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  • Why is everything going wrong ..... Finally today the test but my body was saying no this morning getting sick and there is a storm why now
    Yes I was worsened by audiology tests
    It was the test what can test the higher frequency ? @kingsfan
    Audiogram and extended audiogram are fine.

    Otoacoustic Emissions and Acoustic Reflex tests should be avoided.

    Tympanometry appears to have hurt some, but I haven't had any bad experience with it personally.

    I wouldn't do Tinnitus volume matching either since requires turning up the volume in headphones until it matches your tinnitus volume. There might be risk of acoustic trauma with that.
    Tomorrow a hearing test finally, Everybody keeps saying I think their is nothing wrong with your hearing but I feel like it's muffled
    I'm now even scared to get sick because my parents and family around me has corona, I'm so afraid that it will affect my T
    Wear N95 masks. 3M Aura 9205+ is a good mask and fits well on a lot of people, it's also easily accessible. Get a HEPA filter
    Has anyone had some muffled hearing and after some months the hearing was more normal again? Stressing myself again
    I can finally go to my parents without H hurting because of the dog of my parents
    @xLuchiaaa I don't think it was ever muffled no, but everything sounded louder and more painful. Luckily that didnt last long, I think I was close to H. And my hearing loss isnt visible on the normal test. Good luck with your test, I hope you get something out of it :)
    It was for me the same actually, I think it was not like fully H because it was also too quickly so much better and now it's like gone only like more scared for some sounds. I hope for you T will even more go away !

    Thank you ! Little bit nervous for it @TheCapybara
    People are keep saying to me that a soundbar can't do that damage to your ears but I just want proof from a hearing test
    Sound is sound. Don't blame yourself. Like alot of here myself included you didn't know and it might not even be the cause.
    Even the audiologist said that it's almost impossible because I have like a very old and cheap soundbar and it maked for like movies not for music.
    I was always thinking that I would be careful because I had T in 2019 but after some months it was gone again
    Why am I so dumb to listen to loud music on a soundbar 3 months ago I can't forgive myself with this
    Baby your ears! You look young, and I bet will be able to beat this beast!
    I am 28 but I had it earlier in 2019 but T was gone after some months and now I can't forgive myself that I did this to myself. I was like having a very emotional moments before T got like this and in the emotions I listened to hard music because music is like so helping in those times but now I am thinking why I did that
    Is it maybe hearing damage or just stress ? I'm so afraid
    I've read and talked to so many people who got a worsening out of nowhere and it got better as the months went on. Keep up the faith! You got this. ❣️
    It's also the feeling I maybe did this to myself. The audiologist and all people around me are keep saying that a soundbar can't make that much sound to damage my hearing but i'm really afraid
    I really don't want to live anymore on this way, It feels so alone and dark the whole time
    Got some answers today from someone from a center for hearing and tinnitus. They think they know what is the cause of it by me
    @Mo8409 No I had it in 2019 but it disappeared almost and since some months it's back and worser then I had it before from what I remember
    @xLuchiaaa I'm going on 7 months. I'll probably have it for life. Who knows. Yeah it's actually harder to refuse meds it seems. I never take anything and the time I did I get T, figures.
    @xLuchiaaa The only reason I took the med in the first place was because my heart was acting up and the hospital kept saying it was anxiety but I didn't feel nervous and even stated that. Little did they know I had a brain malformation that was causing my heart to act up but now it's too late.
    I experienced it before that docs can think too quickly that it's anxiety instead of like something with your heart or something else. How are you feeling now ? Did they help you for your brain ?
    How can I live like this I want my life back
    Hello! Are you new to Tinnitus?
    L along the way
    High five...! Every day t.. pff what to say other than plz let it go away.. tryin to have faith that with time it will
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