L along the way

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  • Pff.. neighboors annoying sounds at night... doesn't help for a relaxing night's rest. I wish i could live somewhere more quiet
    And truly, my only hope is that with enough time, the body can rejuvinate and restore wellbeing with time. Wellbeing is the highest weallth
    L along the way
    @4Grace wow.. intriguing/hopeful to read that. I'm not sure i understand, but still.. i find it positive too, the peace part. As for here... yesterday i went to sleep at 11, still were awake at 4am. This sort of thing has been plaguing me for months. My ears basically really feel injured, and then sometimes i get so many negative thoughts while laying there, waiting to fall asleep.
    L along the way
    Acoustic harm has caused a physical injury, which i can hear as the t... invisible.. it's a scary thing frankly. Still i live on the hope that it can get better over time. But allow me to complain.. it really has been hard and enduring so much. Better days to come i keep telling myself.
    L along the way
    There are moments of peace, but real more lasting peace is what i long for. Following a natural lifestyle & praying for wellbeing indeed. Wishing a good day brother, cool and ease
    I'm repeating.. but well.. i try to live a healthy lifestyle, give it time, sleep when i can, distract with comedy something, calming sounds
    I find tinniituss really a harsh reality of acoustic torture, caused by acoustic harm/damage. It's so disruptive in many ways to me..
    I haven't had a good laugh for some time.. but that show really is funny if you ask me. Go check, now, and let's just be still. Uff heh..pff
    Good ol dumb humor. I'm just finishing up the office myself. A good comedy can help lighten the load.
    Man.. i'm repeating.. but i really hope for some day things may be well
    L along the way
    @4Grace the strange thing is though.. i see myself writing positive comments on here, but in actual life.. sadly, negativity has been more my experience.. man.. longing for just wellbeing
    L along the way
    I don't know, it's like i don't want to upset here.. but in myself.. i've had just so much negative repeating thoughts about this so much of the time (this is torture, this is suffering).. by itself it's already tiring, i get tired of myself. It has basically been enduring.. pff.. hope we will find rest & wellbeing in time to come.. man.. respect
    Also been watching movies again lately.. distractions for now..
    That's good news. Distracting with a movie if you can. I really feel like you are going to be okay. Honest. Just some time.
    L along the way
    I'm learning here, with the feedback. I mean.. it sounds so simple.. give it some time, everything fine. The sad truth is, i also don't know. I guess it's also.. because of the discomfort/suffering.. the moment is just not.. pleasant.. the idea that something better can come in time may be just a coping mechanism, but i mean.. it's helpful to be able to endure the situation. But man.. how i just long for a good day..
    Wellbeing.. looking forward to experiencing a day of ease & wellbeing once again
    It's coming. You have the perfect mind set.
    L along the way
    Well, that's kind, but it's not so.. my mind set swings all the time quite frankly. Sometimes i feel like i'm fooling myself with positivity talk, because sadly my situation hasn't been enjoyable these past years. Hope that something better can come.. i dunno.. it feels like it helps me through..
    Today i'm not in the mood for tinnitus..
    How did yours get that way the tinnitus is it more than one reason
    L along the way
    Acoustic harm :( i went to rave parties in my youth.. and one of them (volume) was beyond all proportions.. man.. i think they should inform or protect the public, especially youth who at young age weren't aware (i didn't know at all what i was getting myself into).
    L along the way
    Luckily nowadays i hear around me more that youths are having earplugs with them when they go out. For me, i just hope it is possible that t from acoustic harm can actually heal with time
    I keep telling myself to have patience, to give myself as much of plenty of time, i hope we can experience wellbeing once again some day
    I hope i can at least sleep well again some time. Man.. just rest.. sleep is like a medicine i believe. I pray that some day things be well
    L along the way
    My friend @4Grace , please don't feel this way. You're not a burden at all. Can we remind that we didn't ask for any of this in the first place. I appreciate your kinds words to me, and all your honest sharings. Any authentic expression, is a real expression.. i mean.. i wish life were just blissful, but sadly for some reason.. sometimes it's hardship and suffering..
    L along the way
    I wish i had a good mindset always, but there have been days where i just prayed.. to just fade away.. felt so done with this.. exhaustion.. crying, burning t.. racing thoughts, desperation.. insomnia.. just feeling of this being injust and suffering so badly.
    L along the way
    I don't wish others to suffer, but reading from others gives me some sense of not being alone in this. Thank you friend for sharing authentic, i wish we reach a better day. Natural wellbeing seems like heaven. I try to have hope that it is possible again in time.. an easeful day
    I feel sad about this, this has been so much suffering, caused by acoustic harm. I just wish rest. Healing. I pray it is possible, a new day
    Hey my friend. Hope you are doing better. Love you and I keep praying for you.
    L along the way
    Thank you. Ups and downs. Trying to follow a good flow, trying to not stay down. It has been harsh, but may things eventually get better, day by day, some life areas have improved, while some areas.. i just felt frustrated and down sometimes. The hurt and harm.. i hope it will heal.. I just try to do my best to follow a good flow on the new day. I hope you are well too buddy, I pray too.. love & greets
    have you tried gabapentin? if so, did it worsen your tinnitus?
    L along the way
    Haven't tried it.. i sometimes take anti pain meds or a drink before sleep.. other than that i try to live a healthy lifestyle.. resting a lot, plant based food, inspiration and sometimes just distracting myself. But a balanced and healthy lifestyle feels valuable and inspiring, it gives me hope for a better future
    There's just a lot of sadness here.. last few weeks have been very rough. I try to allow the emotions. Praying for things to get better
    If there be a a 0.1% improvement by the day, i would directly sign for that. I wish a good outlook for the future. A new day, a better day
    A new day, hoping for a better day
    This will keep you going. I pray one day it will be that better day for you and everyone on here. Sharon is proof it can be done. Sadly I do not feel this applies to me.
    L along the way
    Thank you friend, i appreciate it a lot. But to be honest, i'm also not sure at all.. :( this stuff is absolutely berserk. I pray too, one day everything will be okay for us all who have to suffer from this. I don't know why, but let it all be not for nothing please, we've come too far. Endured so much.. Wishing strength & ease.. some better day
    What's there to say.. i try to inspire myself & have hope & faith.. but the actual reality of the situation is just so.. harshly unpleasant
    (2) trauma/damage. It's not natural at all. I just wish to be well again. This continuous impuls/disturbance/stressor is berserk
    (1)All in all it's just awful to be honest. For me, t feels like a continuous auditory pain stressor, and i know this is because of acoustic
    Mindfulness practises, natural lifestyle, wishing ease, hope, going moment by moment.. this can't be rushed.. i hope it may be a better day
    I find it hard to be mindful when there is no mind left at all. Between work and sleep, there is only time for the noise.
    What a situation this has become.. who would have known.. i just wish to experience natural wellbeing again
    Health is wealth. But I knew this. I don't need this lesson. This lesson teaches me absolutely nothing.
    L along the way
    I learned this too.. hoping we can get our health & wellbeing back some day, some good day
    @Juliane - I knew this too. However, there is no learning like experiencing it every day.
    Saying (to myself) some day..some day..and going with a new day.. please with some ease.. going for a walk, watching the birds, bees & trees
    L along the way
    Same here.. i don't know what to say.. this stuff has been so harsh.. i pray for a break, unwinding and relief
    @L along the way - my God. I can't believe we are doing some of the same things. I'm so tired. Worsening badly. I met up with some friends yesterday, I forget that other people are living. This just got a lot harder for me.
    L along the way
    The feeling that this situation is totally unfair i also share.. questions like why why.. i mean.. there's no answer i guess.. what else can we do, than do our best in daily life. I struggle with the idea of hope in that regards, to find joy in daily life. But i mean.. this can not be the destination, it can't. Saying every day, it can and will get better
    Allow me to vent.. it has been harsh harsh.. what's there to say or do.. help help dare i say too.. but it didn't help.. thusfar :(
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