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  • Can you have ear pain from jaw clenching? My ear hurts and feels full
    Yes you can. A lot of people with TMJ or other jaw issues can make pain in their ears and other sensations.
    This week I've had that too. Pain around jaws near ears. Keep fake yawning to equalise air pressure. I think it's the tensor tympani.
    @Striveon let me know how they work for you! I hold tons of tension in my face..
    One week of no high pitch shrillness- new record. It's back today after a poor sleep
    Ya its brutal..
    What is a shower reset? Do showers temporarily lower your guys' T?
    @Manny we both have found waking up with a T spike can be reset with a shower for the day. Sometimes it doesn't work at all or only temporarily.
    Ok my T is pretty much gone today, AGAIN. STOP PLAYING T
    Gone or low? Any reason why? What do you do?
    V. low I guess. No reason, yesterday it was heard over traffic, today I can barely hear it over a fizzing soda
    Last week I only had 2 bad days.I like that, This week's a different story. Got a call back about stem cells too. Time to ask some questions
    Make a commercial for youtube promoting T awareness?
    Through my VPN to get Canadian internet content, for awhile on YouTube they had these 30 sec. commercials through the province of Ontario about the dangers of high noise levels. Never explicitly mentioned tinnitus though.
    Ah cool. I haven't seen anything like that here in AB
    Spiking f$%#$% loud today, gosh.
    You do that. I'm just happy I can finally get tattoos. I've been saving up for a while now. T can't take that away from me.
    Awesome. Got some ideas for tats?
    I want to get the word Honey on the back of my neck. It was my grandmas nickname. She was super sweet when she was alive and she's someone I aspire to be like.
    I'm tired of "distracting" my self. It's like a race to get to sleep every night. I'm very happy I have good days though
    I hope you only keep improving with time for better days.
    Thanks @Striveon. These fluctuation are what piss me off more than the ringing.
    Let's hope tomorrow Im back to how I was earlier this week, I just wanna smoke MJ and chill like i used to
    What will come first? Hearing restoration? or loading my consciousness into a robot?
    Total planet destruction via man made climate change.
    That got dark, fast. Probably true
    probably right Red :(
    Had a balloon pop near me :( after a week of really good T
    Hope you are ok buddy:)
    I think I'll be okay! Just the stress ahhh
    My T has been mostly non-intrusive this week and I plan to keep it that way! Balloon popped on my left ear, and my right side is louder. So I don't think there is any correlation.
    is it possible for T to keep moving up in pitch until its not audible? hmm
    It may be, cause "moving up" by definition includes cessation of T at the lower pitch...then again with T you just can't know.
    Why do my ears buzz around fans? Seems fine in quiet?
    @Red Would you say Reactive T is H?
    It's a contentious topic. I would say it's connected somehow. I'm always more sensitive to sound when it is reactive. But one day can be reactive the next not at all.
    @PDodge I'm not certain. I would say there is at least a correlation.
    Stiff Neck = noisier T
    I had a stiff neck the past couple of days. Better now. Don't have somatic so it wasn't worse.
    Makes me why back/neck adjustments don't help.
    It still could, If I touch ANY right side of my head/neck my T goes up
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