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  • Have tried to avoid coming around here as much. My normal T is pretty much still the same. This month marks 11 months since it all began.
    Going in on Dec 13 for a balloon occlusion test (still not sure what that means) and cerebral angiogram to rule out arterial causes
    Update: I have to go back. He wants to do more tests. He said I have enlarged jugular bulb which he could potentially fix. Fingers crossed
    I really don't think it worked. I can't believe this
    @Joe Cuber Yes I'm still experiencing it when I lay down to sleep and bend over. My doctor said my body might need time to adjust but I'm having doubts that it worked for me. Most people's is gone instantly. :(
    @Joe Cuber Maybe slight improvement but still bothering me when I lay down. I really hope he's right too
    I heard my PT last night while laying down. Trying not to get discouraged, dr said my body needs to adjust. Good vibes/prayers appreciated
    Please don't get discouraged. Your doctor is right. Sending good vibes your way!
    @tpj Thank you. I heard it again last night and had a hard time sleeping. It's so scary thinking maybe this didn't work for me and I'm out of options. I really really hope it continues to improve as I heal
    Survived my stenting surgery yesterday. I'm not gonna lie, recovery has been ROUGH. The night in the ICU was hell too. But I'm home now.
    Glad you got through it alright Penny. I hope the stent makes a noticeable improvement!
    @TheCapybara I'd say at least 95% gone (knock on wood). Lots of swelling/inflammation plus brain needing to readjust blood flow so there's a chance it'll still improve even more. The stent ended up being 7mm x 80mm so quite large!
    That's fantastic @PennyCat! So happy for you.
    My stent for my pulsatile tinnitus is on Friday!
    What does it do, if you could explain it briefly?
    Good luck, as well!
    @TindalosKeeper A mesh stent is placed in the vein with stenosis to help open it back up, which hopefully fixes the turbulent blood flow causing the sound. It's not 100% guaranteed to fix it but it works for most people with venous sinus stenosis, which I have. I really hope it works for me!
    Oh, interesting... Wonder what causes mine... Specially when I hear clearly my heartbeat in my bad ear for some reason.
    My PT has really been interfering with my sleep lately and for some reason I'm becoming anxious that the stent won't help me. Thanks OCD
    Moments like this, when it's 1am and I'm having a BPD episode, my T takes the back burner. But I'd do anything to not have BPD. It's so hard
    TTTS has been back again the past few days but esp. today. Trying to remind myself that it's settled before many times, and it can again.
    If this is how my life is going to be, I don't think I can continue to live it
    I get in the same mindset, but in 2-3 years we will (hopefully) most likely have one if not two groundbreaking options to change our situations. Dr. Shore's device and hopefully one of the KV7 modulator medications. I have very high hopes for the KV7 modulating drugs.
    So many of us feel this way. Life has become surreal. I hope with all of my heart that we will ALL heal from this.
    I'm 100% sure I can't do this anymore. It's never going to get better
    Although I feel the exact same way i also tell myself that we cannot know what tomorrow holds. Best example - life before and after T. Who would have known. Next time it needs to be in the reverse.
    I really can't do this. There's no end in sight. So many sounds
    @Viridiana Not great at the moment, I keep getting new tones on top of my existing ones every few months. Tomorrow (Dec 4th) will be a year since I got my T
    What si the cause of your T? How do You cope with yours at the moment? It's the first time I've met someone my age with T
    @Viridiana I have no idea what caused it, it randomly started out of nowhere. I don't cope very well, it's all still pretty new to me since I'm in my first year
    How often do you experience fleeting T?
    No fleeting - it's always there but changes intensity and sounds over longer periods.
    It changes, some times it's multiple times a day in either ear. Sometimes it can go a week or so without one. I stupidly hoped it was a sign T was fading.
    I'm similar to a lot of you - some days it's very frequent (almost a scary amount), others it doesn't really happen at all, or maybe once.
    Talked to the Dr that will do my stent and mentioned my concerns about Aspirin. He lowered dose from 325mg to 81mg which is much better
    I keep thinking I hear new sounds/new distortions and I can't tell what's real and what's just because of my anxiety and hyperfixation :(
    Can anything distract you?
    You have my sympathy @PennyCat anxiety mixing in with T is always a challenge.
    @tpj I've been trying to distract myself a lot lately. Tiktok, youtube, TV shows, games on my phone or xbox, sitting outside. It helps somewhat but my brain still constantly goes to search for the T and monitor/check it to see if it's the same or different (thanks, OCD)
    Well, my break was kind of short-lived. The past few days I have really been bothered by/hyperfixated on my T. I'm so tired of this cycle
    L along the way
    So relatable.. t is such a... pfft... condition.. I hope one day it may get better.. still today i hope it may be a good day..
    I'm going to take a break now. My T still bothers me, but I know coming on here several times a day is just giving me anxiety. Much love <3
    I had my procedure today. I will be getting a stent for my pulsatile tinnitus in October! I'll post results in the comments.
    He also showed me the images from the procedure. The narrowed vein is close to the ear which is likely why I hear the turbulent blood flow.
    @PennyCat Getting some plausible diagnosis should be a good news! Maybe there is something that can be done. I read some success stories from a member in France who got PT fixed. Don't recall the name. Good lcuk.
    @gameover Thanks! It's likely that the stent will resolve my PT. Then I will only have normal T to deal with (hopefully).
    I'll come on here to update after my procedure but then might take a break - reading some things here gives me major anxiety
    I love you all and I hope things get better for all of us <3
    Tomorrow is my cerebral angiogram with an interventional neuroradiologist to find out more info about my pulsatile T. I'm kind of scared
    Hope you find an answer!
    A CTA or the gold standard invasive angiogram? @PennyCat Does your whole body vibrate along with the PT noise in your head?
    @Kain Thank you!

    @sakrt I had a CTV and CTA done by this doctor and he saw narrowing of some of the veins, so now he is doing an angiogram. I'm nervous for it but glad I get to have it done. My whole body doesn't vibrate but my PT ear feels full when it starts to whoosh and it's very loud. Mine is mainly position-related though, not 24/7 thankfully.
    Anxious again today. Tired of having so many tones. I hope at least some of them disappear with time.
    I turn 23 on Saturday (September 2). Asked my parents if they'd want to go to an aquarium w/ me, like I'm 5. Everything comes full circle :p
    I wish I knew what caused my tinnitus. But I have a feeling I probably never will. Stress, TMJ, bad luck, karma ???
    My new mantra: "I hear it, I can't do anything about it, it's fine, I'll be okay." Is that actually true? Who knows. I hope it is!
    Wish I could do that. Does the mantra work for you when trying to sleep?
    @Juliane I have yet to try it when falling asleep, but I'll let you know! I said it to myself over and over again when I was anxious earlier and I calmed down a bit.
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