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  • My T is so somatic in nature, it really has be wondering if it's noise induced or not..
    Does noise affect it though?
    @Gman Sometimes it'll react to certain pure tones. Sometimes not.
    Got to love how inconsistent it is. Sometimes you think you know the rules then it changes them.
    How do I get checked for muscle spasm? a neurologist? My SCM greatly influences my T sound
    Last night my T left me. Not completely but after 6 months of a spike it was so quiet. What in the
    Tonight-Water and Tea, no more booze for this fella
    Tea is very relaxing. Hope you enjoy!
    @Red Thanks, I've been terrible with my health lately. Need to turn it around so I can feel better about T!
    Which tea?
    I will not make it too thirty years old. shhhhhshshshhshshshsh.
    Nah. I think you will. Things change. They always do.
    Why does T exist. This website should not even be a thing. We should lose these frequencies and that would be it. Not create this foul noise
    @Red it's too bad we are cognizant of this. I wish my life span was one week post T.
    I wish 21st century humans weren't so arrogant. We're not advanced. No, technology isn't great. We're living in the past and many of the things we take for fact will be proven to be completely moronic in the future. Some humility could help us grow, including in the health department if you know what I mean.
    @Red yep. I love the game Halo and I think often of what their technology is to restore humans to full potential
    shit man, Yesterday my tinnitus was pretty much gone. What a bummer. I live in constant anxiety. How do I get out of this?
    I had plans for a house party tonight. NORMALLY I would go with no f's given. but NOOOOOOO, T has to be a factor
    I was on antibiotics for 10 tens and my T was very good. Could this mean something? Please let me know
    Jack Straw
    I'm not sure, but this is interesting seeing that most people have the opposite effect. Maybe you have some sort of infection in your ear area that is causing your tinnitus? Maybe the antibiotics helped that?
    Right now there is a constant 3600hz tone going off in my office. It's not loud but everyone's got a taste now hahah
    Well I'm done!
    I hope you are ok and getting support ? xxx
    @glynis Thank you :) I don't know what's up. Been a while since I felt this down about it. I've got good people around me
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