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  • Friends meeting up spontaneously and asked if I wanted to join. Of course I do but can't due to stupid damaged ears. Now at home crying
    You can still do these things. Sometimes you've just gotta change the way you do it. Wear earplugs or go to a quiet place perhaps? :)
    So sorry to hear. Ear plugs are only option.
    Went swimming in the ocean today. Almost felt like a normal person for 20-25 minutes
    Yeah, those moments are nice. I can go out walking, running, biking and almost feel normal. Except, I'm wearing earplugs when biking, which I never used to do until last summer and have to be careful about mowers and loud vehicles when walking/running.
    Ocean is very healing. Our inner ear and brain anatomy sure looks like we evolved from that wondrous blue world.
    Feel I should isolate for the sake of T but isolation makes me depressed. Catch 22
    Agree. I my case, each is different, I don't think my T will get better anyway. I wish I was in a position to isolate and improve. You might be in a better position so think of the end goal.
    Crazy, ain't it?
    Isolation drove me nutty. Had to have some semblance of my old life back. I just do things I used to do in protection if it's overly loud or avoid them if don't have plugs.
    I am not going to accept any more BS from doctors saying T is not a disease. It sure is! And one of the worst you can get imo
    Broke down in tears again today. Crying seems to be the only thing that makes sense
    Crying really is the body's natural "reset"
    I feel you. I agree with kingsfan.
    Crying releases so much built up tension. I almost feel normal and back to normality when I've finished, lighter almost. Cry away @Juliane
    I don't believe in coincidences, so I know there must be a reason why we're in this together.
    Nah. I was wondering about that but I think this is just shit luck and/or ignorance. Universe is chaotic, no God at least not one like we were told.
    My experience with tinnitus has led me to the belief that there is no deeper meaning behind it, no plan, just a banal experience of pain. It is boring.
    Yeah, people come with their various explanations. It is BS, but hey if it helps one cope, why not?
    No H at all for you? Then I would say try everything to calm down and wait it out. Not saying bad T is nothing, but believe me, without H there is way more hope.
    Back to despair. This is not getting better. I just can't live like this. It's a fucking joke
    If I had been born with this noise in my head would it bother me less? Or is that just something we like to imagine?
    Maybe not born with it, but I've had it since I was a little kid. But I didn't know anything was wrong until I realized in my 50's that I have Tinnitus. Now, of course, I hear it 24x7
    Called the doctor to ask about zopiclone and tinnitus, and she suggested I'd instead drink a beer with a paracetamol before bedtime!
    @tpj How do you manage sleep?
    @Juliane I'm relieved you got some sleep and without taking anything. I usually can sleep but it's always broken. A lot of sleep, wake up, repeat. I'm used to it. When I can't sleep, I take Xanax or doxylamine.
    @tpj Thank you for your kind words. I am glad to hear you are able to sleep but broken sleep is no picnic. It's very exhausting. And I understand why you take meds when not sleeping as we need to sleep to be able to function.
    2/2 taking one zopiclone is? Could one pill after two months absence do any harm to my brain chemistry and tinnitus? Thanks a lot!
    @kingsfan Thanks! Yes I did take them before and they did indeed quiet my tinnitus. But it later of course came back and, I felt, worse. I thought it was due to GABA downregulation... That's why I am really cautious with all meds
    Not sure if melatonin is causing nightmares. I stopped taking melatonin.
    1/ 2 Dear TT peeps. I would appreciate your support! I am a nervous wreck due to not having slept well for days. How risky would you say
    Ryan Scott
    Don't feel bad I have gone days without sleept multiple times, definitely not the best thing to do but else can you do lol. I still don't sleep the best. Sleep for an hour wake up for 1 repeat.
    @ryanscott Not sleeping is torture:-( Do you take anything to help you sleep or just power through?
    L along the way
    I have had massive sleep issues for the past couple of years.. now I´m using benzos for it.. and it does help me. I´m choosing benzos now over having sleep difficulties.. maybe in the future if t get´s a bit better, I´m also more able to sleep without it again..
    Today needs to be endured and done with. When night time and torture comes around again I might take a sleeping pill. What else can I do?
    Another night of absolutely no sleep. Tinnitus crazy loud. I don't want to live anymore
    I might give in and take a zopiclone. I am so so scared
    I've been taking a different Z drug, zolpidem, for over 18 months. It doesn't affect my tinnitus or morning anxiety, but it helps me get back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. I take a low dose, so I don't normally sleep that much longer.
    @Juliane Makes my tinnitus more bearable. If I took enough it would make me sleep.
    I hope and pray my boyfriend will find happiness without me. He deserves it. I love him so much. But I am not destined to stay around long
    I could have healed naturally without drugs and I ruined that
    @Mo8409 I so wish I could believe you...
    @gameover I understand. Did you never take any drugs at all?
    Never ever any ADs in my life. Some antibiotics of course here and there, especially for Lyme twice in my life (like 10 and 18 years ago). Nothing else. I was hardly ever sick. Except Lyme, Meningitis in childhood and some usual child stuff, but not whole lot.
    I am sure that if I had just waited it out, not panicking and taking sleeping pills, I would not have been in this suicidal state today.
    My heart goes out to you. Please have strength. You can do it with time. You are so smart and so kind. Find a way to forgive yourself for any decisions you made in the past that did not work out. You always had your best interest at heart. I feel the same. One day at a time until things get better.
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