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  • Users: Kazue
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  1. Kazue

    When Did Your Anxiety and Panic Attacks Stop?

    When I stopped worrying about worrying. I keep myself busy to the point where I temporarily forget about the ringing in my ears. I picked up creative writing as a hobby. It’s a very quiet hobby so it forces me to reflect on my tinnitus, but in a good way. I try not to think about panic attacks...
  2. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Trust me. I thought the same. Firstly, change your mindset. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I can get over this. I may not be the same but I will adapt.” Everyone is not the same. It seems like your case is different from mine. Mine is from hearing loss. The surgery probably made yours...
  3. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Yes it did. I had very high pitched reactive tinnotus at first. Then it got lower and slightly lower pitched. It isn’t very reactive anymore. Then I got used to the sound. It’s all a process.
  4. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    It sounds like a seashell put up to your ear but way higher.
  5. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Hello, I was extremely active here years ago (2 years to be exact). I just want to let you know it gets better. I was in a dark place of my life when I got tinnitus. It was funny because I was trying to eat healthier and learn Japanese and here comes tinnitus to ruin my life. I went through...
  6. Kazue

    Boat Horn Near My Ear

    I was enjoying my time outside while riding my bike and a boat was behind me. While they were taking off, they decided to be a butthole and blow the horn right near me. I was literally a few meters away from it. It didn't affect me or my tinnitus at first but now I'm feeling stuffiness. It...
  7. Kazue

    Tinnitus and Hyperacusis After Explosion Nearby My Ears

    You should ask for steroids to reduce inflammation.
  8. Kazue

    May You Help Me to Go on with My Life?

    Hey there, welcome. I just wanted to say I went to ENT (ear nose and throat Doctor) and as soon as I came in, they told me I have to live with it. It's not the lack of money, it's the lack of information on how to fix T. I just naturally got used to it. After weeks of crying and hating my life...
  9. Kazue

    First Cold Since Tinnitus

    I just got a cold after going to the ENT, ironically. I need some help on what to do to ensure my T doesn't get worse. It's not that bad right now. I don't want to blow my nose too hard and push mucus into my ear. I hope my ear drums don't burst...what precautions should I take?
  10. Kazue

    Tinnitus from Ibuprofen?

    Yup, same thing happened to me. I took the maximum limit in a day (6 pills) and I got tinnitus. Almost 4 months strong. Still got this bubbling sound in my ear but it has lowered slightly with the help of Medrol.
  11. Kazue

    Hello — 5th Week

    Since it's not due to noise it will probably not go away COMPLETELY but will be a low hiss. I know anti histamines are good for clearing up fluid everywhere. Don't take anymore antibiotics if it didn't help. Those will make you depressed and make your biome all out of normal. Maybe you should...
  12. Kazue

    Is Tympanometry Safe?

    The test was hella loud to me. It made me cringe every time it made a beep. I didn't have any hearing damage but be careful.
  13. Kazue

    Tympanometry Damaged Good Ear?

    Nope. This is to check and see how much fluid is behind the eardrum. The ear piece seals the ear off and blows pressure at the eardrum. If the eardrum vibrates then it's not a lot of fluid in it. If the eardrum does not vibrate then there is some fluid. Just a test to do process of elimination.
  14. Kazue

    Hello All, Tinnitus, No Hearing Loss, Figuring It Out

    I heard of women having T after giving birth. That could be the possible reason. All the colds could be the culprit. The stress can be too. You should try counseling to ease the stress a little. Not because you need help with your anxiety, but just to have someone to talk to. It's hard raising...
  15. Kazue

    Feeling of Fluid in Ear

    Yes, every sound was painful. The sound of running water made my ears whistle and hurt. The sound of my teacher's voice hurts. The worst sound ever was the sound of bad brakes trying to stop. My T always raged but it settled down after the noise stopped. However this was temporarily and went...
  16. Kazue

    Is Age-Related Hearing Loss (Losing Uppermost 20 kHz and Going Downward) Preventable?

    Nope. It's not possible to stop this unless you've been wearing ear protection since birth. Aging naturally occurred so you will lose some of your hearing regardless. An healthy lifestyle could help prevent it but not stop it.
  17. Kazue

    Feeling of Fluid in Ear

    It's how your body reacts to the decreased sound threshold...your tolerance to sound probably has decreased. This sensation died down after a month for me. My ears felt full of fluid, every noise hurts, and I could barely hear myself talk. Or you might just have A upcoming cold or allergies. Try...
  18. Kazue

    Loud Gig Induced Tinnitus as of 07/2016

    I am 15 years old with T. I've been listening to music since I was 8. I was pretty careless back then. Stupid enough to put my ear next to a subwoofer. Never got ringing from loud music so I didn't learn my lesson. Always played my music loudly. I listened to music for longer than advised. Music...
  19. Kazue

    Should I Mention Tinnitus to New Employer?

    I wouldn't tell my manager that I have T unless they were an older person. If you tell them you have T, that means more days off, not being productive, etc. That is very bad for a company so they'll end up giving you the boot. Which is completely understandable.
  20. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    I don't share personal things, just not my thing. Doesn't matter if it's just me and the therapist.
  21. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    @Michael Leigh Thank you for that information. It will definitely come in handy if I happen to go back to therapy.
  22. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    Hehe. I would say I have minor depression. I no longer find things I used to do enjoyable. Would doesn't like sleep? Welp, I did at a certain point in time. Now when I wake up, I don't feel refreshed or energetic. It feels like the repeating over the same thing since I have the same schedule...
  23. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    Isn't that rude though? I'll just cancel the sessions and won't tell her the reason why. Don't want her to feel like she has failed as a therapist.
  24. Kazue

    Increased Pulsatile Tinnitus Due to Virus?

    You: Says no offense but continues to insult people. Have some respect. You are being rude and disrespectful.
  25. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    I recently went to a therapist a few weeks ago. She's a nice lady who also has tinnitus. I think she does her job well. However, I do not feel comfortable with her. I do not like talking about my feelings/life towards people I do not know. It's even more embarrassing when my mom is in the room...
  26. Kazue

    High-Pitched Pulsing. Scared.

    Yeah it happens to some people. It's okay, go out and enjoy life. The spike will soon settle and you'll be fine. Just let the alcohol exit your system.
  27. Kazue

    It's Not Anxiety Doctors

    Yes it is. I spent $100 to go to the emergency and all they tell me is that it's anxiety. What kind of bs. My heart already beats fast so coffee just makes it even worse. I do not have anxiety and my therapist even thinks so. She asked why I was even there. I'm a firm believer of anti vaccines...
  28. Kazue

    Mild Tinnitus. Temporary or Permanent?

    Sorry to tell ya but it will most likely be permanent. Noise damage is cumulative and all it takes is one gig. Lay off the headphones for a few months to give your ears a chance to heal. Stock up on your vitamins and minerals as well. Invest in a good pair of earplugs to protect your ears.
  29. Kazue

    It's Not Anxiety Doctors

    Sigh. I'm tired of doctors telling me I have anxiety. Why am I diagnosed with a condition that's so serious. So, just some background information. I've been back and forth between the hospital and urgent care. My heart pounds very loud and fast. My throat tightens up because it's not...
  30. Kazue

    Finally Found the Cure (Don't Waste Your Life Wishing for the Tinnitus to Go Away)

    Thank you. I am a young woman by the way.
  31. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    @MikeL1972 Thank you for you kind words of wisdom. I do look on the bright side. There's this guy I know who is wheel chair bound but still works a movie theater. He's alive and happy. I know I shouldn't complain. There are people who have it way worse. There are people who have T and live...
  32. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    I know. I'm pretty much used to my T. It doesn't affect me anymore. I'm living life too but I'm stick of crippling anxiety coming over me.
  33. Kazue

    Do You Know the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    I personally have experienced phantom noises where my T went away temporarily but my brain kept hearing it. I thought I was going crazy and maybe I didn't have T. Maybe it was just my brain creating phantom noises because it's used to hearing the crickets all day. Eventually it went away and my...
  34. Kazue

    Do You Know the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    I have no idea. But I heard of this causing T multiple times.
  35. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    @Michael B @Candy Yes, I just went to my first therapy session. And the lady I barely knew confessed she had T since birth. I cried in front of her and my mom and felt like crap.
  36. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    I'll try to stay positive you guys. I just have to find another hobby. When I feel my tears welling up, I think about my favorite guy from a boy band. Then I realize it's from a band and I can't listen to music since I have T. Then that makes me even more sad and my eyes tears up more. Then my...
  37. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    @Mario martz Dammit, I'm crying as I write this. Ya know, I know to think in the bright side. How some people have way worse than me and can barely do everyday things. But that just makes me feel worthless because I'm sitting over here crying about the curveballs life throws at me. Why am I...
  38. Kazue

    Searching for the Cause

    I think the guitar amp and the stress was the last straw for ya. I think you should check out the Hyperbaric oxygen chamber to get oxygen to your ears. You are still in your early stages.
  39. Kazue

    Do You Know the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    Just have to do process of elimination and find out what you've been doing for the past months that could cause tinnitus. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that can cause T, from earwax to pleasuring yourself....Maybe the earwax is on the eardrum, causing a noise. Maybe your brain is...
  40. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    So I have been crying way too much for these past 3 months. Its annoying but I cant help it. I never used to cry when I was younger, never. Now I cry just watching a sad movie. I cry when someone is talking to me. Wth is going on? How do I stop crying. I just want to shut my tear ducts off...
  41. Kazue

    How to Come to Terms with Going Deaf at 20?

    If it makes you feel better, I'm the 15 year old you. I am 15 years old right at time moment. Sucks that I have T at a young age but I basically begged for it. I put my ear near a subwoofer once. Stupid and ignorant. I occasionally listen to music in headphones and I still go to noisy places. My...
  42. Kazue

    Is It Safe to Make Music with Tinnitus / Hyperacusis?

    Wearing earplugs all the time definitely does make your ears sensitive to sound. This actually adds more damage to your hearing hairs because they're on high alert, looking for a source of sound. Please only wear them in social events or places where you have to raise your voice. Go with your...
  43. Kazue

    Overwhelmed! Little Sleep. Not Coping.

    I used to be the same way. A worry wart. I worry about worry too much. Then about having an anxiety attack in public. I know I'm worrying too much when my breath starts quickening and my throat starts to become tight. Just take it slow. Fix one problem at a time. Have a 30 min-1 hour wind down...
  44. Kazue

    Any High Frequency Hearing Test Near Me (Midwest, USA)?

    Well most of the time it is. Of course, some people have conditions where they lose their hearing within a small period of time. Having >8 kHz and above loss is due to noise exposure, most of the time, as we age. It's definitely enough to cause T.
  45. Kazue

    Any High Frequency Hearing Test Near Me (Midwest, USA)?

    Yo yo GUTEN TAG MEINE FREUNDS..??? Not sure if I spelt that right, haven't studied German in years. Anyways, for my American friends, where did you get your high frequency test done at? I've been searching up and down for one and I can't find it. I want to see if I have any damage in the high...
  46. Kazue

    Is Audiogram Worth It?

    @lari I got mine done at a major hospitals in my area. Of course you can go to a clinic or something for yours. However it might not be covered by insurance if you live in 'murica.
  47. Kazue

    My Story — Tinnitus from Electronic Music

    Yes but it works if you have noise induced trauma to your ears recently. I haven't go sick yet. The only bad thing about it is I had to take 6 pills in one day and they taste horrible. Be careful with those drugs. They are very addictive. Of course it's good to take some every once in a while...
  48. Kazue

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    You can't use the earplugs specially designed for airplanes?
  49. Kazue

    Is There a Relation Between Floaters and Tinnitus?

    Floaters are related to anxiety. Your brain usually ignores floaters but when you're anxious,it notices them. They've been there all your life. Sometimes you just notice them.
  50. Kazue

    The Vent Thread

    Just want to bring this thread back...
  51. Kazue

    My Story — Tinnitus from Electronic Music

    Prednisone is a steroid that reduces inflammation by suppressing your immune system. Some pretty dangerous stuff but it works fine. Just don't take it long term. Wish I was one of those teenagers. I would have listened. I'm only 15 with T...:)
  52. Kazue

    How's Life?

    Pretty sure he's a guy but if that floats your boat hehe. XD
  53. Kazue

    Got Captured in Hospital

    All these pages of support. Shows how influential you are to the TT community. We love you and hope for the best for you. I hope you are doing well.
  54. Kazue

    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    Tinnitus spikes because it doesn't like whatever your doing. Stressing out? Your ears will ringing like hell. Haven't been sleeping lately, you ears will tell you that. If your around a loud sound, your ears will definitely tell you it doesn't like it. Think of it as a guard. It's trying to help...
  55. Kazue

    How's Life?

    Of course. Hello new friend. :beeranimation:
  56. Kazue

    How's Life?

    Hello hello. Names Kazue. My goal is to spread positivity throughout the forums. I wish to know how everyone's day was. Rant about anything and everything. Some people may have lost their loved ones and friends trying to cope with this beast in their ears. Can't even express how their day was...
  57. Kazue

    Anti-Inflammatory Induced

    I was just given Anaprox 550mg....scared to take it now.
  58. Kazue

    Anti-Inflammatories and Silence

    Medrol quiets my T to a low hiss. I can barely hear it in a quiet room. My T does get louder in silence but I can tune it out.
  59. Kazue

    Getting Worse and Worse...

    Probably your allergies. Take some antihistamine for a few days and that should clear most of it up.
  60. Kazue

    Pulsatile Tinnitus, Patulous Eustachian Tubes, Vibrations and Many Other Things...

    I think @Coyotesheaven experienced this as well. Maybe they can provide some insight. :)