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  • My tinnitus first worsened during the wildfires in 2020, and now it's been worse during the Canadian wildfires.
    Our air quality is 232! What's yours?
    @Mo8409 186, but there are no sensors where I am living now so it's just satellite interpretation. It's smokey outside, like a fog.
    I love fleeting tinnitus when all my normal tones get replaced by just one tone. Everything sounds so clear for that brief period of time.
    I would do ANYTHING for fleeting tinnitus to replace my multi-sound tinnitus.
    @kingsfan Is your T reactive? Do you have H with it?
    It's spikes easily enough but it doesn't immediately react to sound. I lost my tolerance to sound a few weeks into tinnitus but I don't think it's hyperacusis. If it is it's mild.
    I can tell my tinnitus has become louder, bc I have to turn my tv and car stereo louder than before in order to hear them over the ringning
    I am also finding I have to remove my earplugs to hear people speak now, bc I just can't hear them over my tinnitus.
    I can handle the 4khz ring blasting through my left ear and into my skull, but this new ultra high pitch squeal is destroying my psyche.
    I understand your suffering. All of my tinnitus noises are high pitch >12KHz and kill my will to live, but family keep me alive. Acceptance is the way forward for me.
    @Jammer Yea there's just no getting away from it. It just lingers over every other sound. My lower pitch ringing is extraordinarily loud, but I can manage to ignore it decently enough, but the ultra high pitch is just anxiety inducing.
    Broke down for the first time in 2 years. I've lost everything, and my tinnitus just gets worse.
    @ZFire I honestly don't have the fortitude to fill out any more applications.
    @kingsfan I know the feeling all too well. It's draining and soul crushing especially when one has tinnitus. I made a whole a thread about it
    @ZFire I'm just home sick. I've been away from the place I love for a year now. I just desperately want to get back.
    Anyone else find they need to read or even think out loud in order to interpret anything internally with tinnitus?
    @SarahMLFlemmer Oh yea me too. Dr gave me an adhd assesment last visit and promptly referred me to a psychiatrist.
    Yes, I've had brain fog ever since the acoustic injury. :( Do you think you have ADHD from this? I've been wondering if I should talk to my doctor, even though I'm scared to take meds.
    @ECP No not from this. I've found out I have probably had it my whole life. I've always had a really hard time with executive dysfunction but always thought I just didn't have the right productivity system. Well I've been through them all now. T just makes it all even harder.
    Maybe the susan shore device will get me back down to the terrible level I was 3 weeks ago. Sucks I had to worsen right before the news...
    Hang in there!
    That's where I go now. All of my doctors are at the University of Michigan. I have my neurologist appointment in July there. They are the best of the best. They go over and beyond with treatments and new treatments.
    This is the loudest it's ever been. I should not have gone out the day I got the flat tire.
    I think the flat tire situation messed me up. Life is uncontrollable like that. A pity, I was doing pretty good for a while there.
    Ryan Scott
    @kingsfan Yeah man unfortunately people don't realize how tough of a condition this truly is to live with. Not only is it 247 torture but you also can't live a normal life. Like no matter what you do it's not enough, and if you do goo much you are also screwed.
    I think men look sexy in ear defenders @kingsfan, just fyi. I'm sure all the ladies on here would agree.

    Lol, nah but seriously man, get the peltors on. I've come to realise that no one actually gives a fu*k. Most people assume I'm autistic. I just go along with it, easier to explain than the T/H
    I am wearing Peltor outside and even on Events — it is super ok that other People see that I am disabled
    Tonight I spent almost an hour on the side of loud busy highway changing a flat tire. Feeling a lot of pressure in my ears now.
    @makeyourownluck ended up okay after the flights. In the end I found that sitting on the wing was quieter during both landing and takeoff, but it could also have been the model of plane
    no pressure issues during take off and landing? I don't think my ears could handle flying yet.

    Flights are so cheap compared to other modes of travel though. It's a big pain in the a**.
    @makeyourownluck I've never had any pressure issues before nor after tinnitus. I made sure to switch out my custom plugs for foam before takeoff 1.) for the added protection 2.) To make sure my ear pressure could equalize. I tried earplanes first but they did NOT provide enough attenuation.
    I'm flying right now and it's so loud I want to cry. 95dba at takeoff and 81dba cruising. Foam plugs and Bose qc45 and I'm spiked like crazy
    Going on a 2 hour flight soon, am going to do the Mack's/x5A method. Don't trust N/C headphones unless I'm wrong?
    @Samwise_The_Loud I've found that the type of plane and where you sit are the most important factors. Next time I fly I will try the x5A's. The x4A's didn't help at all. The N/C headphones helped with the droning engine at altitude. I imagine the x5A's will be best at takeoff and landing.
    @Samwise_The_Loud I would recommend doubling up with foam earplugs. I tried the earplanes and they were not strong enough. I had no issues with pressure changes with foam, but you could always take them out after takeoff and put them in just before landing to be safe. Maybe earplanes would work better with x5A's over the x4A's though.
    My brain is frying digital bacon tonight
    It's not as good as analog bacon but bacon is bacon right?
    Thats a great first line for a sci-fi story! Hope you are okay my friend...
    Hey, are you back to work? Do you still need a work remote?
    Hangin' on by a thread ⊂(©෴©)つ
    aura's November again. The month I'm losing it. Let's do it togheter, like in good old times.
    There's nothing better than losing it together =)
    I'm so sorry to read your post. I can definitely relate. Wishing you peace & quiet. A tough spot to be in, hang in there.
    Good old left ear 4khz ring that I got from that Acoustic Reflex Test 2 years ago has been extra loud the past 4 nights. It's getting to me.
    Hey Kinfgsfan! Did the acoustic reflex occasioned hearing loss or speech deficit of some kind ? Best regards!
    Man. A year ago my tinnitus was bad but it was stable and I did what I wanted. Now every little thing makes my ears full and worsens it.
    @MaxRabbit I've eliminated most supplements at this point and only continue to take NAC and Magnesium Threonate. I really only take the Magnesium because it helps reduce my migraine frequency.

    I've been taking gabapentin, which helps, but my tolerance seems to build quickly.
    @volterra Just slow progression over the past year from a multitude of different things. Covid, noise trauma, alcohol, earplugs that didn't live up to their rating...
    I've been researching gabapentin. Decided against it I think. Good luck hope it helps.
    Hi Kingsfan, i also had (without informing) the acoustic reflex test in my right ear. After 3 tones i said Stop! I am wondering how many tones did you had? Did you had several tones on different frequencies?
    Honestly difficult to remember, but I think it was just a bunch of random sounds. Also not sure if I'm remembering correctly, but it gradually went up in volume until it was really uncomfortable. I should have tore out the earbuds immediately but I struggled through it. I was very new to tinnitus and didn't know of any boundaries to follow other than, don't go to loud bars and shows.
    Hello. Hows it going? Has you T resolved and come back? Was it the same noise each time? Seen you have few onset dates listed. Hope you are good!
    In the beginning I was keeping track of every time it got worse, whether it was additional tones or tones getting louder.

    I've had some tones come and go throughout the past 2 years, but most have stayed and gotten worse and more keep piling on.
    Same here. Its too much..cant stabilize with excess noise. Is your new spot quiet too? I dont wear any ear protection at home due to my ears always making more noise after. Also, how do you stand the amplification of the noise? Wish I could have given you a place to heal before your move.
    My current place is better in that it has carpet instead of hardwood and so isnt an echo chamber. But their are loud bangs and tvs and my nefews over here regularly.

    I've always worn ear plugs when doing any type of chore in the house, but now I double up with ear muffs.
    Hit my head today getting out of my car. My tinnitus has been outrageous. Probably a coincidence though.
    Just had the most intense tinnitus for about 20 seconds. Went completely and temporarily deaf in my left ear. Was having a decent t morning.
    I get this now and again too. Truly a brief moment of terror.
    @MaxRabbit i protect as well as i can. i double protect just using the microwave. cant wear muffs while blow drying my hair though. wear 26snr custom plugs while driving somtimes into the store sometimes foam plugs
    typing with one hand cat on my other arm atm.

    i used to wear the 19snr earaser plugs and when i worsened i went up their higher rated ones. ive recently found out I wasn't even getting 15db protection from them. I think wearing weak plugs caused me to continue to worsen.
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