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  • Well, for whatever it's worth, I've gained back the 10 lbs I lost when my T began. I'm more emotionally stable but still struggle. 3 months
    My experience was the same, lost about 20 lbs in a small amount of time due to depression. I wouldn't eat, but gained it all back when I felt better. Good for you. Keep it up and hope you feel better.
    Seems that if I get out and exert myself - sweat through work or hiking, eat and sleep - my T is manageable. If I lay around - intrusive
    Good observation, same goes for me. Do you still hear it but just ignore it when you're doing other activities or do you not hear it at all?
    I'm sure if I stop and look for it it's there, but usually if I get busy and focused enough I'm not looking for it. For example - wash your car. And really make sure you get it super clean. You might notice your T when you come inside, but if you're focused enough, you might not notice it while cleaning.
    Went to the movies without issue lastnight. Hyper-acusis has certainly calmed down.
    Bill Bauer
    For many of us (including myself), T was caused by an exposure lasting a Fraction of a second. Also, many people feel fine during the event that gave them T and only find out that the noise exposure was not ok after they come home and hear louder T. This includes people who wear earplugs and muffs. Earplugs are notorious for providing a false sense of security.
    Bill i appreciate you looking out. That being said, a quiet movie isn't in the decibal danger zone. I agree we need to be careful, but I'm not going to live in fear and never leave the house.
    Like another poster here, I've now found my T to be louder after waking up from a nap or in the middle of the night. Evens out during day
    Quiet morning...low end has not been as bad lately..less reactive to things like planes passing overhead.
    Well, today marks 2 months officially for me. Bummed that it hasn't changed much over the past couple weeks or so. Low end seems less.
    Pretty bummed. I'm nearly 2 months in and my T has remained pretty steady the past 2-3 weeks. No improvements.
    Same old ear fullness bothering me today. It's weird because every once in a while it pops and feels better. Generally full/painful.
    So I'm laying on the couch, wife is watching TV and all the sudden my ear fluttered hard/loud for 2-3 sec. Feels like I can hear better now
    Quietest day I've had yet. Tomorrow marks 6 weeks for me. Yes I can clearly hear it, and this comes after an emotional breakdown yesterday.
    Early days...the only way is up from here.
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