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  1. Tommi_boi

    Episode 18: Tinnitus Realities — Steve and Sean

    I haven't logged in here for such a long time but I wanted to show my support for the Tinnitus Talk Podcast. I listened to the first episode and really enjoyed it. Great job guys.
  2. Tommi_boi

    Siren at 60 Feet

    I got caught by an ambulance once as I stood next to it . I think it did do some kind of auditory damage as I caught some sound sensitivity out of it. Plugging your ears does work though as I do this and I haven't had any issues since.
  3. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    Hi Will, Medicine induced is one type of Tinnitus I havent yet had, but apparently you need a lot of medicine for it to actually do permanent damage to your system. Even things like paracetamol and ibuprofen is supposed to "irritate" the auditory system. It's the ones that end in "mycin"...
  4. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    So for me, I had tinnitus for a few months. Then it got better. All in all, it's amazing what the human body can come back from. I'd say I'm 95% better from this. How you getting along ?
  5. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    Howdy, just my two cents (or pence, coming from the UK!). I agree with what all the others say, early days and try not to listen out for it. I remember when I had this (used to play in bands) I used to obsess about it. I first injured my hearing and then I had a static TV sound followed by...
  6. Tommi_boi

    Football Match

    I went to one this weekend, put the plugs in when it got a bit too loud but on the whole feel like I came out unscathed. You can white list football matches for my part
  7. Tommi_boi

    Flying with Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    I have a girlfriend in Australia while I live live in the UK. For those who are wary of flying here is what I did (p.s I suffered from acoustic noise injury, still have sound sensitivity). I flew 22 hours. During that time I gave my ears some time to get used to cruising in flight for an hour...
  8. Tommi_boi

    Fire Alarms. Not Worth My Worry.

    It probably also tells you that over time your ears are on the mend ;) , congrats!
  9. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis Gets Better

    Congrats! I believe H is more phycological , the brain goes into "defensive mode" when it percieevs sounds as a threat. If you expose yourself to every day noise slowly and gently, for a lot of people you can make some good recovery in a year. I used to have some real sound sensitivity but I'm...
  10. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Ahh I see, well yours is a little different to mine then, as mine was noise induced hearing damage. I caught static noise from playing in a band with no earplugs for a year. I noticed that something was wrong as my ears were muffled and I had a static noise for like three months (something...
  11. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Sounds like you are very similar to me :). Sounds were more noticeable, definitely . So I think you have what I have, mild sensitvitity. The good news is that this is not hyperacusis (you would know if this is hyperacusis - ear pain!) . If you are only four months in , the future is bright...
  12. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Hi Chris, I think you have what I had and you are in the earlier stages of it. I used to hear higher frequencies a lot (people's money clinking, car brakes e.t.c.). Like you I didn't have any hearing loss and I also don't have tinnitus. I think what you tereforet have is hearing sensitivity...
  13. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis for 4 Months — Can It Still Get Better Without Treating It?

    It can take longer than 4 months yes, the trick is to play it by ear (see what I did there) and not think about it. Expose yourself to sound sensibly and do not gocrazy with it such as concerts and stuff. I caught hearing sensitivity after an ambulance blasted its sirens practically right...
  14. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    You wear ear plugs on the tube?
  15. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    I'm in North London. you?
  16. Tommi_boi

    Hi I'm Constantly on Alert

    Hi Jake, I do that whole alert thing on the tube , listening out for loud train tracks lol. Does get a little addictive.
  17. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    Yes i would say so, I feel more resilient towards cars and trains. I still feel like the damage has made its mark though, certain cars still feel louder but its much more bearable. I have coped by not using headphones, avoiding concerts snd generally avoiding extra loud scenarios. Did you go...
  18. Tommi_boi

    Noise Sensitivity

    I had this after an accident involving an ambulance siren . After this I began to become sensitive to high pitched noises. I believe that's what you have maybe a little worse. At the start of this any car brake would just cause fluttering sensations in my head. Thankfully I am in a better...
  19. Tommi_boi

    Changed to Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I've had this happen to me. In fact I've had all three types of issues, tinnitus, PT and Sound sensitivity (one step less to hypercausis I guess). For me I had T first and then from out of nowhere it became PT! As if by magic it disappeared again. Sound sensitivity came on after a loud noise...
  20. Tommi_boi

    Can I Use Headphones for Masking and Tinnitus Relief?

    I would suggest avoiding headphones altogether. I’m sure you have come across a few @Michael Leigh posts, he is somebody that has had Tinnitus and as a result has become a somewhat of an expert at the topic. His personal recommendation is to avoid headphones totally. I have done this since an...
  21. Tommi_boi

    Hello Fellow Sufferers, Newbie Here

    Hey mate, Funny enough I’ve had back issues too (office job), secondly I would guess a litttle anxiousnesss going on here , I know because You sound a lot like me and I would drive my mrs insane telling her I think I had all these awful conditions too only to find out it was in my head . As...
  22. Tommi_boi

    Hello, New to This Support Forum

    I’ve battled with pulsation Tinnitus before and I am living proof it can go. To this day i dont know what caused mine in the first place and why it went away many months later. It took many weeks but went away and it can for you too. Tinnitus is a very unpredictable condition. My advice is do...
  23. Tommi_boi

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    I would rather they focus on fixing Tinnitus before getting a rat to speak
  24. Tommi_boi

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    Yes I agree with you, I think 2 years from now is a bit of a long shot, but definitely by 2025-2030 I think they will found some better solutions, maybe even by then not a cure but I do believe they will have at the very least come up with some better coping devices! Fingers crossed ;)
  25. Tommi_boi

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    Hi guys, I'm sure many of you have seen this before, but there seems to be a general prediction of around 2020 where some realistic things can be developed to help T : Thought it might be worth sharing :)
  26. Tommi_boi

    Whooshing When Lying in Bed

    I had a whooshing noise pretty loud at one point but I learnt to live with it by playing pink noise and funny enough if I plugged my ear I couldn’t hear it as much. Gradually it went away and so far it hasn’t come back.. weird
  27. Tommi_boi

    Ear Inverting/Cringing at Metallic Sounds

    Metallic sounds are a common offensive sound for people with H or sound sensitivity as they are generally higher pitched noises. I used to have an issue with coins at one point when they dropped!
  28. Tommi_boi

    Music-Induced Trauma

    I would say it’s very early to tell. I used to play in bands without any protection whatsoever, it was dumb but I never knew about the risks till I woke up with a muffled ear and tinnitus. I quit the band after that.. toughest thing ever to do as I loved playing in a band. A year later an...
  29. Tommi_boi

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    If I was in your shoes , I would continue with the pink noise, but run it off a speaker near your bedside table. I would probably also avoid things like concerts but cinema would probably be okay with the right ear plugs and if you think you are starting to become tolerant. A good option is to...
  30. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis — Should You Avoid Noise in the Beginning?

    I never had the pain symptoms but I did develop sound sensitivity from standing next an ambulance before it started blasting it’s sirens. I woke up and noticed that sounds would make me literally “jump” . Admittedly Ever since then I struggled with high pitched sounds, car brakes were the...
  31. Tommi_boi

    Hearing Heartbeat in Ear

    I’ve had this previously before as well but only when I used to lie down. Just like you, when I got up, it was gone! To this day I don’t know what caused mine to go away but I did by itself self and so with that in mind it cook for you also!
  32. Tommi_boi

    I'm So Worried, Don't Know What to Do

    Yeh if it only reaches around 90 with ear plugs I think youll be fine . If it’s 90 constantly perhaps take breaks in between, but from what u described I think you just need to relax a little more about it (easier said than done I know!) I have sound sensitivity from sound trauma (an ambulance...
  33. Tommi_boi

    I'm So Worried, Don't Know What to Do

    Sounds like a little sound sensitivity to me. If I was you I’d get proper ear plugs and see how you go. Measure how loud sounds get with your phone. Your hearing is just not worth being affected by a job, if you feel it’s loud constantly then perhaps consider another job ?
  34. Tommi_boi

    Movie Theaters?!

    I used to go to the movies when I first caught T and for each movie I went to I didn’t have any issues at all. Last film I saw was the Hateful 8 (guns and explosions) and I wore earplugs at all times - came out totally fine! Then I caught H and have been resisting going ever since, but it’s...
  35. Tommi_boi

    How Do I Avoid Going Homeless and Starving to Death?

    Wow, I’m also impressed with your workaround on the computer Red. That is amazing stuff ! What do you do for work?
  36. Tommi_boi

    How Do I Avoid Going Homeless and Starving to Death?

    Hi Sen, I’ve had rsi and know what a pain (quite literally it can be). I take it you work in the IT field ? I do and I used to have issues like you fairly recently. I would suggest looking into some sort of Osteopathic support for your hand. I had golfers elbow a lot and I would use support...
  37. Tommi_boi

    Ear Pain, Tinnitus Increase, Over Noise That Shouldn't Cause a Problem — What to Do?

    Hmm tough one, im no expert, although it seems that if a few hours later the pain came and only after the military jet (assuming you can't think of anything else noisy that happened in between) , then perhaps it was the jet. There are lists that include jets as one of the highest sounds on...
  38. Tommi_boi

    Calling All Who Experienced Getting Better Hyperacusis-Wise

    My own story was sound induced , I've been though the same as others: Experienced tinnitus for a few years , then developed a sound sensitivity due to an loud ambulance driving past with blaring sirens. It's been a tough year and a half since this begun for me, but I can honestly say it has...
  39. Tommi_boi


    I would certainly try and request a relaxing but quieter celebration if possible , but who knows you might get that anyway! It's often out of your control of somebody else is organising an event but if the person is well educated in what you are suffering from it should help. Of course you...
  40. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    Hi Michael, Absolutely, I do know it's not easy for newcomers, I remember when mine first happened.. it can be challenging and frightening. However over the years it has come on in different forms (mostly as a hiss) I've learnt to be more relaxed about it . I'm sure the same will be for many...
  41. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    Think of Tinnitus as an angry child if you pay attention to it , it will continue to cause problems . Ignore it and it does actually improve to the point you will go "wow I didn't even realise u was there )
  42. Tommi_boi

    Cure for Hyperacusis??

    Hi Sandra, Take it from me I had the squealing brakes issue and still do a little. But I'm currently doing much better. You just need to give it time. Feel free of course to vent here in the meantime ;) I totally beleive H is curable, but you need to keep using sound enrichment and try not...
  43. Tommi_boi

    Is Doxycycline Ototoxic and Capable of Causing Hyperacusis?

    Not really, it's one of the safest antibiotics to use. The "mycins" are the antibiotics class to avoid. The worst of these is neomycin.
  44. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    I think you should do your piano lessons, these sounds although might hurt will not cause nay further damage plus you can start to get some enjoyment out of life ;) In fact I'm willing to get that playing the piano will help den sensitise u and will improve over time as you play. I'm also a...
  45. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    Ye, you just need to be sensible in what can cause damage and what can't. I've read loads of horror stories on the web about even baby screams causing tinnitus , while this probably possible I think it's also extremely unlikely . Here on the UK I believe that Ambulance sirens are at...
  46. Tommi_boi

    Is This Hyperacusis (A Little Freaked Out)?

    Yep sounds like you are a little similar to where I'm at. I don't have tinnitus, but have had it in the past , I don't have TTS either but just sound sensitivity. Certain frequencies , mostly the sounds that car brakes give. I've totally given up the use of headphones (tough for an ex...
  47. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    Hi , I'm very similar to you in that I analyse everything for fear of getting worse. I was on holiday a few weeks back and I was almost back to normal, but then I started getting anxious after a while and slowly sensitivity came back a little. My own sound sensitivity was cause by an...
  48. Tommi_boi

    Will I Develop Hyperacusis?

    Hmm not to my knowledge I never wear headphones anymore not since my sensitivity or T began. Since this began, I haven't been very good at not relaxing when ambulances drive past since I know that's what caused it for me, it's a fear almost of them - but now even things like walking past dogs...
  49. Tommi_boi

    Will I Develop Hyperacusis?

    Probably a normal thing , but I feel that my own sensitivity is linked to 1) how tired I am 2) my emotional responses to sounds Just a few weeks ago I was almost bullet proof again and for whatever reason the sensitivity increased thus could be the norm with sound sensitivity and for case for...
  50. Tommi_boi

    Can Hyperacusis Desensitisation Therapy Lower Tinnitus?

    Hi Michelle, I would imagine you are probably where I am with my situation. Which is a mixture of fear of noise (misophonia I think it's called) and sensitivity to certain frequencies. Mine was brought on through acoustic shock by a high frequency sound and to be fair, since then I've...
  51. Tommi_boi

    Pop-up Girl and Girlfriends.

    Personally, I've never found any of Michaels comments offensive , in fact I think quite the opposite . I've reached out to him once or twice in the past when I've had set backs and have always found his advice helpful and well meaning. I doubt for a second he thinks of himself as a mr know it...
  52. Tommi_boi

    Does Tiredness Affect Anyone Else's Tinnitus? Can Slimming World Meals Impact Tinnitus?

    Yep tiredness and stress defintely had an impact in mine too, at its worst it would take days to go away
  53. Tommi_boi

    Please Somebody... Crying Hysterically... My Hyperacusis Seems to Have Gotten Worse

    It will get better, but do try chill out a little, unforunatley, as people say, stress can have an impact on it . It won't be doom and gloom forever so for now, have a glass of wine or something and take each days as it comes. If I have a hard day, a couple beers always helps me, H has a much...
  54. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears?

    I know exactly how you feel. What sort I hyperacusis do you have, is it the one with pain or just certain sounds that feel distorted ? I think if it's the pain one, then yes you should be a little more cautious with your ears - but even with that, it is important that you re introduce sound...
  55. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears?

    I used to a lot , I had a real fear of one station in particular as it was loud outside (dodgy rail tracks probably ) but I decided to test myself and not wear protection going through this as I figured I never had an issue with them after my acoustic accident and I was fine. After a few weeks...
  56. Tommi_boi

    This Storm Will Pass

    Haha, that's the spirit , I Think? Overdoing it is one thing but I think to do that you would have to really over do it to make your H worse, unless you belong to the more severe H bracket of people. Most people have a mild sound sensitivity and with this, as long as you are sensible wth your...
  57. Tommi_boi

    This Storm Will Pass

    I actually think you did the right thing there , de sensitising is really important, and I would say one test would not be enough. I used to have a fear of car brakes as my sensitivity would be within that frequency. I decided to quite literally face my fears and try and absorb the car brakes...
  58. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears?

    Well, I use to play in bands (the classic case) which gave me my first ear injury, but I think it was the ambulance that pushed me over the edge. Since then I've had sound sensitivity and I tend to watch roads for ambulances, But I try do it with an element of calm and most of the time it's ok...
  59. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears?

    Ye take your time over your panic attack, I had one on Monday actually when a siren went off near me, but for the most part I'm relaxed again now. So I had my first onset of H (or sensitivity to sound) about last April. During that time I actually went through a lot of anxiety (and still do...
  60. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears?

    Hi Vicki, I can offer some advice because I'm prone to getting panic attacks too. I've actually exprienced all types of Tinnitus and one thing I can say is , despite having a little H myself it can get better. Same goes for a lot of T sufferers. It's all linked to an emotional response. You...