infection. I still have it after 2 years. I can say that after the first few months, my T went from moderate to mild (didn't bother me) and stayed at mild but I got careless and my T has developed to moderate for two straight months. Don't be careless.
    Gareth Davies
    Mind if I ask if it was your first ear infection? And whether it was inner or middle infection?
    I hope yours settles down.
    It was my first ever ear infection. Was initially an outer ear infection and then became an middle ear infection.
    T spike woke me up at night. Extremely loud; louder than its been in weeks. Why? What happened? It's only in the ear that had the infection.
    Gareth Davies
    The only difference is that the pressure in my right-ear (the one that was infected) is gone and I had a decongestant before going to sleep (I take a nasal spray in the morning.)
    Gareth Davies
    Other than that, no loud noise exposure during the day; so I don't know why it's happening :(
    It's been okay recently. Now it's a horrific high-pitch scream.
    Gareth Davies
    Apparently "decongestants (pseudoephedrine) can aggravate tinnitus by raising blood pressure" - well, last time I have one.
    I took it because I thought it would help my ETD...
    Spoke with my ENT today. Apparently there is no damage to my hearing / ears. However, he does believe I have ETD. Any suggestions?
    Gareth Davies
    He printed off a couple of pieces of paper from the tympanometry machine; one indicated my left ear (which he stated looked normal) and the second my right ear, which had the infection, the reading on that was abnormal. I haven't flown anywhere in more than a month. I also have a weird sticky/crackly feeling whenever I move the right-side of my face.
    An extended audiogram tests for hearing loss in the upper high frequencies. Standard audiograms only measure up to 8khz, and do not cover the 8khz-16khz range that is covered by an extended audiogram. Ask for one although not every place will offer one - you may need to call around! I know they sometimes use extended audiograms to test hearing loss in cancer patients, as many cancer drugs are ototoxic.
    Alternatively, you could have hidden hearing loss, which is damage to the synapses that connect to the hair cells - this is not measurable on an audiogram and typically manifests as speech in noise difficulties.
    Slowly going insane. Can't sleep.
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