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  • Will i really become better, I had already so much bad luck in life Why. I feel so empty and alone the whole time
    Fighting this invisible ailment with you.

    May you put all of your hope and trust in God, despite the circumstances. ❤️

    I know it's so hard. Can you find a support group? I found some on the American Tinnitus Association website.
    I am also on the moment finding my way through religion, I have not that much family around me who are religious but I was always intressed and always believed but now trying finding a way
    @xLuchiaaa Jesus tells us in God's Word (the Bible) that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to God but through Him.

    Jesus is it! He died for our sin so we could be reconciled with our holy Creator!

    If you don't own a Bible, you can download one on to your phone using the "UVerse" Bible app. ❤️
    Did you also saw things at your jaw yourself ? My physiotherapist saw that my right side is a little bit thicker then the other side and that it's misaligned. I also have now weird headaches like someone is pressing on my head from above my head and like next to my ears and the edges of where my hair start did you also had that ?? @Marina Moon
    Marina Moon
    @xLuchiaaa I haven't had a doctor assess the muscles of my face yet to determine if one side is thicker than the other, but I know that I had clicking in my left tmj and my left side of my face hurts more, despite experiencing pain bilaterally. I have weird heachaches too, like a pressure all around my head, it's not constant though.
    Marina Moon
    Do you have pain while eating? Usually I can eat without my face hurting and wierdly the pain stops as I chew, but If i eat harder things like jelly beans, or try to open wide, then i get a sharp pinch in my jaw.
    I had a appointment today with a physiotherapist and after some examination she saw that my jaw can't open far enough
    Now they are serious going to do fireworks already in my neighbourhood like why :(
    Same here, they've been randomly setting off fireworks for weeks. I hated them before I had hearing issues and even more now lol
    I can cry so hard did I really damaged my hearing, All the tests are good
    L along the way
    sorry... and same here... when i went to all those rave parties when i was young and so unaware.. there weren't any warnings, nor were they handing out any ear protection. Just booze & "music" (more like noise) n stuff... ugghh... every day now is like.. pffft... never again.
    L along the way
    In spirituality they speak about living more in the moment... connecting to what is happening in the present moment. I do feel like there is value in these teachings (at the same time.. moving in a direction of a desired future is good too)..
    L along the way
    But yeah, in the moment, i find the t so annoying.. that hope for a future without t seems more livable. This is just pffft... but well... what can we do than go day by day, have hope & trying to go easy on ourselves..
    Even my nose is hurting :( What is happening ? And I hear so weird
    When you snap your fingers, do your ears flutter or make a click sound? I'm wondering if TTTS is the cause of your "weird" hearing. Do you have a fullness in your ears? This is all very common in the beginning stages of Tinnitus
    Can I ask what it means and yes I have like the feeling of a fullness. I had T before in 2019 but never experienced it like this.
    I think T was the last months before it got so worse never fully away but between 2019 and those months it was away. The last months before I got it like this their was a lot going on
    Hey - thinking of you and hope you are doing better. How are you doing?
    Today I have a really bad day, I have so much pain in my face and around my ears it feels like their is something happening in my head. Tomorrow I am going to a physiotherapist and I hope she can help me

    How are you doing today ?
    @xLuchiaaa - I hope you can find some relief soon. I'm the same. Love the lessons learned. Teacher needs to go home now. It takes a lot of effort. Just insane.
    I am going to end it, I can't breathe and everything feels like fake
    My whole head on the back is hurting and I can't breathe.
    I understand what you are feeling. We are with you. It's not easy. I feel the same. Just a moment at a time. Anything can change. I am so sorry you feel this way. So so sorry.
    L along the way
    I'm sorry, i don't have the answers too... i feel the sadness.. this condition is so.. pffft... it's good to have found this place where people feel free to share. And again, not wanting be a stuck mp3 but trying to go easy
    Intense pain in my jaw, Around my ear and in my cheeck and to my head what is happening
    Sounds like irritation of the trigeminal facial nerve.
    Marina Moon
    @MindOverMatter My trigeminal nerve was irritated too, but then that pain ended, just hang in there and don't give up. I know it's hard, i'm living through it, but you can and will get better.
    Having pain under my ear and to my jaw
    I am lost for words. What Sarah says is true. One day at a time. One moment at a time. Hope for a better day. You are young. You have a good chance at healing.
    I have that too.
    I battled T in 2019 but why I can't find the strength now like in 2019
    That's why I think I didn't hear it that loud like now because now I am very much at home because I had a job offer right before T got like this and had to cancel it.
    I am also like searching for my cause, I think it's because of too loud music but the ENT said she don't think that
    That's crazy you've had it this long. I am so sorry.
    I really need help with my T, Coming week I have a call with the social worker of our center for people with T and H.
    I am really frustated my neighbours are having people over and their music louder... I know it can't damage my hearing but it still scares
    Similar to my neighbor and his car. I wish I can smash all his car windows.
    Don't worry about it, it's not dangerous. Being anxious about it is probably harming you more than the noise.
    Keep taking this one day at a time, and one moment at a time if you have to. One foot in front of the other, sweet girl! ❤️
    Really needed this today this message because I am really struggling with life ❤️❤️
    @xLuchiaaa I understand, I really do. I hope you can hold onto eternal promises when you need hope. God bless you. ❤️
    Did someone do the frequency test online ? And that the results was not that good but in a normal test they didn't had problems?
    I think it was for me also like around 12 I couldn't hear clearly
    With that test on the internet but didn't test that by the audiologist and I think it's better to not because I hear that some people their T got worser because of those extended test
    I agree with @SilverFox . While it might not seem like it, there is a good amount of proper calibration needed to test accurately
    I tested how I was scoring before with those frequencies on internet, But it said that I couldn't hear the frequency for like 50 years old
    They are afraid that maybe my wishdom teeth is giving problems and it also can affect my ears, Having now a sign in for the jaw chirug
    I am going tomorrow to the dentist, I have sometimes pain around my ear and to my jaw, My molars are also away on that part
    Today turned 29 I really don't want to have a fun day because I really not feeling it trying to smile
    I want to get rid of my muffled hearing :( It's making me so anxious that I did myself damage
    L along the way
    Well.. pfft.. my recipe for this condition is trying to have plenty of rest.. also trying to focus on inspirational things, nature, and sometimes just plain distractions.. trying to take it easy, going day by day
    They said that my hearing is muffled because of too much stress and anxiety, Someone has experience with this
    It's bullshit
    They're trying to gaslight you with irrelevant bs because these doctors don't know why but can't seem like they're in the wrong/be clueless
    Going to call the emergency help now, I can't anymore
    Yeah, don't take any of that stuff.
    L along the way
    I know how you feel... sorry to hear.. may you and we all get well. And i wanted to mention kratom... to me it's a help in stress relief and anxiety relief. However, it can be addictive, and maybe it's not that good for health either, so a bit cautious about it too. But for me, it have helped me a lot during last few months, so I'd thought I share.
    Talked today with someone who has been through the process of T 3 times and it was like really calming me that it can get better overtime
    You will get better over time.

    I know it's so hard when we react and get stressed about it but it will improve
    I hope so, The weird hearing is freaking me out. I am afraid that I did myself some damage @Stayinghopeful
    I am scared to call our center for people with T and H because the previous time they said just wait but it's making me so worse now
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