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I understand everyone suffers differently. Tolerance & mental status, unique as well. It's easy to sink fast so I try to stop the sinkin 4 u Nov 11, 2023

Mo8409 was last seen:
Jan 21, 2024
    1. Mo8409
      Officially 4 months this week. For fucks sake this isn't stopping lol. So mad I ever touched that damn medication.
      1. Juliane, RunningMan and Tryn2BHopeful like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        @Tryn2BHopeful You got this, just like you've overcome the other things. This one is a doozy!
        Jul 27, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      4. Gabriel
        Same for me, even though my T came from my brain.
        Anyway you can't be mad, you could not know.
        Jul 27, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. Mo8409
        @Gabriel My hears are completely healthy and hearing is great. This is also my brain. No we didn't know what would happen but still.....I didn't even want to take the meds in the first place. I did it because I was sick of heart acting up. Now I'm worst off then I've ever been.
        Jul 29, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful likes this.
    2. Mo8409
      Current annoyance is my good ear has a tone that goes in & out. This condition needs to stabilize & stay the same so I can adjust to it.
      1. RunningMan and Tryn2BHopeful like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        @kingsfan That stinks! I'm sure you weren't happy. This condition is so stupid. Like why does this even have to exist?! Seriously.
        Jul 26, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. Mo8409
        @Tryn2BHopeful Mine changes depending on the position I'm in. Does yours typically go back to your normal noise?
        Jul 26, 2023
      5. Tryn2BHopeful
        @Mo8409 seems to only change with stress, activity, and sounds. Normally goes back to normal. But today it's angry.
        Jul 27, 2023
    3. Mo8409
      It's pretty much Halloween now that the 4th of July is over. My skeletons keep looking at me but I tell them it's not time yet.
      1. RunningMan
        I know it's your favorite holiday, but we still have a lot of summer left! :)
        Jul 25, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      2. Mo8409
        Jul 25, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
    4. Mo8409
      I'm overhearing talk at the U (U of M) about Susans device. It's starting to come into the limelight. Lots of happy people over here. ❤️
      1. Joe Cuber, ErikaS, Lucifer and 6 others like this.
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      3. Utdmad89
        Somatic tinnitus is just what they call tinnitus that changes with certain movements of the neck and or jaw. You can have somatic tinnitus whatever The cause.
        Jul 24, 2023
      4. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        Come on Susan.
        Jul 24, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
      5. kingsfan
        @Tryn2BHopeful If medicine induced tinnitus originates from the DCN then probably, but I'm not sure anyone knows for sure.
        Jul 25, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    5. Mo8409
      It's going to be 82 out today. Maybe a good day for the beach or hiking. Have a good day everyone.
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      2. RunningMan
        Forecast this week shows some highs in the 100's! I try to walk a few miles and bike over 10 miles most days. It's good for the mental health.
        Jul 24, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        Jul 25, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        @Mo8409 No, I'm in the midwest, closer to the expanding heat dome.
        Jul 25, 2023
    6. 4Grace
      For what it is worth you are not alone. Thank you for all your kind words. It’s incredible how many people suffer but remain so strong!
      1. Mo8409 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    7. 4Grace
      My heart goes out to you. You are so very kind. Thank you for sharing. I wish you and your family peace and health. As you know I have a little girl with Charge syndrome. She has been on Zoloft most of her life due to 10-20 mental break downs a day. She still has them. I also lost a son the day he was born.
      1. Mo8409
        @4Grace So sorry to hear. My son went undiagnosed. U of M said they never seen a case like his. There was no scientific reason for the things happening. After he passed he has shown me a lot of signs though. Knocking over things, turning on flashlights, etc.
        Jul 23, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
    8. Mo8409
      I really miss my little boy but I know he's with me every step of the way in spirit. Hug your children extra close.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Thank you. We have a blessed hope to see our loved ones again.
        Jul 23, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    9. 4Grace
      It’s easy to miss what others have said on this forum.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
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      3. Tryn2BHopeful
        @Mo8409 that's a tough one, and when we finally turn to doctors to help we get burned. I talked to my wife, mother and doctor before I made the jump and well here I am. Part of the club nobody really wants to be part of, but glad to have found.
        Jul 23, 2023
        Mo8409 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      4. 4Grace
        For sure.
        Jul 23, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. Tryn2BHopeful
        When I went to the ER due to meds I was sent home with a headache diagnoses... told to take advil... ugh...
        Jul 23, 2023
    10. 4Grace
      I like all kinds of music but my favourite band - Tool. They have some dark stuff back in the day but the latest album priceless.
      1. Tryn2BHopeful and Mo8409 like this.
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      3. 4Grace
        No idea what T was. Now when I think of them I can’t help but think they contributed to this T. I am so anxious about missing the concert. So sad.
        Jul 23, 2023
      4. 4Grace
        If I could continue to do things knowing that this T would not get worse. If i could have a Glass a wine with no impact of T. It would still bother me but not so much. To me that’s the hardest part of T. I don’t ever think I can let go of the hope of it going away.
        Jul 23, 2023
      5. Tryn2BHopeful
        Problem is your never going to know if you don't try. Everyone's T is different. Some things she obvious. Others not so much, caffeine for instance doesn't make much a difference for me. Start small and try different things just don't go overboard.
        Jul 23, 2023
    11. 4Grace
      So most important - I hope you are doing okay and what an incredible people on this forum taking the time to help others while dealing with their own issues.
      1. Mo8409 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    12. 4Grace
      I never know where I am posting on this site. Sorry if it seemed I put this all in you. I just opened and began typing. I know you have been looking into some things but to be honest not 100 percent sure what else you may be dealing with …
      1. Mo8409 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    13. Mo8409
      I'm really glad I've met all of you. How lucky am I to know such strong & amazing people. ❤️
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Jul 22, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    14. 4Grace
      If you care to read everything below please begin with - “Some Good News” then read backwards to top post
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
      2. Mo8409
        @4Grace That's so wonderful that you had a good moment! Those will continue as time goes on. As far as protecting your hearing, absolutely continue to do so. While you don't have hearing loss you can make the condition worse by being careless. I don't have hearing loss either but avoid loud places because all it takes is for one loud noise to make everything worse.
        Jul 22, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        @4Grace I bought so many tickets for events this year before T came and gave them all away for free in order to protect my brain and let it heal.

        Your brain is spazzing out right now and needs some tender, love and care. Enjoy life with caution just for a little while.
        Jul 22, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. Mo8409
        @4Grace Keep me updated. I love to hear how you're doing. I have a feeling if you worked on controlling your anxiety a bit that your T would get a lot better.

        Anxiety feeds T, amplifying the nervous system and causing it to double in noise and lowers your tolerance to deal with the noise.
        Any music you love that you can listen to?
        Jul 22, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    15. 4Grace
      Just that having T does make me really nervous about doing something that may make it worse. Sorry for any grammar errors in hate talking via text on a phone when I have a lot to say.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    16. 4Grace
      Maybe I missing an obvious point. If you have no ear damage then are your ears more prone to spikes around noise when compared to someone without T or is it more the cause from the nervous system now that you are aware that you should protect your ears or else. I’m not saying you should not protect your ears.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    17. 4Grace
      Anyway I may be back here crying tomorrow so … lol - all with a grain of salt. Mine is really impacted by food. Many of my spikes I attributed to noise around dinners. Maybe it was just the food.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Plates and silverware scraping and clanging got to me at first. It's getting better but I still have days. But diet can impact it
        Jul 23, 2023
      3. 4Grace
        Diet 100 percent. I let go of the worry of plates and clanging and it seems like it helped me anxiety wise. Fluctuating T really sucks. Perception or not. I feel born again when T is a little lower. Then when it comes back louder it always sucks a little more.
        Jul 23, 2023
    18. 4Grace
      Walking around stressing about every sound as I was did not help me. Maybe there is some truth to that If you do not have hearing loss you can rest just a little on that front. He went as far to say that I could go to a concert no problem because I have normal hearing. That’s where he may of lost me a little but it did make a bit of sense to me. Again others have told me different so I’m not 100 percent sure.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    19. 4Grace
      I think the key takeaway for me here was that…. That news, true or false (lol) made me feel better. My T reduced by a hair as a result. It gave me a little hope. Sometimes it’s easy to think of the worse case scenario with this condition. I may have had Med induced T but most likely it was due to massive stress and anxiety.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    20. 4Grace
      I know some people depending on H may need to be super careful so I don’t want to offend anyone because this is hard. However if you do not have hearing damage then it might make sense that maybe a resteraunte would not be as much a problem as I thought it would be for me.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    21. 4Grace
      My greatest stress came from thinking I can no longer go to most noisy places. Now I know I need and should be carful and I will be…. However my anxiety around everyday sounds came down a little today and that helped me. Went for a bike ride today and a loud car drove by….. normally it would concern me a little.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    22. 4Grace
      I went to go see my audiologist today. Great guy. I already knew this but he reminded me I do not have any hearing damage. So he said you don’t have to be super careful around everyday sounds. I told him everyone told me I should always put on ear plugs.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    23. 4Grace
      Maybe it was on false hope but I will take it. First of all that you everyone for your words of inspiration. They help! The positivity is good!!
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    24. 4Grace
      Some good news. MR Grumpy (me) had a good day today. I don’t believe it!! I’m not out of the woods but today was a good one. I really believe if by chance I can do this anybody can. Had a ray of hope today. My God I don’t believe I had the opportunity to say that!!!
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    25. Mo8409
      Getting ready to head to the University of Michigan to get my diagnosis. Never thought at 38 I'd be facing such seriousness. Lord help me.
      1. Ngo13 and RunningMan like this.
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      3. ECP
        Best wishes to you on your appointment.
        Jul 21, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      4. 4Grace
        Nice to see you get some good news!!
        Jul 22, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. Utdmad89
        What was you diagnosed with, if you mind me asking?
        Jul 22, 2023
    26. Mo8409
      I hope everyone finds their peace & hope. Stay positive. It's okay to be scared, I am too sometimes. Life was meant to test us. We got this.
      1. Tom Okay, 4Grace, Ngo13 and 5 others like this.
      2. MadeleineHope
        Look at you being a ray of sunshine!
        Jul 21, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
      3. Mo8409
        Jul 21, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    27. 4Grace
      Head ct not crazy - lol
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
    28. 4Grace
      I told him he should be careful around loud events. Mine is so different. Touch the right side of my head and it spikes. Move my neck to left and it spikes. Chew down with the left side of my teeth and it spikes. I had a head crazy pre all these problems. Don’t want to do another. I am advised should do an MRI now I’m worried about the noise of an MRI machine.
      1. Mo8409
        They will give you ear plugs and plus you can double up. I've just had 2 MRIs. As long as you cover your ears then you'll be okay. If it becomes too overwhelming then hit the button and they'll take you out. It sounds like you could have a fixable issue going on.
        Jul 21, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    29. 4Grace
      Pre tinnitus. 5 months insomnia sent me to hell. Some way some how I survived that and learned so much about life. I would have loved to have this fight with depression and anxiety without the T. It is what it is…. My friend has tinnitus. He can eat drink smoke and go to loud places. He has been doing it for 22 years. Says the sound never changes.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
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      3. Mo8409
        As long as you keep emotionally responding to T, you'll never find peace in your life. Does it suck having this, oh absolutely but crying won't make it go away and obsessing won't make it go away and accepting it won't make it go away.... But acceptance will help you get your life back to a new normal. We all miss our old lives and until our brain corrects itself we must live with a new normal.
        Jul 21, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
      4. 4Grace
        You are a bucket of strength.
        Jul 21, 2023
      5. Mo8409
        Jul 21, 2023
    30. 4Grace
      Talking up a storm here i know. Up to about 2 weeks ago I had some great days. Now they are gone. I had two or 3 unlucky noise traumas when attempting to stay busy to save my life. I visited hell these last 8 months.
      1. Mo8409 likes this.
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