Recent content by Herlinde

  1. Herlinde

    Slap to My Ear... Will That Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    @TheTinnitusTony I also think it's temporary, you already made a big improvement i see
  2. Herlinde

    Slap to My Ear... Will That Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    @TheTinnitusTony it lasted for about an hour, at first it was like a 'blop' feeling (like the pressure you get on an airplane) , and a high pitch tone. It faded away in about an hour but the following days my ear was sensitive. It doesnt really help if you were already recovering from T. But you...
  3. Herlinde

    Slap to My Ear... Will That Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    Hey, i have had the same issues as you have. i'm super sensitive for sounds and also got slapped accidentally, it got better in the end but you just have to wait i guess :(
  4. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    Thank you so much. My exam is at 10 so i have plenty of time left to rehearse and i will do some meditation before i leave. Thank you for your help.
  5. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    @fishbone thank you very much for your reply. yes it will get better, looking forward to tomorrow.
  6. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    @Rubenslash @Candy thank you so much
  7. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    @Ed209 that super sweet thank you. tomorrow will be better :-)
  8. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    Hi, no i'm not a teacher (hihi i can't really explain myself decently in English) I'm a student, "easter" break (like spring break but in Belgium) is around the corner and school is just very demanding, i take everything seriously so the stress levels are raising. I know i have to take care...
  9. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    I have these custom made ones, i think i'm just more sensitive when my ears are still recovering. It will be alright, its just hard sometimes, mostly towards the evening i find
  10. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    @NatureHiker @Ed209 thank you
  11. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    @LeQuack :thankyousign:
  12. Herlinde

    Sad Day

    i'm so sorry for being this negative but today it's just not going well. All my weeks are so packed with stuff and everywhere loud music is playing, I always put my earplugs in but it doesn't help. My ears beep louder than the day before and this is already going on for 3 weeks. I have so much...
  13. Herlinde

    Hi Everyone

    @Capricornus @Paul10 @Michael Leigh just went to a new doctor because i'm away from home now. He gave so much other insights and he literally said 'its good that you came here, you will see another point of view with another doctor'. Tomorrow i will go to a specialist. He called the specialist...
  14. Herlinde

    Hi Everyone

    @Capricornus Hi and thanks! This forum really helps me :-) Finally there is a place where i can talk about it and everyone is understanding. Yes, today i'm having a day off so i'm happy that my ears can rest now. I can't really say how loud it is.. I can hear it during the day if the...
  15. Herlinde

    Hi Everyone

    @Michael Leigh Thank you for your reply. I will watch out and go to the doctor this evening. your article is very informative thank you :)