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Member, Female

Been also to the GP Wednesday and she is still not afraid there is something with my hearing but said that the eczema in my ears is worse Apr 13, 2024

xLuchiaaa was last seen:
Jun 24, 2024
    1. xLuchiaaa
      I want to make a end at my life, I can't handle this anymore
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Christiaan
        It's hard for our loved ones to imagine how we manage to get through the day while living with those sounds in our head. Explaining may not be enough to convince some of them. Sometimes, a film or a song may help to make it more palpable (invoelbaar).
        Nov 11, 2023
        xLuchiaaa likes this.
      3. Christiaan
        A few years ago, there was this commercial about a young woman who told her story about her tinnitus and how it had made an impact on her life. The wonderful part about this clip is that a few participants had to wear a hearing device that simulated her tinnitus sounds and were asked at the end of the day how that had impacted their quality of life. Suffice to say, it was quite a nightmare for all of them
        Nov 11, 2023
        xLuchiaaa likes this.
      4. Christiaan
        Nov 11, 2023
    2. xLuchiaaa
      Someone experiences with the meds Quetiapine? I don't know if it's the right word in English also here in Holland they call it this
    3. xLuchiaaa
      They have described me meds for my anxiety and depression but I hope it will be okay with my T
    4. xLuchiaaa
      Someone the experience that it got better after 3 months ? I am now like a little over the 3 months and in need of some good experiences
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      2. xLuchiaaa
        @Joe Cuber Can I maybe ask if hearing tests were okay for you to do with T ? I had a little test and it came back just good but I am tempting to ask if I can have a full hearing test because I feel like I have a fish bowl effect or it is disorted hearing
        Nov 10, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      3. xLuchiaaa
        They tested it by the ENT previous week, They did not a full test but only a shorter. The audiologist said that it was very good for my age. The doc also said that it was even better then some years ago, You did the standard audiogram ?? @Joe Cuber
        Nov 14, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      4. xLuchiaaa
        Did you have some notice of that you were hearing more less? @Joe Cuber
        Nov 21, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
    5. xLuchiaaa
      Today a 9/10 , I am so tired and feeling i'm dreaming
    6. xLuchiaaa
      Somebody tips to what is better to do? They did Monday a little hearing test but not the full one, Is it better to do still the full one
    7. xLuchiaaa
      It feels like i'm not on earth anymore my hearing is so weird my body feels also so tired
      1. Lurius
        Ooof :(
        Nov 7, 2023
    8. xLuchiaaa
      Is my audiogram with only those sounds enough to say that it's good
    9. xLuchiaaa
      I have the option to do a full hearing test tomorrow, Yesterday they only did the test with those sounds but not like the words
    10. xLuchiaaa
      I am so tired of the disorted hearing, It feels like i'm in a dream the whole time
    11. xLuchiaaa
      He said my hearing is just so good, Why are people just searching for it
    12. xLuchiaaa
      He said that it was only for 15 min per month, I said to him those 15 min per month can also do damage you don't want to have T
    13. xLuchiaaa
      I am so mad at my friend, He was showing me on a screenshot that he has his volume max on his earbuds.
    14. xLuchiaaa
      This morning it feels like a 11/10
    15. xLuchiaaa
      Is my T now worse because of the hearing test or is just the stress/tiredness ? Also had some hyperventilation today in the hospital
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TheCapybara
        Stress, fear and exhaustion can all make it worse for a while. You have to try and give yourself some time to rest and not focus too much on the sound.
        Nov 6, 2023
      3. xLuchiaaa
        @cyberspace it was only the normal test and also not a full one
        Nov 7, 2023
      4. xLuchiaaa
        @TheCapybara I think it's also indeed too much stress, Slept also so less the last days
        Nov 7, 2023
    16. xLuchiaaa
      Now a 9/10 my body feels so tired after so much stressful events again
    17. xLuchiaaa
      My ear was like popping like there was some pressure on it for some seconds
    18. xLuchiaaa
      The hearing test was good so far.. But got a high spike some minutes ago and it was horrible and it scares me ... My body feels so tired
    19. xLuchiaaa
      Yesterday evening I finally could watch calm a serie, T was still with it but it was clearly a lot better
      1. Juliane
        That is great! How was it better? Lower in volume?
        Nov 6, 2023
        xLuchiaaa likes this.
      2. xLuchiaaa
        Yes it was lower and it was like I was forgetting it some moments. Now I can hear/feel that I had a really bad night and stressful day because today it's more. How are you ??
        Nov 6, 2023
    20. xLuchiaaa
      Tomorrow finally going to the ear doc, Hopefully I will get then also a hearing test. Someone tips what I can ask or what I should do ?
      1. MindOverMatter
        @xLuchiaaa If they find any earwax they would like to remove, tell them to remove it manually - no microsuction. Good luck! You will feel better soon.
        Nov 5, 2023
        Christiaan and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      2. cyberspace
        @MindOverMatter microsuction ruined my life, these audiologists will lie and pressure you
        Nov 5, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    21. xLuchiaaa
      Does someone had the feeling of like hearing not clearly and that it got better after some time ?
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      2. xLuchiaaa
        @jjflyman Christiaan told that you also had the same experiences ? how you are doing now ?
        Nov 6, 2023
      3. Christiaan
        @xLuchiaaa Thanks for your kind words. You also don't have to apologise. TT is a safe zone for everyone who wants to seek help or help others in the mutual struggle for tinnitus awareness and potential treatments. That's all there is to it.
        Nov 7, 2023
      4. Christiaan
        About 'vervormd' sounds: I'm sorry you're going through this whole process. It may take some time before your hearing could recover in some degree, but be prepared that you could get used to the new 'normal', which is not an easy process,but it can get gradually better as you're slowly getting used to different perceptions. You'd be amazed how adaptable the human brain is when it comes to these particular situations.
        Nov 7, 2023
    22. xLuchiaaa
      The depression and my PTSD is taking more energy of me now then the T
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        It's hard.

        One day at a time. ❤️
        Nov 6, 2023
        xLuchiaaa likes this.
    23. xLuchiaaa
      I want the normal hearing back .. It scares me
    24. xLuchiaaa
      I am done with it
      1. L along the way likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        One day, one moment at a time. ❤️
        Nov 4, 2023
        xLuchiaaa and L along the way like this.
    25. xLuchiaaa
      Has someone experience with the feeling that there is hearing loss but that it was becoming good again? I really need a good experience
    26. xLuchiaaa
      It's really making me anxious to hear so weird
    27. xLuchiaaa
      Do I really have hearing loss, It scared me. Everything sounds so weird and different, How is this going to be okay
    28. xLuchiaaa
      Also very itching ears on the moment and a ''wet sound'' and like a burning feeling
    29. xLuchiaaa
      Luckily I have a appointment now by the ear doctor Monday, It feels like I am hearing like i'm in a bubble
    30. xLuchiaaa
      I can't do this anymore... I really destroyed my own life
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MindOverMatter
        Don't blame yourself for any of this. It will only make you feel worse. The muffled hearing will pass, have faith in that. But these things tend to take some time to settle @xLuchiaaa
        Nov 2, 2023
        xLuchiaaa likes this.
      3. cjbhab
        You can’t blame yourself. I used to blame myself until I realized that I didn’t do anything different than the average person. I was just living life.
        Nov 3, 2023
      4. xLuchiaaa
        I hope it, I want my spark back. It feels like the world is now like dark, I want to be happy again and energetic how I was. Do you have some experience it yourself with the muffled hearing ? @MindOverMatter
        Nov 3, 2023
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