Recent content by uncle vikin

  1. uncle vikin

    My 7th Month

    Hey I have had T for 1 year 7 months I only get on here to send a note to one person that has been my support for as long as I have had it .He also has had it the same amount of time we compare changes in our T we are the same age and I do know now it is our perception of T that changes . I can...
  2. uncle vikin

    Hello — New and Looking for Some Support

    Yes Billie 48 it is strange in a sense how something so life changing can be helped on a forum like this but I truly believe it is the support that helps and also the wise info about T , so many people with T eventually find their way to this site after being confused and not really knowing...
  3. uncle vikin

    Hello — New and Looking for Some Support

    I won't ad anything to Billie48 comment he is in my opinion an expert on helping people deal with T and I for one appreciates his wise and kind words of help for us that have tinnitus it has really helped me. I will just add this. T has more to do with Psychological that physical but it...
  4. uncle vikin

    Former Musician with Tinnitus Moving Into Possibly Hellish Situation

    Stress can cause tinnitus, Conner I am one who believes it is a nerve damage issue . Tinnitus can make you depressed . I believe everyone has T but some people just don't notice it yet and most will not ever notice it. Stress has a big impact on neurons and the nervous system . I think the...
  5. uncle vikin

    My Experience So Far...

    when an audio cord is bad or has a short the sound either hisses has static squeals or goes silent. So the short causes the noise and when it shorts out completely it is silent that is deafness. As long as there is a hiss or tone whatever it is still trying to make the connection to fix tinnitus...
  6. uncle vikin

    My Experience So Far...

    Then everybody that is deaf has tinnitus come on and also some people have tinnitus with perfect hearing no freq. lost. I am talking 17 year olds . No they don't know what they are talking about don't believe everything you hear even from doctors or researchers or me . The fact is nobody knows...
  7. uncle vikin

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Find the cure for one and your on the right track to cure all the rest.
  8. uncle vikin

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    This drug was intended to treat epilepsy if I am not mistaken but you guys say it helps lower T so my thoughts on T may be correct . Alzheimer. Epilepsy . Parkinson even schizophrenia ,and PTSD and all disorders of the brain and nervous system including Tinnitus are all related and all have a...
  9. uncle vikin

    Starting to Get Worse.

    Rob it is the mystery of T that keeps us all searching for the answer. I believe once you pass a point that you can live with T and function normally, some people move on, but it is hard for the more curious to let it go. Like I just told one of my buddies on this site. T has really made me...
  10. uncle vikin

    My Experience So Far...

    I believe in some cases it is a physical ailment and the Doctors just can't find the solution and get frustrated and give up. There is something going on in the somatic nerves of Tinnitus sufferers . I also feel fullness Eustachian tube blockage and crackling in my ears my T could be a mirror...
  11. uncle vikin

    6 Weeks In, Still No Relief

    It will get better but the first say 3 months can be kind of rough panic and anxiety are the norm for the first few months people on here are right on when they say keep busy with your life it will help you get through the first and worst part of T. Masking is good to do. Try to sleep good if...
  12. uncle vikin

    Your Opinions — Could This Be Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

    You could try flushing with a netti cup from your local grocery pharmacy or try cleaning your ears or taking a sinus med but it could be Tinnitus which means doctors don't know how to treat it but you can mask it and manage it .As time goes on it will get better but it is a slow process...
  13. uncle vikin

    I Miss Being Normal

    How we all know how you feel I had a tough night last night some days I think my T is going to go away but it always seems to come back I guess we all have to learn to get through our days with T and H one day at a time. I know it is depressing but even though T and H are making our lives hard...
  14. uncle vikin

    My Success Story — I Am New Here

    It helps I think any white type noise to mask with helps I will mask for 8 hours straight .The days or rather midnight to 8 am I work 3rd shift helps a whole lot . Also netti pot, and just keeping my ears and sinuses clear seems to help. But sometimes it don't matter what you do T just goes...
  15. uncle vikin

    I'm New, Confused and Have Questions

    Yea it seems a lot of things can cause T. One thing for sure it is a change of some sort to the audio system either in the brain receptor or the pathway to it . They are doing research and trying to find something to stop or make T less bothersome . Anxiety plays a big part you have to learn...