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  • Low T has been the norm for the past year? Been tough lately, quarantine and all. Here's to 2021 another year closer to help!
    Making strides, Almost a month with super low T- Almost inaudible. But came back today with a poor sleep. Keep on everyone!
    Could my deep ear aching be caused by jaw clenching?
    It is possible. I have a few ear symptoms that are certainly caused by bruxism
    Jack Straw
    Yes. If I have been clenching my jaw I notice that my upper side jaw around my ear starts hurting. I thought it was my ear, but it was really my jaw.
    Pretty dope 10 day stretch... today sucks but mostly anxiety. I felt completely normal yesterday. Like Pre-Tinnitus
    had a wicked 9 days of lowwww T
    Jack Straw
    Great news! Hope it keeps up!!!
    Thanks dood, today is not great :(. How are you?
    Jack Straw
    Damn I'm sorry to hear that but it always has the chance of going down tomorrow again! I am alright ups and downs and usual. Can't wait to get back on the trials with my bike!
    Man, my bike is awesome. I take good care of it and have taken long trips on it. I never listened to the doubters, about every two years I need to get some new parts. Never been up your way but have lots of friends from Canada. When my boys are old enough, we're gonna cycle and camp for months.
    No shame, it must be beautiful in Alberta now. What kind of bike , I have a ten year old treck. When I bought it , everyone mocked me, bicycles are more exopensive than motorcycles in Laos. Ten years later, cycling is now popular here, go figure
    Bikes are expensive now. BUT! you also get way more for your money on the less expensive side. Have you been up here before? I bough a Guerilla Gravity SMASH, I've wanted a nice bike since I was 10 years old. Finally saved enough to afford it! Don't let anyone bum you out about your old bike, Its still a bike!
    First ride of the season, huge nail through my rear tire,Tire with less then 5k on it and I forgot my tire irons. Walk of shame
    Really hope this spike stops. I have not changed a thing
    Jack Straw
    I am assuming there was no excessive noises or something like that?
    I was on vacation 2 weeks ago, Did a few loud-ish things. Had hearing protection and felt fine until I got back. Nothing stupid loud though
    Jack Straw
    Maybe it's just T acting up randomly with no correlation! Should go back so soon I would suspect!
    Talked to my friend on vacay about T, 2/3 came back telling me they hear it loud now. I feel bad because they never noticed it before.Whoops
    Lmaoooo ooops, hopefully they don't begin to get bothered by it
    Hopefully not, I told them to just ignore it.
    Easier said than done, but hopefully it doesn't affect them.
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