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  • I want to go to a place where the impossible is possible. I still have hope here though.
    "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I hope that your day is better!!!
    I would give anything to start a family with my husband. I cannot function with the sounds and sensations of knives in my ears.
    @MiaVIL - my heart breaks for you. Feel the same way. Mine never lets up. I can barley get out of bed in the am. I feel like I am dying too. Sorry that I am joining your suffering rather then providing words of encouragement. I tried to be positive but this is insane.
    @MiaVIL - in the last two weeks I reached a new level of fear. May God help us. I push myself to go out in desperation in order to save my sanity. Every time I just get worse. Talking to people once helped. I am so scared at this point.
    @4Grace I am sorry you're suffering. Please keep praying and visualizing yourself better.
    There is a solution to every problem. I will not be left living this way. Love you mom. I want you to see me dressed up, smiling & healthy.
    I am not giving up. I have faith in God. I do believe in miracles. I have faith that things can turn around for the better. Love you mom
    I cannot describe one of my T sounds. It's like in my head and it's rhythmic like a bunch of maracas shaking at the same time.
    I just want to tell my mom that I am happy and healthy again. I am sorry mom. I love you.
    You didn't do anything wrong. From your post it seems like you may have a chance of this being corrected. Have hope!
    My mom keeps me alive. She believes I will beat this.
    I don't want to die please God help me. I don't want to live with this anymore.
    My conductive hearing loss and negative pressure caused my T. I am begging God for a miracle this can heal.
    It looks like eustachian dysfunction. Have you seen ENT for this?
    Yes I have. Suggesting tubes or waiting it out. I don't know what to do.
    Hi Miavil, sorry to hear you are suffering with Tinnitus. It's only been 3 months so there is so much hope for you. I just wanted to suggest a great success story for you to read. From Darkness To Light from Billie48. It's very informative. His success story was my favourite. It's very informative. Tinnitus is unique to everyone so nobody's negative story will necessarily be your experience. I wish you all the best.
    Thank you I am suffering. Hope as in it can fade? I have read stories of it fading out.
    Hope that the T can fade out or you habituate to the sound. At this moment since you are early on the sound can actually still fade out. I am assuming you are referring to T fading out. :) I know the suffering. For what it is worth, you are not alone in your suffering. We are there with you. I know a lot of people that live very normal lives with T.
    I want to be happy again. I want to be my spunky, healthy, care free self. Please God help me and help everyone.
    how r u now Miavil? hope you're doing better
    @Sha27 I am not better. It's static hissing and flapping like thumping.
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