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  • Noise induced hearing loss…. I can't live the same anymore I'm so depressed……… I want to be normal
    Moderate hearing loss in my left ear. I don't want to use a hearing aid I truly want to heal. I can't accept this
    Tinnitus obtained at 8KHz and 55dB HL in left ear.
    @MatthewR, do a search of "gunshots" on upper right search bar. Maybe others here have some good advice for you.
    Will I eventually live a normal life?
    Probably not totally normal. You will have to protect your ears in noisy environments.
    2) I'm trying to get back to my work ethic but hearing loss, T, and H are kicki mg my butt. Help!!! I'm losing everything
    @mattewR - if it helped my tinnitus I would walk around with two yellow bananas on my ears.
    You are also very early on, so much hope for you.
    I would get some custom-painted hearing aids and make them a part of my style. A lot of young adults wear hearing aids and I think they rock.
    1) I miss the way I would act around my gf when I was normal. Now I feel less of a man. I am not as masculine I don't gym as hard.
    I don't think your far enough in to know for sure. Hearing loss can be permanent, T can be as well. However there is a chance it could be temporary or atleast become more tolerable. Wish I could give a guarantee, but there isn't one. It does get easier for most.
    Do you know how bad your hearing loss is?
    Tinnitus obtained at 8KHz and 55dB HL in left ear.
    I can't sleep
    ❤️- so sorry. I know how it feels. It's hard. If you are early on have hope. Everyone's case is not the same
    Anyone else miss hearing loud noises without any issues? H you are ruining me.
    I miss being able to be around loud noises. I love working in our yard mowing and weed eating and using the palm sander and painting. I can't wear earplugs because it makes my head buzz-static so I can't do any of that anymore because I can't protect my hearing from getting worse.That is what I love doing and it really sucks. I miss my old life also.
    I messed up big time. I want my hearing restored. I don't want this to be permanent I can't accept this everyday I'm depressed
    How are you doing? Have you been able to get sleep?
    Mark F.
    Try asking your family members/friends if they have any experience with bad tinnitus. I'd be surprised if you didn't know somebody who had/has it. Just talking with someone like that can help. Turns out I know about 10 people who have had it for years. They got thru it.
    Yes I'm religious, and you're right.. thank you
    Mark F.
    You're welcome. I hope you have a good Christmas.
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