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Sep 18, 2024 at 8:15 PM
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On the other hand I found a new doctor who is able to prescribe me gabapentin. Thank got I didn't order it from India illegally for $50... Sep 18, 2024 at 7:29 PM

_Shoto_ was last seen:
Sep 18, 2024 at 8:15 PM
    1. _Shoto_
      Listening to my neighbor's dog barking 3 hours non stop (it saw a cat) and dreaming about my new apartment without balconies. I can't wait!!
    2. _Shoto_
      I wonder what ppl with catastrophic T do when their sleep meds stop work so now they can't sleep at all...Do they sleep once every 2 nights?
      1. RunningMan
        It varies. Some people seem to be able to sleep anyway. Some sleep meds help. Best to avoid benzos and Mirtazapine because they stop working leaving you even worse off due to tolerance and dependency.
        Aug 2, 2024
      2. Pinhead
        My brain just sort of blacks out. I don't "fall asleep" really. It's like a trauma response. It's also the best part of my day and my entire life.
        Aug 2, 2024
        tpj, _Shoto_ and L along the way like this.
    3. _Shoto_
      My T spike is still here and 2mg of clonazepam did nothing at all. I still can't sleep. The ringing is just too loud. Crazy. CRAZY times
      1. streifzug
        hope the spike goes away!
        Aug 2, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
      2. _Shoto_
        Hi @streifzug ! Thanks. I think I feel better now. Probably it finally calmed down to my almost usual level. I can hear my T everywhere expect the shower, so I think I'm back to my normal again lol
        Aug 3, 2024
    4. _Shoto_
      Tinnitus is 10/10 instead of my normal 7/10. Be careful with ADHD meds guys. Everything was always alright but today 10 mg of dex spiked T..
      1. 4Grace
        We are in the same place. I can not longer take any meds. Stay strong,
        Aug 2, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
    5. _Shoto_
      My family doctor said I should find a neurologist by myself. I swear PCP doctors are so useless. They can't do anything at all
      1. crescentsky
        They're absolutely useless in my exp for health issues.
        Aug 2, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
    6. _Shoto_
      ADHD meds comedown is harsh on tinnitus. Very harsh. Before T I never even had a comedown side effects at the end of the day. Ugh...
    7. _Shoto_
      My new apartment has a bedroom that doesn't have any neighbors from all sides. So happy. And this complex doesn't have balconies! So good
      1. tpj, crescentsky, ECP and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. _Shoto_
        Hi @ECP, the dogs. Many people are allowing their dogs bark there overnight. They bark at pedestrians, leaves, and cats. My current neighbor is letting their dogs bark on the balcony from 5am to 7am. 4 days a week. I can't live like this :( No balconies/patios means no dogs at night and early morning! Can't believe I was able to find the ONLY apartment complex without balconies. In a city of 400K...ugh
        Aug 1, 2024
        ECP likes this.
      4. ECP
        Your landlord shouldn't be letting the dogs bark so much, but it's a moot point now that you've planned your escape. Congratulations on the new place!
        Aug 1, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
      5. RunningMan
        Dogs don't care about what neighbors or landlords think. And their owners don't seem to care. They bark all the time.
        Aug 2, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
    8. _Shoto_
      Today I saw my future apartment. It's bad. But it's cheap, the walls are thick, and the HVAC units are not under my window. 5/10
      1. ECP likes this.
    9. _Shoto_
      2 weeks ago I recovered from 100 db fire alarm. Yesterday I was exposed to 120 db bass in a parking lot. The problems can't leave me alone
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rich123
        Glad it got to baseline. Did you go to the dentist yet?
        Jul 31, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
      3. _Shoto_
        Nope. I'm too scared. I know I'll get a spike. Probably permanent. So now I'm just getting ready to move to another apartment and finding a neurologist to get meds for TTS
        Jul 31, 2024
      4. Rich123
        I'm gonna go soon. If u go spread out your appointment do like one to two fillings
        Aug 1, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
    10. _Shoto_
      Can't sleep now because of this awful day. Everything was so good but I decided to go to the grocery store... I'm such a fool. I can't...
      1. aab and snizzleberry like this.
      2. snizzleberry
        Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault for wanting to do normal stuff still. Hope you feel better.
        Jul 29, 2024
        ECP and _Shoto_ like this.
    11. _Shoto_
      I know bass is less harmful to the inner ear due to thick hair cells but I'm still panicking. Fuck me. Why did I go outside in Texas. Why...
    12. _Shoto_
      Probably tomorrow my T and H are going to spike. Just like with smoke alarm 2 weeks ago. Why did I go to grocery store...this is my fault...
      1. aab likes this.
    13. _Shoto_
      I hate the fact that you can't block bass even with double protection. Even with foam earplugs and professional earmuffs. 120 db bass is 120
    14. _Shoto_
      Why I'm not in Japan... Nobody respects silence here.
    15. _Shoto_
      I'm done with grocery stores. Sorry I'm done with it. Sorry mom, it's now up to you and only you. I'm fucking done with loud ass americans
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    16. _Shoto_
      122 decibels bass in a car on a HEB parking lot. Insane pain in ears. I can feel the bass even after walking 7 minutes away from it. Fuck u.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    17. _Shoto_
      Wore my huge muffs to the Walmart. Didn't hear a shit. They block 100% of noise. They look funny but it worth it! Sooo good. They cost $13!
      1. tpj, streifzug and Sansa like this.
      2. Utdmad89
        How? Earmuffs are crap lol
        Jul 27, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
      3. Karolina
        My hyperacusis must be extremely bad cuz I hear everything through them as if I didn't wear anything. And everything is STILL too loud with them on
        Jul 28, 2024
        4Grace, aab and _Shoto_ like this.
      4. 4Grace
        How do you do ear muffs? If I put ear muffs on my T is so loud. Pure torture, it’s physically impossible to endure.Ear plugs cause me pain.
        Aug 2, 2024
    18. _Shoto_
      Neurologist refused to see me because he knows nothing about hyperacusis, noxacusis, nerve pain, etc. Will request another one...God help me
      1. aab and Sansa like this.
      2. Pinhead
        Most know nothing, and if they know something, it isn't about treatment, at least in my experience.
        Jul 27, 2024
        SarahMLFlemmer and aab like this.
    19. _Shoto_
      I got neurologist referral today. I hope they don't drug test because my state is extremely anti-weed. They gonna block all my meds and etc
    20. _Shoto_
      150 mg Ibuprofen helped but now tinnitus is 11/10. Hopefully just a temporary spike. And I hope I will be able to fall asleep tonight. Omg
    21. _Shoto_
      I am not going to use benzo today. Once a week is my maximum. Tomorrow is 7th day so probably tomorrow. But I hope it won't be needed! :c
    22. _Shoto_
      The worst day. Watching a movie and then probably praying to fall asleep. I want this day to be a fever dream. It's 10/10 loud and painful
    23. _Shoto_
      I hope tomorrow is a better day. I hope I'm experiencing a temporary spike or something like that, I won't tolerate *this* for too long...
    24. _Shoto_
      Why am I such a severe case? I never attended concerts or parties. I can't believe i have to suffer for the next 40-50 years. Oh my god
      1. Pinhead
        That's the worst part. It's not 50 years of "living", it's 50 years of enduring actual physiological acoustic torture every second.
        Jul 25, 2024
        tpj and _Shoto_ like this.
    25. _Shoto_
      I'm not sure I can keep going. I'm trying to distract myself with everything. It just getting worse and worse. Pink noise don't help anymore
    26. _Shoto_
      I feel absolutely the worst since the trauma onset 7 or 8 months ago. Absolutely catastrophic. My head hurts so much. Especially inner ears
    27. _Shoto_
      I feel like my ears are inflamed inside. This is not a life. This is an existence
    28. _Shoto_
      Last 2 days my ears hurt more than usual, ringing is louder. Something is broken and I'll never know that. A nerve? Hair cells? A muscle?
    29. _Shoto_
      Dysacusis is completely gone but T is 9/10 and it's been like this for a week. So probably a new norm for me. Gonna habituate again
      1. GG_Ear
        @_Shoto_ Wow I still have mine after one year! How did yours go?
        Aug 9, 2024
    30. _Shoto_
      Can I print out articles from Wikipedia and give them to my neurologist? Is that rude? I just know he knows nothing but I need meds from him
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kingsfan
        I would look for academic papers rather than wikipedia. Would be more convincing.
        Jul 24, 2024
      3. _Shoto_
        Hi @kingsfan I don't think this is a better choice tbh. The general info should be very short and in 2-3 sentences. Doctors won't read more than that, plus the words should be very common and easily understandable. It took me 10 mins to explain hyperacusis to nurse practitioner :c
        Jul 25, 2024
      4. kingsfan
        Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, as we have seen history articles being revised to fit certain narratives recently.
        Jul 25, 2024
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    Tinnitus Since:
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