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  • Oh no. I'm coming down with something. My throat hurts like the worst ever. I haven't been sick in years. I couldn't sleep good.
    Take vitamin c and zinc! I work in a hospital and it's my go to. Feel better.
    I didn't see this @BellaMia thanks. I've been doing better. Hope you're well.
    Can you guys still enjoy music?
    thankfully yes still. quietly though not at 80dB like i used to. it is my favourite thing in the world. if it goes away, i don't know what i will do.
    I can listen to hip hop. Distorted guitars and a lot of cymbal crashes is too harsh now, but I can tolerate some rock/alternative. I absolutely cannot listen to hardcore or metal anymore. My tinnitus goes haywire. Can't listen to a lot of punk either. Of course none of it sounds as crisp and clear as it used to. It's like listening to a distant radio station that isn't quite coming in clearly.
    Yes. I've just moved listening to it strictly to speakers. Although I'm not listening to as much of the same metal as I used to, I find it kind of too harsh on my ears at times which is a bummer :( You just gotta be careful with it. I keep it around the 45-70dB mark
    Can someone recommend me the best muffs or noise cancellation ear phones for the gym please? Thanks.
    I don't know the exact models off the top of my head, but the best NC headphones would be:

    - Airpods Max
    - Bose (QC 45 and above)
    - Sony (top model)

    For earmuffs, just find a compromise between highest NRR and features that meet your needs:

    - Over-head, or behind-head design
    - Size of earcups (some can be really bulky)
    - Material and weight (plastic is probably lighter than metal)
    I'm 4.5 months into all this. I get glimpses of feeling like myself again. I'm holding strong. Some good days then some bad days.
    Same here going on over 2 years with severe T. Some days I feel pretty normal despite the annoying T, other days I feel somewhat debilitated with high anxiety. But I would have said that the last two summers as well.
    Yeah the anxiety sucks. I already had an anxiety panic disorder before all this happened. The breathing exercises really help me out. @RunningMan
    Was able to listen to 5 hours of music today on my good speakers. That is a good sign. I'm keeping up with my neck stretches and massages.
    Be sure to keep the volume down and protect your ears. Too much exposure will worsen you. As Fubaru says, tinnitus has no limit.
    I feel sad today and anxiety. I should stop reading too much on here and on Reddit. I gotta take a break sometimes. Hope everybody good.
    No harm in doing what's best for you to cope. Take care of yourself!
    I can only really hear it when I plug my ears or when I'm going to sleep. When I'm out and about or driving. I don't hear it.
    To my own personal experience, if you have those kind of fluctuations, and good days in between, that is a good sign. Progress is nothing but linear with this. Trail and error. Balance in life is important. Protect, but don't over protect, and lower your stress. Get out in nature, and do more of things you like. You have to adapt though, and maybe find a couple of new hobbies.
    Thank you @MindOverMatter I'm still trying to get a grasp on all of this. I used to be so care free and relaxed. I can't believe a neck injury could have done all of this. You've had this all for a long time, wow. You still enjoy doing stuff?
    I've come a long way with accepting and adapting, and more and more days where I feel habituated (again). But its important to find a good balance in life with this, as mentioned. I enjoy life, and I would say even more so, gratitude wise, when I have a good day. Every day can't be good. Its the circle of life @snizzleberry
    When do you guys hear your T? I'm 4.5 months into this. It doesn't seem to be constant. It's like a mild Morse code in my right ear.
    Good morning guys. My parents and niece left to go back to Louisiana. They were here for two months. All alone again. quiet time
    Hey that's good since you need to rest your ears and your mind sometimes. Look up threads here on weed. I can't touch it now or anything else.
    Yeah but I'm close with my parents. I'm going to miss them for sure. I only see them like 1-2 a year. @JeffToob
    Weed spikes my condition. I just want to enjoy weed again. It doesn't always do it though. I had an SBUTT tonight too smh.
    It spikes me all the time but I haven't let that stop me. I've just been able to put it in the background when I'm distracted. I had a month break cuz the spikes were unbearable and panic inducing at first but I'm back to like maybe 80% of my old stoner activities now. I hope you'll be able to again soon too!
    Yeah I might just keep on taking bong rips lol. I love weed too much but then spikes are no joke @weehiru
    This neck injury is no joke. I can feel my head burning from the nerve pain. It sucksssssss.
    How did you get the injury if I may ask?
    Just when I think things are getting better. I get setback. This condition just sucks. Ttts sucks. I hope I can dj again one day.
    I am not a fortune teller of course, but if you are among the people who have a tendendy to develop T, I would strongly advise against going to loud events in the future. It simply is not worth it.
    Slept good last night. Still having reaction to fans and AC but not as much as usual. I can still feel my ttts. Neck pain is okay today.
    It's Sunday fun day. What is everybody up to today? It's raining here. Going to just clean and kick it. Smoke a little weed.
    Nice Saturday outside. Woke up with my mild reactive T to my AC outside my room. Still slept pretty good though. H is very mild.
    Just had some ice cream at this outdoor mall. It's lively tonight. Now smoking some weed and chill for the night. Listen to some music.
    TGIF I'm feeling amazing today. Looks like I have occipital neuralgia from my neck injury. Been doing neck exercises. T and H fading away
    Be strong for yourself. Be strong for your family. I know this can be a tough, dark, challenging road. But we are here for each other.
    Doing really good today. Hit the gym and did legs. I finished working on projects. Can't hear T and H is minimal. Four months in.
    Got another night of good rest. This bedtime cocktail is working nice. Ear fullness is finally going away. Let's keep it going.
    Got some good sleep last night. Morse code T is back on my right ear but left ear is pretty quiet. Got my dental cleaning next week.
    I was able to sleep with my ear on the pillow last night. Woke up and I don't hear no T again, wow. Can I really be getting better?
    I pray and work on myself everyday @Juliane i hope you get better again too. Sometimes it can take longer than others but never lose hope. As bad as it may seem now. Tomorrow is a new day.
    Just keep being mindful of your ears and protect when needed. People have T and it stops. It's totally possible.
    Ah man. A second chance at life. Don't chance anything major with your ears.
    I did some good neck stretches, massaged my tension areas. My T was quiet today and H didn't really bother me as well. Weed felt good too.
    Woke up and it's quiet. I slept without a fan or masker for the first time since this started. My T must be really reactive to the fan.
    Yeah, my reactive tones are humming! from the the AC. I used fan noise to sleep for years before T. It was a tough road having to give that up and just listen to my head noise. It's much better now. Can sleep without benadryl or hydroxyzine and my head is LOUD.
    Yes, it sucks. It's so hot in south Florida during the summer too. How long have you had it? Can you use the fan again?
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