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  • 2,5 months with six tones.
    I totally understand, got a new tone in my good ear and is driving me crazy hearing so many tones at once.

    I think we will get better but we need time.
    You must fight. It only can get better.
    Drone hum has returned
    if i tell my brain constantly, that the hum has no harm to me, do you think, it has an impact? I am at wit's end.
    yes, it is in my head. It is so annoying.
    Mine is in my right ear. Having a hard time with this since the onset in December. Have T since 2014, ringing and morsecode. But this hum at about 100hz is another thing. Hope it goes away. Sometimes its intermitted, sometimes constant. Most bad at midnight. Like an engine running. I feel with you. I am from Germany too, Rostock.
    Mine is at 100 hz too. It is constant by me.
    hopefully Susan Shore's Device works also on head tinnitus. It is a whole new level.
    Thank God you're here.
    I'm so glad to see you are still with us. I know living is hell and waiting for help is unbearable at times. Noone here would judge you if you had shuffled off this mortal coil. But GOD I'm glad to see your holding on. It gives us such hope that even at our absolute wits end we can push through. I pray diligently that you find relief soon.
    I will kill myself. Goodbye.
    Please please hang in there man. You're stronger than this, you can do it.
    XEN1101 and Shore are coming soon & many here believe they'll be game changing treatments for T and even H for Xen
    Hang on. This was very difficult for me two years ago. I cried every day. I was sad and depressed. I decided to focus my life on getting my doctorate and becoming a professor. It helped me to take my mind off of the T and H. There are some days now, it's just a smooth buzz. Right now, it's ringing, but it doesn't affect me like it did 2 years ago. Praying for you to find strength and peace.
    I will not get by the hum. It will kill me. So i will use Headphones. If it is getting bad, than so be it. I am so fed up about this.
    I'm sure your T will become a minor nuisance after a while. It took me three months in 2016 to find peace with it. After a worsening in 2020, it went to a 10/10 but thankfully the hum went back to its previous level after 1 year or so. I'm quite positive that time could also be a healer in your case.
    did you took any anti-depressents? I have the feeling, it made it worse for me. I have this hum for 2 months and it is driving me insane. thank you for all the messages.
    Hi there @Aschenherz , I hope you're still here with us. Please don't do anything hasty! Tinnitus can change for the better after some time. So please hold on

    But in regards to your question: yes, I do use an antidepressant, which is mirtazapine. I only use it in the evening before I go to sleep.
    the motor in my head is now much more intrusive. It was a real deal to endure the day. hopefully it is only a temporary effect.
    I don't know what to do really.. nothing seems to work the 2nd time. The hum is by far more annoying than high-pitched tones..
    There is a five hour Window, where i can sleep. Definitely too little. I can't cope without sleep.
    @Aschenherz Hello, was wondering if you got any help, relief in the "Psych ward"? Were your Drs. familiar to T/H and had suggestions for medications?
    omg, i really thought, psych ward is the right word for it. i am so sorry..

    well, no. of course not. "we must see, why you develope tinnitus. It is a stress reaction" blah.
    @Aschenherz I'm sorry you dealt with that. Seems the same old, same old. :( I was hoping there was something new, with at least medication. (Bit confused, it was not Psych ward)?
    I can't sleep here. Not for a single second. Wonderful.
    Is your T keeping you awake or the anxiety and stress over it? If it's the later it can be treated, I know it seems hopeless but once I tackled my anxiety, my sleep improved a lot. I did it with hypnotherapy.
    if i want to habituate to my loud tones, should i keep the volume much lower or should it getting mixed with the tinnitus sound?
    i am going to a psych ward on monday. I can't take the depression and the intrusive thoughts anymore. i know, that it could get really bad.
    Good for you for making the best decision to help yourself. I hope you feel better soon
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