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  • It's frustrating that in the future, there's a cure, and its mechanism makes perfect sense, and we're in the past right now suffering
    Low end was completely gone this weekend, then started back Sunday evening. No rhyme or reason.
    So I don't get that full/clogged feeling much anymore. My bad ear does itch/tickle sometimes when I eat.
    Kind of funny, I got the clogged feeling twice today after posting this. But it subsides easier compared to a couple months ago where it'd be clogged for days on end
    All I need is ONE success story of someone who has measured hearing loss after their Tinnitus went away.
    Such a weird cycle lately. I wake up with the usual high pitched tv static, and that remains constant. But the low hum comes at night.
    Some days suck ass. I don't know whether to punch somebody or cry or kill myself. I'm just so fucking mad I have this.
    Low end T now constant tone. Was a warble that came and went in the beginning. Now constant tone. I'm 4 months in.
    Still constant Hum. I just don't get why I would degrade.
    Hmm. So I've worn ear plugs all day at work, the drive home and still at home....the low end hum has stopped? Not sure why and kind of afraid to take the plugs out
    These are those 3 tiered rubber ones 3m makes, which don't block much...certainly not like foam ones
    my lowend T is acting up a few nights a week now. Not sure why. New weird thing is if I look left and right quickly it goes off on off on
    If someone's tinnitus is somatic, is the prognosis better? Or the same ?
    I'm in the same, I just know that Susan Shore's device works for somatic tinnitus.
    Yes, there are stories of T going away, but being realistic, most of the stories are about the T staying roughly the same, and people getting better in spite of the huge adversity. You should be getting ready for the latter scenario, and if T goes away, it will be a beautiful surprise.
    Mine is changing all the time as well after 5 years. It changes every few hours. It is part of the T circus. People getting one sound only and stable loudness are quite lucky.... :)
    The low end change has been intermittent. 2-3 days a week, then clogged feeling.

    My high end change though has been steady and slow. Probably in 6-8 week intervals.
    Bill Bauer
    It sounds like Rb86's hasn't just changed - it has changed for the better. The low end tone started bad and now is off and on. The high pitch hiss went from "crickets" to TV static (which has got to be easier to ignore than crickets).
    Does anyone have T go away with legitimate hearing loss? I have 35 db at 6k but can't find any success stories
    Chances of T going away decrease exponentially with time. Good initial odds, become very low after one year, especially if there is no significant improvement in between. I have that hearing loss at 8KHz, and worse above that, I do have very chronic and intrusive Tinnitus indeed.
    I've had T for 4 months. I'm just asking, are there stories of T going away, even though hearing loss remains?
    Well I just took a hearing test. Essentially same loss as onset 4 months ago. Definite notch in 4-6k hz. Around 35 db in left at 6k hz
    Well....I had an airhorn beeped at me today. I'm just angry more than anything. Ears are ringing a little louder but not "spiked"...yet
    I think something like that could very well be the first time I get violent with a person...
    So my low end warble spike has subsided...I find when it's active I don't have the clogged feeling and vice versa
    Bill Bauer
    I don't remember seeing anyone describing symptoms like that...
    I know. I need to find a good ENT
    Bill Bauer
    Your T will keep changing, and that's a good sign. It is a lot scarier if it is always at the same level. You just need to give it time (as in another year or two). The one thing I learned is that you should never assume that the sound you are currently hearing is the sound that you will be stuck with.
    Currently experiencing a major spike in my low end.....almost as bad as when it started 3 months ago. I'm scared what do I do?
    Relax, take one glass of excellent red wine. :)
    Woke up with left ear so clogged I can barely hear out of it....T incredibly loud in it.
    I think it is so important for all of us to have small goals for the day/week. Just to focus on and acheive. Helps pass the time
    Struggling today. Ear has some fluid in it I imagine - a typical allergy type feeling, so there's a bit of a louder hum than usual.
    Was talking on the phone with my sister on speaker phone aimed away, and my low end T really started acting up. Had to get off the phone.
    Thank God it's calmed back down
    New development...when I plug my left (bad) ear, where my T started, I don't hear it nearly as much as my right ear when plugged
    A week or 2 ago I'd liken my tinnitus to crickets, and the past few days I'd liken it to TV static. Same volume so not sure if thats better
    Bill Bauer
    A switch from crickets to static or a hiss, is an important and a good development. You are on the right track. The next step is for the static/hiss to get less and less high pitched. Static is easier to ignore than the crickets...
    It's a sign of improvement.
    Thank you guys I just saw these comments
    Is fleeting T indicative of anything or not really?
    I've heard people say it's a good sign and that their 'baseline t' is usually better afterwards. It's basically 'calibrating' the brain/auditory system
    @Lynny Never heard of that. Can you post a link of where you read that??
    3 months today. Rarely a tone. Mostly a hiss or sand poured on glass. Hyper-acusis mostly gone. Not much fading in the last month.
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