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  • still have the same pain in my ear but it's just a lot milder now with shorter flare ups. being very careful avoiding noise
    had small amounts of pain today but it is getting better. don't know if it's the bpc and tb or just natural
    So much less pain in my ear now almost two months after setback. Still some aching though but protecting a lot.
    Recent setback a month ago brought pain H back strong. Burning pain in silence many days with very low tolerance. Tinnitus is loud too
    Hi mate. Sorry if people have already asked you this. How did you get on with contacting stem cell clinics? Have you been following anyone who's going through it? I'm contemplating going to stemcell21 for hidden hearing loss and tinnitus. Thanks!
    Heya, I don't mind you asking one bit! Nice to talk about it tbh. They contacted me back and asked me to fill out a form so I'm in the middle of doing that now. I just follwed that one thread here from ontheedgeofscience or w/e it is. read as much as i could, maybe 4 ppl went and all had good results, not perfect but good. I've been putting off filling out this form i really just gotta go do it
    Hey was ur T acoustic trauma or over a period of time (headphone use) etc?
    I felt better for a while but I just think that was because the noise got quieter. It's louder again now and I'm very anxious again, just not as anxious as I was the first time. Will probably get used to it over time and maybe the stem cell treatment will make it more bearable.
    My anxiety is as bad as ever right now. Feeling like if I have this noise forever then I will never be able to live a peaceful life. Feels very depressing. No cure makes it feel so much worse too. Feel so stupid for not protecting my ears.
    Don't beat urself up it's absolutely ridiculous that we are left to our own devices to deal with this. Susan Shores device is still around the corner and aside from stem cell I am holding out for that. Just wish I could manage the anxiety/panic better it's killing me. @SmallRonnie
    Good luck with the ENT. I saw two, but none of them was able to pin down my problem. (Threshold tests are perfect in my case, too.) I'm actually very interested in your case, especially because you also think about the stem cell secretome treatment. If you start a thread about it, I would be happy to follow!
    I didn't contact them. I have an appointment with my ENT doc next month so I'll see what he thinks first.

    I had ear fullness at first but that's gone. It is slightly quieter now a month later but still quite annoying and yes multitone in both ears. I have a low static noise all the time if it's quiet and then high pitch noises at different levels sometimes too.
    Hey @SmallRonnie when you say both ears do you mean your T is central/head tinnitus or actually in your ears? Your T sounds similar to mine except mine is reactive and my hearing is perfect to 16k as well and a normal ABR.
    My T is usually in either ear, mostly in one of them. only sometimes in the other. sometimes it's not there at all or i dont notice it but its in one ear most of the time
    I saw you on the stem cell secretome thread, which I'm also super interested in. I have one sided hyperaccusis myself since 1 year, and a hard time dealing with it and it is getting worse in a psychological sense. Do you have any recommendations? My hearing is also reduced and distorted, which I think is hidden hearing loss. Do you also have that?
    My hearing was perfect even though I had H. Not so sure about now since it's gotten worse. I'm going to see an ENT guy soon. I'm only 3 weeks into bad T and H so maybe it'll get better but I would probably get this stem cell treatment anyway since it probably won't hurt. I just want to see how the other fellow gets on first.
    Hey, I don't have any change to my hearing at all just hyperacusis and tinnitus.

    I'm planning on trying LLLT next, maybe some oxygen and probably going to bangkok for stem cells too.

    Been slow to get around to these things so far. Maybe fasting will help too.
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