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  • Had a few decent nights in a row and now a horrible one again. T lets you think things are improving just to crush you again. The fun!
    This is exactly how it is for me too. Sorry you are going through this.
    @cjbhab Thank you! This condition really pushes us to the edge.... :-( Sorry you are struggling too.
    I have always been an anxious person, but T sends me into fullblown paranoia. It's the loss of coping strategies
    I also have generalized anxiety as well. I get it. Finally accepting t as an annoyance not a threat is what gradually stopped the fight or flight symptoms. I've been on the endurance wagon since.
    I know. ❤️ Hang in there!
    One day my log will have something to say about all this.
    I like your reference to The Log Lady from "Twin Peaks." : ) Also, I've been to Snoqualmie, Washington, where they filmed the show, and I can vouch for how quiet and peaceful it is.
    @ECP Sounds amazing. Would love to go there myself :-)
    Was considering trying milk thistle to detox, then found TT post saying it made T worse. Thank God for this life saver community!
    @Juliane Thank you once again for your kind words. How are you doing day to day? Were you able to continue at the new job? Sleep? It sounds like you were able to secure a new job while suffering from T. That's something you should be proud of.. not easy. So much kindness in your posts. I regret that I think I became a little sour :) If you can believe it, I once was the opposite.lol- We will get back one day.
    @4Grace Thank you too for your kindness! I have had two nights of decent sleep which felt like a miracle. But last night was horrible again. Yesterday was a stressful day so might be a connection there. I am just so tired of how life has become. As for my new job I am trying to hang on but must admit that it's very challenging
    So much kindness in your posts too! Hope you find relief now and then? Was so happy to read that you are sleeping again
    God please help me sleep. I am putting my faith in you.
    @Juliane I am not sure why I have never seen your question. Sorry! Yes. I took that for 4 days. It did not help with me with sleep and it really aggregated my tinnitus. I think I am a unique case. I tried 3 sleep meds and nothing worked. I had insomnia for 5 months. The only thing that worked for me was Mirtazapine. It's used off label for sleep.
    @Juliane - I believe it is the most prescribed AD for patients with Tinnitus. As you may already know most meds are not good for tinnitus. I spoke with the president of Tinnitus Canada and a doctor from the leading organization for tinnitus in the US a few months ago. Organization in Canada is fairly inactive.
    The organization in Canada advised me to take Mirt. 2 doctors also prescribed me the same. If nothing else works and you are stuck between a rock and a hard place I think this med is your best bet. As always ask your doctor. The lower the dose the better for sleep. I took it for 6 weeks. This included me getting on it and tapering off slowly.
    I should have told them I loved them every day instead of being proud. I have always been alone. I am doomed. Help me please, I am breaking
    You are not alone. Stay strong. I should follow my own advice. Therefore I know it's not easy. I am praying for you now. I wish I could do more for the people on here. We are here for you.
    We are here for you!
    I love my family so much. I am so so sad. I have wasted my life being proud and ignorant of what matters. Forgive me. Please
    I am so so sorry for everything I've done wrong in this life. I could have done better. I know I am a bad person. I am so sorry
    You do not sound like a bad person at all. I feel the exact same way. At one time it consumed me. Every sin no matter how small came back to haunt me big time. All of them. Even the ones from many years ago. I am talking mostly about when I was not kind to people. Even though I thought of myself as a good person.
    If it makes you feel any better, there's no plan, everything that happens to people is random, it doesn't matter if they are good or bad.
    I know I have done bad things in my life. I have hurt people who loved me. I have been unkind, had unkind thoughts. Am I being punished?
    My tinnitus has only increased after starting my new job. I am thinking of quitting. Could it be stress driving it?
    Stress is not good for T but so are many other things . I am not sure of your financial situation or if it's loud where you work. What I can say for sure is that work is a great distraction. I stay home now and going a little stir crazy. If you can keep the job I would stay busy. It will help with the stress better then staying at home,
    Thanks both. Working from home and I do feel the distraction is nice but why then is the T getting worse?
    @Juliane I know. It seems no matter what I do mine gets worse. This is the hardest part. I think stable tinnitus can be a little easier. I hope things improve for you.
    If not for Tinnitus Talk I would have been so depressed. I still am, but TT makes me feel less alone. SO glad I found all of you!!
    I feel the same way. My family says why are you on that forum all the time. I tell them they are the only people that understand me… and they are all so kind!
    Because of T, I have no defense against old trauma left. Sorrow and pain overwhelm me at the moment. Anyone else feel this way?
    4/4 highest peak. I want to make heroes of those who honor their limitations. Be a new, quieter kind of hero. Leyla Ailyn.
    3/4 speed. I want to make heroes of those who slow down and sit with the ache in their hearts. A task many find harder than summiting the
    2/4 your body said "enough". How bold, how rebellious - you, out there - honoring your own natural rhythm, going against the culture's
    1/4 How brave you are for slowing down. For not finishing that to-do list. How courageous you are for not crossing that finish line because
    When I was young I had a feeling nothing really bad could ever happen to me. Perhaps a belief in God? Now I feel cursed by dark forces.
    Have you managed to get any sleep?
    @SilverFox I managed to get some hours of coherent sleep this night, which is all I am hoping for. Thanks for asking.

    Have you been able to sleep some? I think we are in the same boat as we both prefer staying away from sleeping medication. If it continues to be bad, I might have to take a pill but as you I really prefer not to. But sleep deprivation makes T so much worse.
    @Juliane Thank you. I slept for about two hours. Previously it was somewhat better on most nights, but this week my T changed somehow and is even more bothersome.
    @SilverFox So sorry! I think I got 2 hours max this night as well. Still working today but feel I am about to go mad.
    @Juliane my God we are all in the same place. I hear your cry for help. All I can say is you ARE NOT alone. You are such a kind person. I am sending a virtual hug.
    One day at a time. One breath at a time. One step at a time.
    @4Grace Thank you so much. You are too kind.
    This is no way to live. I wanted to try and get through without sleeping pills, but not sleeping is making me severely suicidal
    What natural supplements have you tried so far? Maybe I can suggest something
    Thank you, you are so kind. Magnesium and chamomile only
    Scared I messed up my GABA regulation by zopiclone use in spring and drinks during summer... All is lost
    @Juliane Have you taken any of your zoplicone (is that the right med?)? If it helps your tinnitus, it might be good for you to take a little break and decompress.
    @Juliane I have not noticed any effect on my T based on zolpidem, CBD, THC, or anything I've consumed ( haven't had alcohol). It just seems to have its own variable cycle for sounds, although exercise ramps it up for a while.
    @kingsfan Actually no. I am trying to power through without meds as I am scared of messing up my GABA further. Which means I'm not sleeping..
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