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  • My therapist wants me to take medication for my anxiety, but I'm so afraid as I don't want my T to get worse...
    Hi @Ngo13, I hope everything is alright with you. Yeah I feel you, I hate this game of Russian roulette and wondering if a medication is going to make T or H worse. It's so stressing and adds more difficulty to our already difficult lives. That said, I have no experience with benzodiazepines, but have been on ADs. Tinnitus was unaffected while trying Prozac and Nortriptyline. 1/3
    I'm in the camp that believe antidepressants are not ototoxic. When antidepressants do cause or worsen tinnitus it's usually temporary and reversible. There's no structural damage to the ears being done. It's likely the brain chemistry(ADs affecting serotonin changes in the brain) is just making the tinnitus more perceptible. Stop the AD and T will go back to baseline. I have seen that to be the case here. 2/3
    But anyways, it's totally normal for people like us to be afraid of worsening. It's definitely best to take a non-drug route to see if we can safely ease up our limbic system and make dealing with tinnitus a bit more easier. But if nothings helping and your life is still a struggle, then medication should be explored. If you do decide to take medication, look for ones where the side effect profile are pretty low. 3/3
    No loss in the extended audiogram, was told to try sound therapy to get out of "fight or flight" mode. Will it really help lower volume?
    Yes, it will. It took me years to get there, but absolutely makes a positive difference. There are times I don't think my volume is actually lower, but out of fight or flight it seems to be. If I concentrate it's as loud as ever. Once the flight or flight stops it's less noticeable most of the time. It's a hard phenomenon to describe until you experience it.
    @spedgas thank you for that glimmer of hope. I will keep trying to use it and hopefully I will get there one day.
    My husband literally just told me that sounds can't hurt and cause pain to my ears, that it's just my anxiety. I just can't.
    So sorry to hear that, is difficult with people around. My partner sadly got Tinnitus too, we did got it very similar time so she totally understand me and support me from day one. My friend son the other hand, is totally different, nobody understand how difficult is to live with ears issues
    These are stupid conditions indeed @Ngo13. It's so frustrating trying to convey the complexities of our ear issues to close ones only for them to not understand any of it and then downright dismiss it.

    I hate how sophisticated tinnitus can get. I wish it were a much more simpler thing for everyone. Something that was constant and never spikes.That way, it'd be much easier to manage at least.
    Thanks @CRGC, I will check out those articles.
    Masked my ringing for a min. Allowed myself that breath before the ringing came back, but it was wonderful. Trying to hold onto that (2/2).
    Was able to take a deep, relaxing breath for the first time since onset. Combo of mild day, holding my sleeping baby & tv on (1/2)
    Been doing better for a week or so now. Tinnitus has been going up and down as usual but I'm trying my best to just keep going!
    Hi Ngo, How are you? Has the tinnitus spike settled for you yet?
    Just wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me in the job thread. Polished up the resume a bit to include keywords companies look for. I've also started to get some contacts through LinkedIn as well. I feel like it's opened up another explorable path for me which is great. Thx
    Hi @ZFire, yes it has mostly settled now...took almost 3 weeks. Might still be a tad worse but I'm trying not to analyze it. Good otherwise, been keeping busy with my baby and my job!
    Hope all is well with you. Glad your job search is getting better. I saw you had a good interview the other day- I hope it works out!
    I guess my goal now is habituatation. It seems impossible but I really really hope I can get there
    Forever hopeful
    @Ngo13 I didn't think we have much choice. I hope it settles for you.
    @Forever hopeful I did it, because having noises while I sleep etc was even worse, because my tinnitus was so loud and having a white noise machine so loud causes headches and I was not able to sleep. So I said, you know what, I need to make friend with this sounds or I will go crazy trying to have noises around me 24/7 try it to hide it.
    I still now have stomach and MEM/TTTS and other health issues, so I live in agony every day.
    I know I have so many good things in my life, I would be so happy if this noise would just go away. It casts a shadow over all the good.
    @CW Dragon this condition really puts things in perspective doesn't it. If a cure were to be found I'd feel like I had a second lease on life
    I would never complain again.
    CW Dragon
    @CRGC yep, i feel so disconnected from my old self, still feel like I'm in a nightmare trying to wake up. I go to sleep early/stay in bed till like 8am and hope I wake up to the end of it, but it doesn't end.
    Day 9 of a bad spike from a metal towel bar falling to the ground in a small bathroom. Longest one yet, praying it is not permanent
    Part of my problem is I have no idea what is safe, anything and everything could make T worse, or not. Really frustrating!
    I was concerned to be around my AC unit when it was turned on. After continuous exposure to it, i now know that it doesn't worsen my T and now I'm okay to be around it. You'll start to figure it out as you go along too. But remember if there's anything makes you feel uncomfortable or that you know is too loud, then take pre caution.
    @ZFire I hope it gets easier. I'm trying to use those experiences where my T doesn't get worse as my proof that it's ok. Just hard since my T fluctuates a lot during the day and I can't seem to pinpoint why yet.
    Forever hopeful
    Have you had another hearing test? Sometimes the loss is not immediately measurable.

    Hang in there. I had T resolve twice after at least a year for both.
    Noticing a pattern now of milder T in the morning that ramps up throughout the day. I'm grateful for the milder moments, however short
    Going through what I think is my first real spike since the beginning for 4 days now, unsure of the cause. Can you get spikes from stress?
    Many people say it can. My T likes to play up when I'm feeling down, but stress seems to be OK.

    Hope your seeing improvement.
    @makeyourownluck I'm still not 100% convinced it was from stress but the spike seems to have passed. I am, however, a bit less stressed now so who knows!
    Can improvement still happen after 6 months? There's been hardly any improvement for me so far
    I feel like I keep going backwards to zero. At first when I was using sound therapy and found some noise I would play it and go to sleep with it now my sensitivity is worse than the volume of my T and I startle at small noises. Torture.
    Me too. I startle easy with usual sounds now..mostly its my mental state. It very loud when I chew hard food. Its all a nightmare I want out of fast. How long for this to heal...
    @martinberryhorse acceptance has been what has helped me the most. No cures and I'm not getting better. Time to move on or not. Sometimes my brain blocks it out
    When will this ear pressure go away?!
    @Steph1710 its stories like yours that have made me try and stop. The pressure can get so intense though. Piping the became a habit.

    @Ngo13, I also think mine is correlated to the weather. Things expand in heat so maybe that why? Idk. I really would advocate for a steamer, it's the only thing that has even slightly helped. That and reducing my earplug usage but this is risky. Mine has a wee bit for essential oils.
    Mines has negative pressure on every hearing test I take. I don't know how much longer I can take this. My sound sensitivity is so bad that my body sounds are so loud that T is screeching. It's used to screech but be in the back of my head. Now in front. I don't know everything I did made it worse
    Can't stop thinking about how much better my life would be without tinnitus
    Hi @Ngo13, I know how you feel. How long have you experienced your tinnitus? For the first couple of months, I couldn't stop thinking the same thought.
    @Joe Cuber I've had it for about 5 months now. Just tired of it...
    Hi @Ngo13, have you had your iron levels taken since having your son?
    @Mal25 same here, 2 years of ups and downs mentally, but T and H just worsening every day.
    @Nadia231 my T is already loud it's 6:13am here. I cannot take it anymore no one knows how to fix it. I should've stayed in silence and not drive or came outside. I don't think I can come back
    @Mal25 I understand how you feel. Just hang in there, give your ears a rest and hopefully we'll make some progress at least on how we feel about it.
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