Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. ringinginmyears

    Diagnosed with Cochlear Hydrops — Unsure Whether My Symptoms Fit or Not

    I have been diagnosed with Cochlear Hydrops, but I'm unsure if my symptoms align with the condition. At this point, I'm reliant on steroids to maintain my hearing. When I stop taking them, my hearing deteriorates again. In September 2021, I experienced a brief episode of low-frequency hearing...
  2. JohnnyBoy

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Low Frequency Tinnitus

    ...10 minutes or so. I was able to see the ENT again on the 16th of December, who couldn't see anything wrong and suggested it may be cochlear hydrops. The audiogram was the same as in November. He didn't prescribe any diuretics. These past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster for my...
  3. Nick23

    Tinnitus, Cochlear Hydrops, Pitch Distortions: Please Chime in with Your Thoughts NY. He ordered a CT and MRI scan and I will see him next week to discuss the results and for a hearing test. He thinks I have cochlear hydrops, because I have many of the symptoms (no vertigo or nausea so likely not Meniere's). This post is long so kudos if you're still with me. I...
  4. Kathleen11

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...Thinking I was congested, I did not seek treatment for 2 months. After many ENT and neurotologist visits, I was diagnosed with cochlear hydrops. My symptoms are low frequency hearing loss, fullness (sometimes aches), and tinnitus. I have had no vertigo (hence the diagnosis of cochlear hydrops...
  5. N

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Maybe Meniere's or Cochlear Hydrops.
  6. Hex

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    Anyone suffering from Cochlear Hydrops? I would love to hear some insight about how you guys handle it and what you guys can do to improve it. I was diagnosed with Cochlear Hydrops and have started a low sodium diet. I've been doing a low sodium diet for almost a month with no results...
  7. Darren Knight

    Cochlear Hydrops

    ...just returned from seeing the ENT specialist and got the all clear on my MRI scan. He did however say, that my condition sounds like Cochlear Hydrops, which is a build up of fluid within the inner ear chamber. I am already taking a 5 day course of Prednisone steroids, plus he has now...
  8. L

    Do I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...procedure for impacted ear wax. My Dr has referred me for MRI. The reason for posting is to ask if anyone else with Cochlear Hydrops started with similar symptoms and how was it diagnosed? Do I need a referral to an Audiologist? I really hate these symptoms and it has had a real impact...
  9. J

    Cochlear Hydrops? Is It Curable? And Other Questions

    Hello Everyone, I had a question concerning Cochlear Hydrops if it doesn't bother you to answer. My tinnitus came from nowhere after an ear infection. First it was in my left ear but after a mild noise trauma a very very mild low pitch sound started in my right ear as well. My audiogram shows...
  10. Heathen

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    When I was diagnosed with cochlear hydrops in the fall, I was told to take a cranberry supplement (diuretic) and lower my salt intake. I already had a really great diet, so there wasn't much salt to eliminate. But I started eating relatively bland food and keeping my salt below 2500 mg/day. No...
  11. D

    Droning Pressure Attacks: Ménière's, or Noise-Induced Tinnitus?

    It happened again today. I am certain it is something of cochlear origin—there is no way it is just in the brain. I have dysautonomia, so I have attributed it to either vasospasm or vasoconstriction in the inner ear, or perhaps fluid pressure buildup, similar to what occurs in hydrops. I cannot...
  12. Jchapman78

    Cochlear Hydrops — Need Relief

    My dad was diagnosed with Cochlear Hydrops after over a year of getting the run around. He's 71 years old, had quadruple bypass surgery in March. He has tried allergy medicine, saline rinses, betahistine, low sodium diet, and is now on week 2 of diuretics - nothing helps. He has the fullness...
  13. P

    Frequent Transient Hearing Loss for a Few Hours — ENT Suspects Cochlear Hydrops

    ...on over a couple of hours then lasts for 4 to 6 hours before getting back to normal. Usually starts in the afternoon. ENT thinks cochlear hydrops and has given me diuretics and advised a very low sodium diet, but I'm still getting same thing. Anyone experience anything similar? Any advice...
  14. D

    New Tinnitus Tone While Sleeping? Fleeting Tinnitus (SBUTT) Turned Into Something More Persistent?

    Do you think these episodes could be some form of hydrops, even if atypical compared to Meniere’s disease or cochlear hydrops? I experience something similar, thankfully only 1 to 2 times per year. For me, it starts with a SBUTT (sudden brief unilateral tinnitus) or fleeting tinnitus in one ear...
  15. Samantha R

    8-Year-Old Complaining of Tinnitus: No Noise Trauma — Could It Be Earwax Blockage?

    Hi All, It’s been a while since I last posted. My cochlear hydrops and tinnitus are largely under control, and life has been 'normal' for me. Tonight, my heart broke when I found my eight-year-old daughter in the bathroom, crying and saying she could hear a noise in her right ear. After...
  16. Blue28

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    Hi, I'd be grateful for any advice/input...I'm not sure where else to go! I think I may have Cochlear Hydrops brought on by an acoustic trauma. Ok, so I had an acoustic trauma just over a year ago, and since then have had very high pitched tinnitus (plus some low pitched humming), painful...
  17. Ian Mac

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    ...that their spinal treatments for orthopedic injuries were actually treating and curing other spinal diseases like Tinnitus and Cochlear Hydrops! Yes this is the Stem Cell treatment they are all flying to Germany for. I tracked down the doctor who performed DANA WHITES procedure in Germany...
  18. dhenry89

    Dehydration — Excercise induced Tinnitus/Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...Nagler - Thank you for your dedication to this forum, you have been a wealth of information. I have recently been diagnosed with Cochlear Hydrops (Meneiere's Disease w/o the vertigo). To help with the severe tinnitus I am 2 months in to TRT and finally in a stable state and accepting of...
  19. Zach777

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    ...were no issues. A couple days later I got in with the ENT that after reviewing the MRI and the hearing tests said I most likely have Cochlear Hydrops. The hearing tests showed a decrease in low frequency sounds in the right ear. He started me on a 2 week Prednisone taper and for me to come...
  20. S

    Cochlear Hydrops, Patulous Eustachian Tube, Pulsatile Tinnitus — Unclear Causes, Tests Unhelpful

    I have been tested for almost everything... Possible issues: cochlear hydrops, patulous eustachian tube, pulsatile tinnitus, not sure from what. MRI with and without contrast CT Angiography CT Temporal Bone Many audiograms ECOG VEMP Carotid ultrasound TMJ mouth splint made... The past...
  21. ringinginmyears

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Unfortunately, I experienced a severe spike in my tinnitus again last night. It was so intense that I almost felt like putting a knife in my ear to dig it out. I contacted my ENT, and now I’m on my fourth course of steroids this year. Once again, the tinnitus has significantly decreased within...
  22. J

    Does Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops? Need to Know What to Expect.

    Went to a ENT PA today. He thinks I have Cochlear Hydrops but he can't officially diagnose me with it b/c I don't have a previous hearing test on file and today's was normal. Can anyone tell me what I can expect with this disease?
  23. YoHig

    Cochlear Hydrops Journey — Or So We Think

    ...up until May this year - but I know my hearing is definitely not right - still muffled and distorted. Fourth ENT diagnosed me with cochlear hydrops. No further changes until September 2017 when I notice a shift in my hearing again - louder tinnitus and ear feels like it will explode...
  24. S

    Tinnitus Getting Worse and New Hearing Loss: Could I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...all the time and is really loud. Any ideas? I don't think it's Meniere's as my tinnitus is there all the time, plus I have no vertigo. Could it be Cochlear Hydrops? Happy to hear suggestions however obscure to go to ENT doctor with. At present I just feel like jumping off the nearest...
  25. RussP

    New Here — Years of Some Tinnitus, Recently Experiencing Cochlear Hydrops

    ...hearing in one ear. I was a bit alarmed and went to the ENT. It took him three different visits, but the latest diagnosis is Cochlear Hydrops but not Meniere's. And, it fluctuates pretty dramatically. One week it's fine, and the next week, I can't hear well. My ENT thinks my salts, fluids...
  26. Liam_Cairns

    Do I Have Acoustic Trauma (Microsuction) Induced Cochlear Hydrops or AIED?

    ...different drugs and I think I have finally come down to the conclusion that I possibly have acoustic trauma (microsuction) induced cochlear hydrops. I have consulted with my ENT and he seems to think that it is either this or AIED (autoimmune inner ear disease). All I know is that when I...
  27. danni1979

    Does This Sound Like a Crazy Tinnitus Spike or Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...drum flutter). I have no hearing loss. My ears look clear & eustachian tube works fine but it doesn't release the pressure. It gradually recedes over a period of about 6 hours. I contacted an ENT online who says it sounds like cochlear hydrops which has terrified me to be honest. Any thoughts??
  28. meemil

    Advice on Stressful Hearing Problems — Cochlear Hydrops Developing into Meniere's Disease? my right ear with tinnitus which took about 6 hours to recover. My hearing is back to normal right now. My ENT thought it's cochlear hydrops. I agree with that, but reading about it on internet tells me that it's going to become Meniere's sooner or later. That's unacceptable this early on...
  29. Danig

    Questions on Endolymphatic Hydrops

    Hi there! I've been reading lately on this condition --endolymphatic or cochlear hydrops--, but there are some questions about it that remain unanswered to me. Perhaps some people here can share their knowledge about it. - What type of tinnitus do you hear when you have hydrops? - Low-salt...
  30. RAlex

    Tinnitus/Hyperacusis for 2+ Months — Unsure of Exact Cause

    My second careless and clueless ENT said I have Cochlear Hydrops and that I should take diuretics. I thought Cochlear Hydrops causes non-pulsatile tinnitus only. Is this ENT clueless or does he know something that maybe just isn’t commonly written anywhere on the internet?
  31. Leodavinci

    May Have Meniere's, Autoimmune Attack or Cochlear Hydrops

    ...Videonystagmography exam. It was induced by noise apparently. This gives me hope that it is not a serious ongoing infection or cochlear hydrops (cochlea filling with endolymph fluid but not bursting into the ear labyrinth) Any thoughts on what this might be? Anyone experience anything...
  32. BlueMoon86

    Hearing Aids

    ...dB but those frequencies came back to normal while the lows and mid-lows remained at a moderate loss. I'm thinking more along the cochlear hydrops route but I have never had any vertigo, fluctuations in tinnitus or low tone hearing. Outside of it being low-frequency loss, I just don't...
  33. Deamon22

    Cochlear Hydrops? Worth Investigating Further?

    Hey everyone, I randomly read about this condition and noticed that it can be a result of whiplash. My tinnitus actually started with a cold but I had whiplash from a car accident 1.5 months earlier (felt dizzy, balance problems, vomiting and headaches). A few weeks before the tinnitus I also...
  34. vintage40s

    Cochlear Hydrops — and Vestibular Event

    Hi -I'm so glad to find this forum. I developed C.H. after an acoustic trauma. The ENT I was sent to kept insisting that loud noise is not a possible cause, so I am so glad to see that it CAN be. I was testing a new iPod dock and had an earbud in one ear. I'd been unable to get any sound on...
  35. J

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    How were you diagnosed with cochlear hydrops? Why did the doctor reach that conclusion?
  36. B

    @Jupiterman I'm not sure but I've had a lot of sinus and congestion problems lately, which I...

    @Jupiterman I'm not sure but I've had a lot of sinus and congestion problems lately, which I don't think is helping my ear. I sometimes wonder if I have some form of cochlear hydrops given that I also have sound distortion, fullness and dizziness.
  37. D

    The Bionics Institute Claim They Have Found a Way of Objectively Measuring Tinnitus, for example, that acoustic trauma can cause abnormal hydrops in the liquid of the cochlea so you may get an atypical form of cochlear hydrops which of course can stay mysterious and unexplained for years and years. There may also be idiopathic hydrops that cause tinnitus and slight...
  38. Aaron123

    Osmotic Stabilization Prevents Cochlear Synaptopathy After Blast Trauma

    Very interesting paper out of John Oghalai's lab along with Brian Applegate. It may provide some insight into how synapses are damaged and a way to fix it. Please note, this is basic science research in mice so there is no trial scheduled, no drug, no timeline, just perhaps some insight into how...
  39. Dominic1955

    Could It Be Cochlear Hydrops, Ménière's?

    I need support, 7 months ago I developed SSHL in my left ear, this was accompanied by loud T and aural fullness and slight dizziness no vertigo this my hearing test , I received intratympanic and steroids orally for 3 weeks I am having occasional improvements in low tone hearing lasting one or...
  40. billie48

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Low Frequency Tinnitus

    Welcome to the forum. Cochlear hydrops has been discussed often so if there isn't enough response to help you from the Introduction, asearch like the below also gives a detailed list of prior discussions. Check them out to see if there are helpful information. Take good care. God bless...
  41. Hottopic29

    I have multiple sounds fill my ears waaaaaa sound awful im wondering cochlear hydrops

    I have multiple sounds fill my ears waaaaaa sound awful im wondering cochlear hydrops
  42. KeyLime

    Hydrops, Hearing Loss, and ENT Appointment

    ...been about a month with ear fullness and humming. Based on Google searches and reading lots of posts here, I suspect I may have cochlear hydrops. (No dizziness, vertigo yet) Two weeks ago, I made an ENT appointment, and they said they would schedule me first with the audiologist. Curious...
  43. A

    Suffering from Clicking/Fluttering Tinnitus Since SSHL

    ...have signs of vertigo, it's more likely that it is not Meniere's disease. Your symptoms might also be connected to something called cochlear hydrops. The prognosis is much better than for people with Meniere's disease. The majority of patients with cochlear hydrops never develops Meniere's...
  44. J

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Do you think that a hypothetical compound, that could reach even lower frequencies, could help with low-frequency hearing loss associated with cochlear hydrops ("no-vertigo Ménière's")? I understand this is completely speculative, but I'm curious.
  45. PortugalTheMan

    Frequent Transient Hearing Loss for a Few Hours — ENT Suspects Cochlear Hydrops

    Hello, the doctor cannot say that it is cochlear hydrops without doing tests. I even took the tests to find out if I had cochlear hydrops and not. The most accurate exam is the intratympanic electrocochleography, and even if this exam is inconclusive, there are other complementary tests that...
  46. Heathen

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    Hey, I was just diagnosed with cochlear hydrops with tinnitus and hyperacusis that began last August, just like you. I'm not sure if I really have cochlear hydrops, though, or if I have something else. I've been watching my salt intake and am taking a prescription diuretic with no luck...
  47. Heathen

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    Thank you! Wait... isn't that used for opioid cessation? I'm curious how it comes into play for cochlear hydrops.
  48. O

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Mine is worse after I am exposed to loud sound. I think it might be related to endocochlear hydrops or cochlear nerve inflammation in response to sound. It seems to be better when the tinnitus isn't as bad. I don't foresee Dr. Shore's device helping with the seashell but it should help with the...
  49. Blue28

    I don't sleep well, I've been awake since 4am. My life was destroyed by an ENT who did...

    I don't sleep well, I've been awake since 4am. My life was destroyed by an ENT who did microsuction badly. I don't have hearing aids... Although my hearing is getting worse. I believe the noise trauma from the microsuction caused cochlear hydrops.
  50. J

    Anyone Been Diagnosed with Cochlear Migraines?

    I was on Higrotona and Clinadil for a month but it did nothing. I am trying to read more about how cochlear damage could turn into cochlear hydrops or Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops, which seems to be a sort of general cathegory for pretty much everything that cannot be explained about cochlear...
  51. P

    Frequent Transient Hearing Loss for a Few Hours — ENT Suspects Cochlear Hydrops

    ...was the most probably diagnosis - he offered to do a special type of MRI to confirm, but like you said, he said it is not a conclusive test, and even if it was, that it does not really affect the course of any possible treament. So I did not follow up. Did your tests confirm cochlear hydrops?
  52. RachLouise

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    I believe I might have cochlear hydrops too. Do any of you guys get an intense itch in the affected ear/ears?
  53. FGG

    Ototoxicity from Aminoglycoside Eye Drops (Tobramycin)

    How did they diagnose the hydrops? What are your symptoms?
  54. DebInAustralia

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement? low doses, it is known to have immunomodulatory effects = drives down TNF-alpha. When my friend was suffering with likely cochlear hydrops, I think her specialist thought the cause was autoimmune. Hence, why she decided to try the LDN. I think this particular doctor even infuses LDN...
  55. D

    Is Cortexi a Scam or Can It Help Tinnitus? → Share Your Experience

    ...maybe (highly unlikely) do something to lower tinnitus are medication like Prednisone (for acute trauma), Betahistine (if you have cochlear hydrops) and probably a cocktail of sedatives like Clonazepam and Gabapentin. Also, residual inhibition in a sense that you hear a signal of a frequency...
  56. Ian Mac

    Intermittent Ringing

    It's called cochlear hydrops, not menieres, but cochlear hydrops without vertigo that's what you both have
  57. billie48

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    Welcome to the forum. The Introduction may not have enough readership for people with cochlear hydrops to answer you. You can post this in the main support forum or search the forum for that. Just click the Forum tag at the top left, then type the search wordings of cochlear hydrops and you...
  58. meemil

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    Hi! I read through your experiences with cochlear hydrops. I've had a very similar case for the past 2 years. I still have episodes, struggling with one right now as we speak that started few hours ago. Mine has always been bilateral too. How's it going for you, any flare ups? Definitely...
  59. Zeneth

    Ear Pressure and Tinnitus? 3 1/2 Months So Far

    Ian, I think I have cochlear hydrops too, how can i cure/treat this?
  60. Wrfortiscue

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    My ears itch really bad. What does that mean?