Recent content by Natalier

  1. Natalier

    Hello, everyone. Doing well!

    Hello, everyone. Doing well!
  2. Natalier

    How are you these days?

    How are you these days?
  3. Natalier

    How to Begin to Free Yourself from Anxiety / Tinnitus Associated Anxiety

    My story started 4 years ago when I hit rock bottom in my life. I had the worst depression, anxiety, and felt like ending it all, but not because I wanted to, but because I felt couldn't escape what I felt. And not having a name on what I was feeling...caused me to go through a big swirl of...
  4. Natalier

    Very Mild Tinnitus (Woke Up with It)?

    Yeah, take this as a warning, many of us didn't have someone to tell us look where we are.
  5. Natalier

    What Happened to Me (Diagnosis)?

    Sweetheart, most people in this thread cannot sleep. Like @DaveB said, its time to start getting some tests done. You came to the right place. For now try your best to calm down as you figure yourself out. Are you sure you're not the one with the vibrations in your ears? That can be tinnitus as...
  6. Natalier

    How to Begin to Free Yourself from Anxiety / Tinnitus Associated Anxiety

    T Thats fantastic. The idea is to at least get an hour of freedom from the worry. Please do send me updates weekly, in case of any setbacks.
  7. Natalier

    Has Anyone Experienced This? External Noise Stopped Yet Can Still Hear It for a Long While

    Anyone has any advice for this? @Michael Leigh
  8. Natalier

    How Is Counselling Supposed to Help Someone Who Is Depressed Due to Their Tinnitus?

    I only meant if his anxiety or stress or depression is bothering him, which if hes trying to figure out ways to lower the noise, it is bothering him to some degree. The point of trying is just to try, theres nothing to lose, and he may just find a better technique to cope. And i was trying to...
  9. Natalier

    How Is Counselling Supposed to Help Someone Who Is Depressed Due to Their Tinnitus?

    Hey, its not about lowering the T at all, its about lowering the anxiety associated with it. My T is still going away 24/7 seven days a week, but i am no longer having panic attacks, or worried so much over it. Meanwhile I am still trying to figure out causes. Believe me, when dealing with my...
  10. Natalier

    How to Begin to Free Yourself from Anxiety / Tinnitus Associated Anxiety

    Anyone trying this in here? Yes, exactly. You must live with it for a while so it becomes non threating or at least semi non threatening. And then when it pops up and you are having a bad day or moment, begin to replace it immediately with something to do. Like I said, in the anxiety residue...
  11. Natalier

    What happened?

    What happened?
  12. Natalier


  13. Natalier

    How Is Counselling Supposed to Help Someone Who Is Depressed Due to Their Tinnitus?

    @meeb counselling helps more then you will ever know. Ive been in it for 4 years due to my anxiety and depression. I remember thinking in the beginning how in the world is this suppose to help me? Just sitting here talking about my problems. I mean its not like they can fix it, right? And the...