Recent content by MAnSV

  1. M

    Stress, Headphones, Meditation, Hearing Aids, Migraines, Vitamins, Diet

    Michael, unfortunately, with the reactive nature of my tinnitus, listening to any music is torture. My tinnitus skyrockets and the music turns to a muddied screech.
  2. M

    Stress, Headphones, Meditation, Hearing Aids, Migraines, Vitamins, Diet

    Thanks, I must have hope...
  3. M

    Stress, Headphones, Meditation, Hearing Aids, Migraines, Vitamins, Diet

    Michael, haven’t used those, or any headphone, for nearly a month. I’ve stopped listening to music since March, I can tolerate low level talk radio. I wear earplugs near anything remotely loud. But was advised not to wear earplugs too much as this can actually make the tinnitus worse. I was...
  4. M

    Stress, Headphones, Meditation, Hearing Aids, Migraines, Vitamins, Diet

    Hey All, In the event that anyone gleams anything from my journey thus far, I'm summarizing my current attack plan. I've selected the kick-ass mood because that's how I've been attacking this the past 7-days or so. A little over a week ago things got really dark for me, I let this shitty...
  5. M

    TinnitusPlay — Mix, Modulate & Notch Sounds Tailored to Your Tinnitus

    Just read about this app in @Hazel's recent update. I'm going to try it! I have reactive tinnitus and had lots of trouble with masking. It was so frustrating as everyone talks about masking, but my tinnitus always wins... The best app for me, so far, which this app may be able to borrow some...
  6. M

    Music Producer / Engineer Working Better Than Ever

    @Quetiapine_Kid Thanks for the encouraging post. I'm also in a critical listening career, in fact, my livelihood and company rely on my ears, at least it did. I'm currently hiding my handicap, but need to come out, and allow others to step in, and step as I just can't do it anymore. I'm unable...
  7. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    Ocean wave tracks mask it best, however, as I mentioned to Bill, I can still hear it. But, it does offer a distraction. The shower, the water smacking against the floor, running faucet, even urinating standing up into a toilet bowl usually causes it to amplify; I sit down a lot more now...
  8. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    It could be, I will check what they used. But given your earlier statement the 17-days was the dinner. I noticed it that week, if it were 5 or 7 days before the dinner, it puts me within your window of 14 days or less from date of the alarm trauma as well. I can’t recall if I had an issue at the...
  9. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    Yes, that’s the one! I so hoped it would work... Also, I looked back at my calendar during the onset times. The week I’m certain it began, because I had dinner with friends and recall my ears screaming and thinking I could never go out again... This date was 17-days after the alarm trama and...
  10. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    Thank you for these suggestions, I will look into them. I will also read into those potential cures, that's encouraging!
  11. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    There are moments when I am distracted and don't notice it. However, the moment I realize it, it immediately returns. Unfortunately, it has not improved since I first noticed it; however, it also hasn't become worse. I use masking techniques; ocean waves, at night, to fall asleep, but the...
  12. M

    Secret Sufferer Introduction

    Please allow me to introduce myself, and please forgive some of my vagueness for the time being. This my selfish introduction to put things out there and get some weight off my shoulders, to others that understand what I'm going through, and the insanity of dealing with this. I am a...