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  • My tones have stopped being solid again, lost of ascending/descending, up/down b.s. - it's a lot harder to ignore.
    My herniated disc has improved a lot since October 2020. Until last month I was limping and could not sit without pain. Now I sit fine :)
    Hope everyone can find some moments of respite this weekend, and feel, even if momentarily, peace. I draw strength in knowing I'm not alone.
    How can every other part of my body work fine but there is such acute catastrophic failure in this one god damned system that it may kill me
    I think one aspect that's not often discussed is the loneliness these conditions cause.
    My reactivity right now sounds like grinding metal buzz saws and I'm justl listening to my computer fans. Honestly I'm not even mad but wtf.
    Does anyone ever get inner ear pain when swallowing? I have that for the first time today.
    Tomorrow I'm gonna take Xanax and CBD and watch anime. Maybe eat some cake. Any and all welcomed to join in spirit.
    At the rate I'm going I'd consider a brain probe. When I say I feel fear, I mean physical, overwhelming terror.
    Some days are frankly spent in fear. Fear of what if it never abates and I continue to break down. No one should have to endure this.
    Having a bad evening. I owe a lot to this community - in lieu of treatment all I can do is try to keep hope - this site allows me that.
    There is variability to each of us - our T knowledge is largely folk tradition. Nothing is completely "safe" or "risky", it depends on you.
    @Jack Straw Show me a paper that definitively describes the mechanics of tinnitus - "papers" aren't the standard for us in medical darkness.
    Anyone with moderate to severe T where most of the time it is exclusively low pitch?
    The majority of tinnitus these days sounds like a washing machine on spin cycle - wawawawawawawa that I can feel.
    People complain about the slow pace of progress - how many actually iterate through every treatment available to them though - very few.
    Recently nights have been really bad for me again and I'm not sure why. It's definitely the severe level.
    Adding herniated L5/S1 disc to my spice cabinet of life. Basically housebound. Variety is such a potent intoxicant!
    The more well rested I am, the more centered, aware, and present, the *more* the T bothers me. Falling through tired days is easier.
    Everything is more annoying with tinnitus including monitoring a GPU inventory bot net...
    It's hard to forget what this has cost me, and try to readjust and progress on a new path, but that's what I need to do, if at all possible.
    • B


    How is it going for you, @GBB ?
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