Recent content by Kazue

  1. Kazue

    When Did Your Anxiety and Panic Attacks Stop?

    When I stopped worrying about worrying. I keep myself busy to the point where I temporarily forget about the ringing in my ears. I picked up creative writing as a hobby. It’s a very quiet hobby so it forces me to reflect on my tinnitus, but in a good way. I try not to think about panic attacks...
  2. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Trust me. I thought the same. Firstly, change your mindset. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I can get over this. I may not be the same but I will adapt.” Everyone is not the same. It seems like your case is different from mine. Mine is from hearing loss. The surgery probably made yours...
  3. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Yes it did. I had very high pitched reactive tinnotus at first. Then it got lower and slightly lower pitched. It isn’t very reactive anymore. Then I got used to the sound. It’s all a process.
  4. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    It sounds like a seashell put up to your ear but way higher.
  5. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Hello, I was extremely active here years ago (2 years to be exact). I just want to let you know it gets better. I was in a dark place of my life when I got tinnitus. It was funny because I was trying to eat healthier and learn Japanese and here comes tinnitus to ruin my life. I went through...
  6. Kazue

    Boat Horn Near My Ear

    I was enjoying my time outside while riding my bike and a boat was behind me. While they were taking off, they decided to be a butthole and blow the horn right near me. I was literally a few meters away from it. It didn't affect me or my tinnitus at first but now I'm feeling stuffiness. It...
  7. Kazue

    Tinnitus and Hyperacusis After Explosion Nearby My Ears

    You should ask for steroids to reduce inflammation.
  8. Kazue

    May You Help Me to Go on with My Life?

    Hey there, welcome. I just wanted to say I went to ENT (ear nose and throat Doctor) and as soon as I came in, they told me I have to live with it. It's not the lack of money, it's the lack of information on how to fix T. I just naturally got used to it. After weeks of crying and hating my life...
  9. Kazue

    First Cold Since Tinnitus

    I just got a cold after going to the ENT, ironically. I need some help on what to do to ensure my T doesn't get worse. It's not that bad right now. I don't want to blow my nose too hard and push mucus into my ear. I hope my ear drums don't burst...what precautions should I take?
  10. Kazue

    Tinnitus from Ibuprofen?

    Yup, same thing happened to me. I took the maximum limit in a day (6 pills) and I got tinnitus. Almost 4 months strong. Still got this bubbling sound in my ear but it has lowered slightly with the help of Medrol.
  11. Kazue

    Hello — 5th Week

    Since it's not due to noise it will probably not go away COMPLETELY but will be a low hiss. I know anti histamines are good for clearing up fluid everywhere. Don't take anymore antibiotics if it didn't help. Those will make you depressed and make your biome all out of normal. Maybe you should...
  12. Kazue

    Is Tympanometry Safe?

    The test was hella loud to me. It made me cringe every time it made a beep. I didn't have any hearing damage but be careful.
  13. Kazue

    Tympanometry Damaged Good Ear?

    Nope. This is to check and see how much fluid is behind the eardrum. The ear piece seals the ear off and blows pressure at the eardrum. If the eardrum vibrates then it's not a lot of fluid in it. If the eardrum does not vibrate then there is some fluid. Just a test to do process of elimination.
  14. Kazue

    Hello All, Tinnitus, No Hearing Loss, Figuring It Out

    I heard of women having T after giving birth. That could be the possible reason. All the colds could be the culprit. The stress can be too. You should try counseling to ease the stress a little. Not because you need help with your anxiety, but just to have someone to talk to. It's hard raising...
  15. Kazue

    Feeling of Fluid in Ear

    Yes, every sound was painful. The sound of running water made my ears whistle and hurt. The sound of my teacher's voice hurts. The worst sound ever was the sound of bad brakes trying to stop. My T always raged but it settled down after the noise stopped. However this was temporarily and went...