Bob den Hartog Sep 26, 2019 Monday, Tuesday sudden stretches of near silence, then Wednesday BAM, someone suddenly rings my bell when I'm in the hallway,back to fucked.
Monday, Tuesday sudden stretches of near silence, then Wednesday BAM, someone suddenly rings my bell when I'm in the hallway,back to fucked.
Sam98 Sep 11, 2019 Hey can I ask if you still experiencing crackling in the ears when swallowing. Or any sensation of ear fullness (not muffled hearing though). Thanks, hope you're doing well.
Hey can I ask if you still experiencing crackling in the ears when swallowing. Or any sensation of ear fullness (not muffled hearing though). Thanks, hope you're doing well.
Bob den Hartog Aug 15, 2019 One week into new dieting regime results: 1) woke up to pretty silent T, 2) still reactionary as heck, 3) craving chocolate SO BAD.
One week into new dieting regime results: 1) woke up to pretty silent T, 2) still reactionary as heck, 3) craving chocolate SO BAD.
Bob den Hartog May 4, 2019 Got another random moment of silence while cleaning the kitchen counter. Didn't want it to end, so, apartments never been cleaner.
Got another random moment of silence while cleaning the kitchen counter. Didn't want it to end, so, apartments never been cleaner.
Bob den Hartog Apr 11, 2019 After months of gradual worsening, yesterday, I woke up to no T. It slowly came back, but lower in volume (whisper it: am I... recovering?).
After months of gradual worsening, yesterday, I woke up to no T. It slowly came back, but lower in volume (whisper it: am I... recovering?).
Bob den Hartog Apr 9, 2019 Ok. Realized T is gone, all of a sudden. Tempted to just stay like this. Position is hurting neck, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Ok. Realized T is gone, all of a sudden. Tempted to just stay like this. Position is hurting neck, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Bob den Hartog Apr 9, 2019 During running, somewhere halfway I lost the signal. Once I realized, I had to look for it. Why again do I always go looking for it?
During running, somewhere halfway I lost the signal. Once I realized, I had to look for it. Why again do I always go looking for it?
Bob den Hartog Apr 9, 2019 When I wear my earplugs at night, I often completely forget I have them in. Really, brain? *This* you chose to habituate on?
When I wear my earplugs at night, I often completely forget I have them in. Really, brain? *This* you chose to habituate on?
Bob den Hartog Apr 8, 2019 Now that I'm working on sound exposure, I'm getting randomized moments of low T near silence, in between louder T. Weird. And confusing.
Now that I'm working on sound exposure, I'm getting randomized moments of low T near silence, in between louder T. Weird. And confusing.
Bob den Hartog Apr 7, 2019 Exposed myself to lots of sounds yesterday, went to bed with bad T, accepted it as a result, and now... it's so... quiet?
Exposed myself to lots of sounds yesterday, went to bed with bad T, accepted it as a result, and now... it's so... quiet?
Bob den Hartog Mar 26, 2019 Thought my tinnitus wasn't so bad, if it weren't for that constant vacuum cleaner sound. Turns out my neighbor is actually vacuum cleaning.
Thought my tinnitus wasn't so bad, if it weren't for that constant vacuum cleaner sound. Turns out my neighbor is actually vacuum cleaning.
Bob den Hartog Feb 25, 2019 My T just changed to the sound of twittering birds. So I'm basically producing my own masking sounds.
My T just changed to the sound of twittering birds. So I'm basically producing my own masking sounds.
Bob den Hartog Feb 15, 2019 Going outside again for a walk, first time since H major backlash. Wish me luck .
Bob den Hartog Feb 13, 2019 Setback last night, while talking with a friend. Right ear now also painful. But! H improved significantly in 2 weeks last time, now again?
Setback last night, while talking with a friend. Right ear now also painful. But! H improved significantly in 2 weeks last time, now again?
Bob den Hartog Feb 10, 2019 Watched favorite tv program last night. Hardly H pain, reactive T did react, but did not *override* tv. Feels like I can watch tv again!
Watched favorite tv program last night. Hardly H pain, reactive T did react, but did not *override* tv. Feels like I can watch tv again!