Recent content by nicole76

  1. N

    Feeling the Urge to Pee All the Time

    Sounds like interstitial cystitis.
  2. N

    TMJ Jaw Pain Making Hyperacusis Worse

    Nope. It’s super quiet and very quick (like a minute).
  3. N

    In Loving Memory of Allan1967

    I didn’t know Allan but felt so much for him whenever he’d post about his spikes. Seeing this news breaks my heart and made me cry. I completely understand how desperate this horrible condition can make someone feel. I pray that real treatments come soon because it is desperately needed...
  4. N

    Tinnitus Started Recently — I Need to Know How Others Are Living with This?

    That gives me a bit of hope since I have perfect speech discrimination. My hearing loss is minimal as well and has been stable for years but the tinnitus keeps getting worse anyway. Any thoughts as to why?
  5. N

    Diffusion Imaging (dtiMRI) of Auditory and Auditory-Limbic Connectivity in Tinnitus

    @Lane Did you end up following the program? Curious how it worked out.
  6. N

    Can One 0.25 mg Pill of Xanax Cause a Tinnitus Spike?

    My tinnitus seems louder after taking that dose of Xanax but then again I’m lying down in bed at the time and my tinnitus is ALWAYS louder when I’m lying down. It’s not louder the next day, however. My problem is that lately I get what I call rebound anxiety when the Xanax wears off. Never...
  7. N

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    That would be AMAZING! Tinnitus has seriously impacted my life. Now I'm dealing with other health issues too and it's all just too much for me. I'm highly sensitive and life the past seven months has been completely miserable to the point I've wished for death. :(
  8. N

    Muscle Relaxers & TTTS

    Dr. Nagler, I would love to hear your thoughts on muscle relaxers in relation to our ears. Background: I've been having bad muscle pain in my neck and shoulders and was prescribed Flexeril. I took one pill which helped me sleep. I took another the following evening but it didn't help me sleep...
  9. N

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I have such mixed feelings on this topic. On one hand it seems Lenire launched too soon as I don't have much confidence it works all that well. (That being said, if it was available in the US I'd still try it out because what other option is there?) On the other hand, Susan Shore is taking way...
  10. N

    Strange Hearing Distortion/Dysacusis?

    Yes! I thought I was the only one. If I'm right next to the source there is little to no distortion but is it's further away the distortion is much more noticeable. I hate it more than the tinnitus.
  11. N

    TMJ Jaw Pain Making Hyperacusis Worse

    Yes. It's called a CBCT conescan that TMD specialists do that looks at your entire head including your TMJ.
  12. N

    Please Help Me Figure This Out; Feeling Overwhelmed

    Thank you for the kind words. It just seems it keeps intensifying every day and I feel powerless to stop it. The reactive piece is the hardest to deal with since it makes it impossible to mask. I keep telling myself this isn't permanent in the hopes I'm right and it will get better at some point.
  13. N

    Please Help Me Figure This Out; Feeling Overwhelmed

    My niece just suggested that today after I told her my symptoms. I have a ton of tension in my body but mostly my head so I'm guessing it's contributing.
  14. N

    Please Help Me Figure This Out; Feeling Overwhelmed

    Nope. My hearing isn't muffled and I can understand speech just fine as well.
  15. N

    Please Help Me Figure This Out; Feeling Overwhelmed

    There's something wrong but no one can seem to help me! Over the course of a few months the once quiet and stable non-reactive tinnitus in my right ear has not only gotten louder, but has picked up new tones. Around the same time I started having these head pains (not headaches) while trying...