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  • This past week was one of the best I've had since onset, though today is predictably quite loud. Hoping to have more good weeks ahead.
    My T is in a pattern now. Wake up and it is medium hiss, not terrible, then throughout the day back to ringing and VERY loud at night.
    My tinnitus gets progressively louder throughout the day, and is loudest right before I sleep. Anyone found a way to halt intraday progress?
    Does anyone else have tinnitus that reacts to pink noise or masking by changing tone briefly, for example atonal to tonal or the reverse?
    Having some success with kava root. It takes the volume down and removes the tactile sensations. Time will tell if sustainable.
    Supposedly it increases the number of GABA-A receptors open so you have more GABA activity. Curious if this will ultimately lead to the same sort of issues as benzos but anecdotally seems safer.
    Multiple back to back days of severe T. I don't like where this seems to be going.
    Anyone else make much less earwax after accoustic trauma? I went from a ton to basically dry ears.
    Tinnitus today is just this wall of rushing shhhhhhhhhhhhh type noises coming in waves. It is very loud.
    Just used my desktop PC again for the first time in months - the fans gave me my loudest spike in weeks. Feeling like no progress made.
    Ordered 20 foot cables to move it to the opposite side of the room from my desk. Hoping this will solve the issue.
    T is actually *slightly* quieter for the first time today, a week short of 4 months.
    I can see how habituation is possible. My T changes once per hour, but today it stayed the same for 6. I was in sync with it. *Dee doo doo*
    It's no longer the volume that gets me, it's the high speed rhythm and busy-ness. It's multiple bits of noise per second.
    Listening to music changes my busy T to a steady dooooooooo. Not sure if counts as a spike, more like a shift?
    Tinnitus back to atonal crashing today in both ears. Sounds like a muffled version of people vigorously shaking metal shopping carts.
    Anyone else with noise-induced T where noise like music actually quiets it for a bit, and silence makes it 10x louder?
    I have a tone in my left ear that sounds EXACTLY like the synth in the beginning of Extreme Ways by Moby.
    Are there any success stories of ppl with multiple tones? Haven't seen any saying each tone left or faded in succession, just eee to gone.
    Just started 60mg prednisone about 60 hrs after exposure to a fire alarm - spike only started at about 48 hours.
    Trying a "Xanax mini" today - 2 parts passion flower extract for GABA boosting and 1 part CBD. Works okayish?
    The "novelty" of my T is gone for my family. Now, they mostly leave me alone, or avoid me. i suppose they don't deserve to suffer with me.
    Anyone else have tinnitus comprised of many small "pings" of noise rather than a continuous tone?
    Got that tinnitus like pff pff pffff pfffdddd pf pf pf pfffffffff pf pf pf pfff pffff pff pf pffffffff.
    Reactivity seems to hint at some form of damage never explained. When your T spikes for a few hours from mundane noise, it's just not right.
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