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If I have said in the past that I'd rather have cancer than tinnitus, I did not mean that. Tinnitus is horrible but I do not want cancer Sep 14, 2024 at 11:45 PM

Juliane was last seen:
Sep 15, 2024 at 10:51 AM
    1. Juliane
      Is this a test of some sort? If yes, how do I pass it? So far I have only made my life worse by being depressive, moaning and negative.
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        Feel the same way some days.
        Jul 25, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Same! =|
        Jul 25, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    2. Juliane
      ...several flights in a short period of time, local anesthesia as I had a mole removed... My GOD have I put my body under stress.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Me too.
        Jul 25, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      2. Juliane
        So frustrating to think about what might have caused this hell... when it is too late to change...
        Jul 26, 2023
    3. Juliane
      Constantly going over the events that came before worsening of my T: STRESS, COVID, dental surgery, firecracker trauma, loud party...
      1. tpj likes this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Unfortunately there is nothing you can do that will undo any of those things.... You can only move forward in some way.
        Jul 25, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Juliane
        I know... but what I would give for a time machine right now
        Jul 26, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful likes this.
    4. Juliane
      I cant do this. There is no pattern or logic to this. My life is worthless. I have nothing to look forward to. I am done.
      1. MindOverMatter
        @Juliane Yes, you can do this. Although there often isn't any logic of pattern to t/h, there is great chance of you feeling better down the road. Acceptance comes with time when your brain is able to shift focus. When this happens, t will fade more into the background. Little by little. However, it will take time and patience. You are worthy, and there is still hope.
        Jul 25, 2023
        tpj and Juliane like this.
      2. Ngo13
        Better days will be ahead.
        Jul 25, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    5. Juliane
      WHY did my tinnitus develop from high frequent squeal in my right ear to adding a humming sound sounding like it is more in the head???
      1. tpj likes this.
      2. tpj
        Because tinnitus is a vile creature that does whatever the hell it wants. Sorry l couldn't be more helpful.
        Jul 23, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        Mine can change location and tune depending on the day. Typically it goes back after a day or 2. I hope yours does.
        Jul 24, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    6. Juliane
      Another day of dealing with this. Not feeling it. I have always been a planner, an organizer. With T it's always one day at a time. Sucks.
      1. ECP likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        It does. =(
        Jul 24, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    7. Juliane
      Having a friend over tonight. It is Friday night. Should I open that bottle of wine when it might spike my tinnitus? We need to live too
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AfroSnowman
        OMG yes!
        Jul 21, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        @Juliane Enjoy life a little. I'm sure a spike might happen but I don't see anything being permanent.
        Jul 22, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Juliane
        Thanks guys for all your comments and good advice! I did decide to have some wine with my friend as living too restricted gets you down too!
        Jul 22, 2023
        ECP likes this.
    8. Juliane
      Everything I have worked so hard for was a waste of time. My life is a cruel joke. I cannot go on. What is the point?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. twa
        Hey Juliane, have you been dealing with T/H very long?
        Jul 19, 2023
      3. Juliane
        @twa Yes for twenty tears! However I now consider my prior tinnitus mild. It worsened in January 2023 and I am really struggling....
        Jul 21, 2023
      4. Juliane
        @Mo8409 I guess you are right... But to be worth it life also needs to be joyful... would you not say?
        Jul 21, 2023
    9. Juliane
      I cannot live like this. This is too much. Had I known my life would turn out like this I would have thought it was a bad joke. I am done.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        ;( ugh. We're gonna get through this!
        Jul 19, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      2. Juliane
        @SarahMLFlemmer I so hope that 6-12 months from now we can both look back at this period of our lives with T as something that is behind us and no longer important....
        Jul 21, 2023
    10. brixenbrixen
      Hei Juliane - where are you based? Germany?
    11. Juliane
      Horrible night with very little sleep. I should not be drinking coffee but without it I am not gonna make it through the day... :-(
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        Green tea might work as well. I love my coffee though. Hope things get better
        Jul 18, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      2. Juliane
        Love my Coffee too!
        Jul 18, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful likes this.
    12. Juliane
      Watched a music documentary on low volume and even so my tinnitus started spiking and coming up with new sounds. What's happening to me??
    13. Juliane
      Am I the only one who can't stand when people complain about non-issues? T does that to me. I have less patience with first world problems..
      1. GG_Ear, sakrt, Ryan Scott and 3 others like this.
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      3. Juliane
        @Leila I understand. I also care much less about what people think about me being weird. E.g. when I refuse to enter noisy cafés etc. I don't even want to explain myself. I am the one with a health problem so I call the shots. Is how I see it. :-))
        Jul 14, 2023
        GG_Ear, sakrt and Leila like this.
      4. Tryn2BHopeful
        Its all relative I suppose, but things that seemed to matter before seem more trivial now.
        Jul 14, 2023
      5. gameover
        Right on.
        Jul 15, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    14. Juliane
      Does working have a positive impact on your tinnitus or do you feel better when not working?
      1. Joe Cuber likes this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Working keeps my mind busy, so I tend to think about it less.
        Jul 13, 2023
      3. Juliane
        That makes sense :-)
        Jul 13, 2023
        gameover and Joe Cuber like this.
      4. brixenbrixen
        Working distracts me
        Jul 13, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer, Joe Cuber and Juliane like this.
    15. Juliane
      Being angry and resentful doesn't help
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. Strawberryblonde
        It really doesn't. What has happened has happened. Took me so long to get over my resentment. You'll get there.
        Jul 12, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful and Juliane like this.
    16. Juliane
      My depression feels like a black hole of pain. I can't take it anymore. I know other people have it worse. But I am not strong enough.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Right there with you.
        Jul 12, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      2. Juliane
        @Joe Cuber Thanks for asking. I am indeed seeing a therapist but she suggests I start taking ADs because I am so depressed and I am not ready to take that risk.... so I feel stuck.
        Jul 12, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      3. Juliane
        Jul 12, 2023
    17. Going Nuts
      Going Nuts
      They did put me on Ativan but I only use them when I have a panic/anxiety attacks and I usually just throw a few under my tongue and let them dissolve and it usually does the trick. I haven't had any problems with the Ativan affecting my T in a negative way. Hope this helps...might not be for you.
      1. Juliane likes this.
    18. Going Nuts
      Going Nuts
      My doctor tried to medicate me with Duloxetine but I refused when they said it changed my brain chemistry. I went to see them about a year ago because the T caught up with me and I was having panic attacks and hyperventilating and just wanted it away from me(as we all do).
      1. Juliane likes this.
    19. Going Nuts
      Going Nuts
      As bad as I hate to Welcome you here I guess your like the rest of us and are desperate to find relief...That being said, Hi, and Welcome to the house of pain. I too am having a bad day (when I dwell on the T) and my mind over matter isn't working today(MOM= mind over matter...if you don't mind it don't matter...LOL). i couldnt post my whole message about the medication thing. Will follow up
      1. Mo8409 and Juliane like this.
      2. Juliane
        Thank you for the welcome. Much appreciated.
        Jul 11, 2023
    20. Juliane
      Do all of us T sufferers share some kind of cosmic bond or is everything in this world random, meaningless coincidences? Bad day today
      1. brixenbrixen, ECP, PennyCat and 2 others like this.
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      3. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        I do, have been working remote since my onset. But they want me to go back in the office soon, so I am currently looking for a new job working remote. The long drives to the office and all the unknowns are just too much for me. Will you be in office or remote?
        Jul 10, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Juliane
        @Ryan Scott I know exactly what you mean. I have been allowed to start the new job working remotely "for now". Like you, I cannot bear going to the office, so I need to find a way to make the remote option permanent. Or find another job that allows it. It just sucks so much having to deal with this on top of everything. I hope you find your remote dream job :-)
        Jul 11, 2023
        Ryan Scott likes this.
      5. Juliane
        Jul 11, 2023
        Armin and Joe Cuber like this.
    21. Juliane
      Need a walk but get exhausted by the thought of busy noisy streets and ear plugs :-( Should however get some exercise
      1. brixenbrixen and Joe Cuber like this.
      2. kingsfan
        You have any hiking trails near you?
        Jul 11, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Juliane
        @kingsfan Not really. But there is a forest nearby I sometimes go to. Might try that again.
        Jul 11, 2023
      4. kingsfan
        I enjoy hiking, especially in the early morning when no other humans are on the trail.. just me and the mountain lions. I get the opportunity to take out my earplugs and enjoy the world as intended.
        Jul 11, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    22. Juliane
      Having a very rough day. Trapped with T for life and feel like all purpose has left me and my spirit is broken :-(
      1. brixenbrixen, tpj, PennyCat and 4 others like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        I understand. Keep holding on. People do get better!
        Jul 6, 2023
        Ngo13, Strawberryblonde and Juliane like this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        This shit really tests you. Mild tinnitus is a breeze compared! Maybe you'll heal one day again, who knows :)
        Jul 7, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer, Juliane and Joe Cuber like this.
      4. Juliane
        Jul 8, 2023
        Joe Cuber and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    23. Juliane
      Trying to stay off coffee which is tough when you love those beans! Anyone has experience with decaf and T? Good? Bad? Meh?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. Bob3382
        I slowly weaned myself off caffeine over 3 months. I was drinking 2 cups a day now I am down to a half cup of tea. (About 1/8 the caffeine)
        Aug 15, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Bob3382
        Aug 15, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      5. RunningMan
        Right, as I said much earlier, the amount of caffeine in decaf is small enough it has not been an issue for me. That's what I drink the vast majority of the time, but I was drinking multiple cups of regular coffee every morning over a year ago, and I noticed no change in T. I can't stand Mt. Dew - won't drink that stuff. lol
        Aug 15, 2024
        Juliane and Bob3382 like this.
    24. Juliane
      Having a bad day following a very bad night with intrusive loud T. Wonder how long I can continue when life seems pointless....
      1. PennyCat, tpj and Strawberryblonde like this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Just hope for better days!
        Jul 4, 2023
      3. Mo8409
        Are you new? I'm told the first year is the hardest. I still struggle 3 months in but not as bad as the 1st month. Someone just told me a great quote "don't look for the silence, look for the happiness."
        Jul 5, 2023
        Juliane and Tryn2BHopeful like this.
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        Jul 5, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    25. Juliane
      Zopiclone helped me sleep in the beginning of my tinnitus worsening, but now I worry it actually made it even worse :-( Feeling regretful.
      1. SilverFox and RunningMan like this.
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      3. Tryn2BHopeful
        7.5mg mirtazapine here... I wouldn't call it a perfect solution but I'm not sure what is.
        Jul 4, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        Thanks. I do remember at least one post where someone was stating zolpidem increased their tinnitus. Perhaps I would have an issue at a higher dose, like if I took 10 mg regularly, but I'm trying to keep it minimized to reduce tolerance and so my Dr. will keep authorizing refills. It's helping, but I'm still lacking sleep.
        Jul 4, 2023
      5. Lurius
        A side effect of these kind of sleeping drugs is pretty severe anxiety - it doesn't occur in everyone and it can vary how bad it gets to you but it really got to me. When taking Zopiclone, think very short term windows of time. I use it only in the absolute worst emergencies, like if I went 7 days in a row without sleeping or something like that.
        Jul 4, 2023
        Juliane and SilverFox like this.
    26. Juliane
      T since 2003, was managing fine (as in not even thinking about having T) and then all changed in January 2023 after new acoustic trauma :-(
      1. aab, tracyNYC, Ngo13 and 1 other person like this.
      2. Keith Handy
        Keith Handy
        Seek out stories from people who had acoustic trauma and took a few years to recover. Those helped me tremendously. In the worst period I just laid on my side watching videos on mute. I called it "equilibrium" because it was the most bearable time. It was worse than any other health condition I've had because no one understood what I was going through.
        Oct 31, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Juliane
        @Keith Handy Thanks a lot for the encouragement. That gives me a bit of hope. How long have you struggled and how are you today?
        Oct 31, 2023
        Keith Handy likes this.
      4. Keith Handy
        Keith Handy
        Three years and much better. I'll write an official three year update post in a couple weeks.
        Nov 9, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
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  • About

    February 28
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise /acoustic trauma
    Tinnitus and hearing loss. New damage made my "old" T so much worse. Life is forever changed. I am still struggling with the trauma of it all. I have become indifferent to so many things. And for that I feel guilty. I don't see a possible happy future anymore. I am sorry.