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  • Hi,
    I am a new member here today and am interested in your experience with OTO313.
    Is it a temporary or permanent solution to the volume/loudness of the ringing that you hear?
    Sentinel can I ask you about your experience with OTO313, did you have severe t? Bilateral? Any hearing loss? And no side effects?
    @A.H.M. refer to the OTO-313 thread from page 30 onward. My posts there from April 2021 will give you the full picture.
    @A.H.M. refer to the OTO-313 thread from page 30 onward. My posts there from April 2021 will give you the full picture.
    Looking into getting SGB, not necessarily for T but for my insomnia and hot flashes. Would be an added plus if it helped T!
    @Hottopic29 sorry missed this question! Pain Dr's can do them here in TX. I read in a parosmia group that one lady's T went and another guy it went down by 50%. Their T was caused by rona.
    Let me know this shits caused all kinda pain in ears to jaw to neck for me nightmare i could definently use one
    Hi LostinTX, I'm new here and found you because I searched the forum for Texas. Have you found anyone/anything helpful here in the D/FW area? Sorry for sort of hijacking this thread....Not really sure how to navigate the forum and feeling so desperate!
    Awake every 2 hours last night! SMH T and early Menopause is kicking my ass and making me feel crazy! Something has to give.
    Has anyone got silence after their T turned into a low level static "fuzz"? I am at 17 months now.
    @Steph1710 thank you for the encouragement! I am having more times if I'm out doing things I sometimes can't hear it and that's massive improvement. Just got back from Dr too and as I suspected I am in full force early menopause :( and will be starting creams/hrt to see how that goes before I jump to BioTE hormone pellets. I'm so hopeful the progesterone will help my sleep though!
    @LostinTX well I'm wishing you all the best! Hopefully the hormone pellets will offer you some relief. <3
    yes i did. i still have hyperacusis though
    Please baby Jesus, let one of these treatments get out and work! I need it to go down more or GONE. Messed up sleep over a week now
    Things I have been trying- microdosing mushrooms, trying low dose piracetam, HD turmeric -night time to sleep- melatonin, gabapentin & CBN
    Think you need to trial everything seperate so you know what works or causes spikes
    @Hottopic29 I finally got the LDN filled. Well, 50 mg and diluted myself. Tried 1mg today and I think it got louder. Read up on one of my LDN forums and several people said made their T worse! So I've backed off piracetam and also this for now
    @LostinTX yea i read that too causes a spike for some im unsure about @jhonnykarate if he had spike have to read his story
    2 nights in a row no night sweats. Yay! I did get my emergency klonipin out the past 2 nights because sleep had been so shitty fr menopause
    I have to pull myself together for my granddaughter's 6th bday party at a trampoline park :/. Had to benzo myself hard last night, so groggy
    I remember having to attend my daughters 8th grade graduation at the football stadium. You'll make it through it okay. I made it with only foam earplugs that day.
    I didn't wear earplugs, luckily we were on the quieter end of the building. I still got a db meter app and measured it was about 85 db where we were. Stayed about 2 hours. My T isn't noise induced so I don't get as nervous. In the beginning though I did have major reactivity and
    wore earplugs for a bout 3 months blow drying my hair, walking my dogs (as they bark a lot) and vacuuming. I slowly got more and more used to it so I have no reactivity any more.
    T and early menopause with night sweats galore now is truly fucking my sleep. God hates women. Periods, childbirth and menopause are proof.
    @makeyourownluck when I was getting my periods last year, yes it would get louder. Thankfully, I don't think menopause is impacting the T but it IS giving me more insomnia on top of it which is really breaking me! T has gradually been getting lower but I started out super severe. I didn't know everyone that gets it doesn't hear over the freeway and blaring inside stores etc. It was insane.
    I am praying it continues to go down and I can enjoy TV and other stuff again. I never had an IUD but could never take BC made me crazy
    @LostinTX insomnia on top of T insomnia sounds rough. I hope it all resolves quickly. I am not looking forward to going through it.

    As far as the TV goes. Someone here suggested playing white noise on a speaker at the same time as watching TV. This tip has made it possible for me to enjoy films again. Almost like tricking my brain.
    Having a low T day with random beeps? Made me feel about 60% normal today. Had to sit with my kid in tiny dr's exam room and it wasn't hell
    I live in Dallas Texas and I am in a living hell with extremely loud tinnitus. I am about 7 months in and losing hope that my tinnitus will fade at all. It's driving me crazy. I hope yours goes down soon. Mine is noise induced I believe and I stupidly got only the first vac in September of last year and then started noticing tinnitus in Oct.
    Who can watch TV without hearing T? I can't and it frustrates me so much! Constant high pitch hissing! I just want to relax again!
    Anyway,even though I struggled a lot back then it was a walk in the park comparing to what I have now. My T wasn't reactive and I didn't have H back then. Now I have around 6-7 tones.
    @aura mines awful to its same both ears and wavering tones in silence fills my head
    @Hottopic29 I also had a spike after ENT tests, but it got better after a time...
    Sleep is still not normal but I wonder if it's also early menopause causing havoc along with T. It completely sucks having double whammy ;(
    Ive heard people who got that under control with hormones there t went away
    17 months in. I have been having periods when I am upright or outside can't hear it. That's huge improvement over where I was 6 months ago.
    I don't feel like digging through threads. Someone update when Susan Shore results will be out? What does that mean for a timeline 2 market
    In 100 years people will look back and shake their heads and laugh at how barbaric tinnitus treatment was with hearing therapy and maskers
    Can I please be in that T club of "I only hear it in a quiet room or at night"? FFS
    Ava Lugo
    I would LOVE to be in that club again. That was heaven! Nowadays i dont look for it to hear it in stores or other public places unfortunately.
    Hows the microdose
    I think it's going ok? I don't expect big differences microdosing at least for a few weeks. T has been "manageable" but I'd really like to not be aware of it in the day etc.
    Hows the microdose
    I order the mushrooms online from BC in capsules lol
    oh yeah i saw that post from Samantha and the LD Naltrexone! Good on ordering the mushroom capsules. Here in TX I had to source them on the DL
    Yea its illegal in canada to not even sure how theuy able to sell them but the po stores on every corner were illegal back then but they still operated lol
    So, is NHPN-1010 available for compassionate use? I am ending a clinical trial April 1st and ready to jump
    @LostinTX what clinical trial are you ending April 1? Has it helped at all?
    Hi @Jerad my time in the trial ends April 1st. I was accepted in OTO 313 for unilateral. I don't know if I got drug or placebo yet, but I noticed 2 weeks after that my sleep improved massively and yes my T has improved but I don't know if it was the drug or time as I am 16 months in.
    When will Lenire be FDA approved? FDA crooked AF
    Lenire is the one that doesn't want FDA approval and they know they won't get it, they care about money.
    Susan Shore device is around the corner and is a lot better option
    @NYCGuy seriously? I thought they applied for FDA approval already? And is Susan Shore's device for somatic T?
    Although the sound of T has gone down a lot the past 2-3 months, I feel like I have PTSD because I know it can be louder than a highway
    It's been almost 15 months. It has faded a lot but I can still hear it everywhere! Will it continue to fade?!
    • B


    Have faith, it's free of charge.
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