Recent content by MaccyDee

  1. MaccyDee

    10 Years Later, Tinnitus Causes Very Little Anxiety and Has Less Control Over My Life

    I found Tinnitus Talk lingering in my email today, and I was reminded of how much brief but intense support I garnered from this website when my tinnitus was so bad that I contemplated suicide. That was in 2014. I remember coming across a forum thread here where people commented on the lack of...
  2. MaccyDee

    What Is Your Dream Job?

    Pulling this thread out of the recesses of the forum! Psychologists! I'm going to college for it, but it's still a mighty big dream!
  3. MaccyDee

    The Positivity Thread

    My heart just pooped from all the sweetness in this post! I hope you two have a wonderful time! c:
  4. MaccyDee

    Support Needed

    This happened to me just last week. I had habituated to my T- everything was peachy, then suddenly, I get this mixture of sounds in my ears again. It's been altering every which way for the last week, but I think it's just temporary. As do I believe your's is temporary. Has your routine changed...
  5. MaccyDee

    That moment when all you wanna' do is watch the rest of Sword Art Online, but finals aren't...

    That moment when all you wanna' do is watch the rest of Sword Art Online, but finals aren't through with you yet...
  6. MaccyDee

    Need Someone to Talk to...

    I usually put some masking noises on if it's really bad. Crickets and cicadas are a one way ticket to knockout central for me. Or, I try to turn the noise into something else. Like, I'll let it become background noise as a steaming kettle of tea or a river, then I try to put myself into that...
  7. MaccyDee

    Being like this for life

    It's so much easier to let negativity and fear sweep over us, than it is to be hopeful and optimistic. No one wants to be disappointed. But, if we allowed this negativity to take its toil on us, we could never be free. Fear is crippling, and it's a prison. You're the only one who can set...
  8. MaccyDee

    The Positivity Thread

    Yesterday was the best day I've had in awhile. I mean, I felt so much joy! My T was whirring and hissing a lot, but I just felt this exceeding peace and joy inside! Reminds me that Loud T days can still amazing days. (: Hope everyone has a good one today!
  9. MaccyDee

    Fifteen years with tinnitus yet seems to have no effect ... How?

    Some just adapt faster. I'm sure he went through the same struggle at first, too, but outlook makes a huge difference. Half of the battle with Tinnitus is in the mind. Maybe he can help you in this struggle, too. (:
  10. MaccyDee

    I Hate Shaving

    Same here. Honestly, winter is like hibernation period for my legs. Unfortunately, spring is now here. Time to break out the hedge clippers. : P
  11. MaccyDee

    Favorite Movie Quotes -> Go!

    "Oh. Bleeding hearts of the world UNITE!" - The Grinch, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" Honestly, the whole movie is quote-worthy. (:
  12. MaccyDee

    What Hobbies Do You Have? (and Does Tinnitus Interfere?)

    I'm an avid writer and reader, which both involve a level of silence for me, so Tinnitus does take its toil in those areas. That's where the beauty of nature sounds come in. : P Video games are my go to when I'm having a rough day. I'm an RPG gamer, so getting sucked into a complex storyline...
  13. MaccyDee

    Poll: Do You Have Tinnitus in One or Both Ears?

    Both for me.
  14. MaccyDee

    Drug-Induced vs. Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    Yeah, it's a shame that not many really understand what "T" really is. It's such an unknown problem that that's almost what makes it more terrifying, I think. I do know we're a lot closer to understanding it than we were 15 years ago, so that' definitely an improvement. Thanks for that answer...
  15. MaccyDee

    Hi There

    Man, you saying that actually gave me some relief. I see. That makes a lot more sense. I thought maybe I might have just been more sensitive than others, or popping those pills were the last straw my ears had and just went into tinnitus shock or something, haha. Really am glad you said that...