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  • Has anyone has a sound make your ear muscle tense up and then get aural fullness after? Sound wasn't that loud really. But I felt reaction
    Left ear, Bit of fluttering today, might take some magnesium try and settle it.
    In typical fashion, it settled itself after a day or so.
    Fire alarm at work. Super loud. Sat here with my ears plugged with my fingers for a minute until they turn it off
    Been a year since I come on. Tinnitus has been generally quiet. Usually 2-3 monthly b12 injections. Could be helping. (Vitamin deficiency)
    So tired today. I had a few loud days. Then other symptoms turns out I had Covid. It's been a week, Now I just feel tired all the time.
    T has been a bit louder the last few days. Also noticed dark ear wax, almost red.. i hope it settles down soon it's now causing anxiety
    Random spike today. Was having a relatively nice day until T spiked in my good ear.. no obvious trigger. Hopefully settles back down soon.
    Very depressed, just crying. I don't any positives of life with all of my health conditions, they are ruining my life and my mental health
    How do you guys with other heath issues carry on with life? When I have issues with other things on top of T I get severely depressed.
    It's been five years for me.. and I was really hoping to see new treatments, nothings changed since 2016
    June 2021 will mark my 5 years with tinnitus. Nothing to celebrate though as it's a life ruining ailment. I am still here though..
    I hate fleeting tinnitus. It instantly makes me anxious and feel so nervous waiting to see if it will go away
    Patulous et is super annoying. It lasts a few minutes when it happens. The breathing autophony is horrible
    I can deal with the ring, but fuck this TMJ crunching sound is really annoying. Eating isn't even enjoyable now.
    Just had 1 random beep in my ear. Nothing after that... okay... I thought it was an external beep for a moment there
    My sound is more like cicadas today.. and louder.. So many changes and fluctuations in T in the last few months..
    Had a huge spike before bed last night. Lasted hours and couldn't sleep or Mask it really. Had a lot of broken sleep. It stopped maybe 3am.
    12.41am, had a beeping sound.. sounded like a truck backing up.. a few beeps then it went away. Having trouble going back to sleep now
    @OnceUponaTime yeah I got really sick from it also. I thought the docs were crazy giving me 2... but I'm no doctor I guess I just trusted them
    I'm glad you are feeling a little better now, Luke, Always remember that every moment, every situation passes by. Talking to someone that understands, helps a lot. Reach out anytime, ok. Goodnight.
    @OnceUponaTime yeah coming on here and talking to people who knows what it is like helps me, no one in my life understand. Thank you for having a chat. Goodnight
    Not having a good night tonight. ear is being really stupid making sounds and feels like the ear drum is moving to sounds and wind
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