Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. Matchbox

    Do I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    Noise won't trigger Cochlear Hydrops. It's literally degeneration of the Endolymphatic Sac (the theory is the cells there act similar to our kidneys to regulate sodium) resulting in high pressure and low frequency losses as the "leak" and bulging of the membrane happens at the apex of the...
  2. derpytia

    Thinking I might have cochlear hydrops. A lot of the symptoms are there in my left ear...

    Thinking I might have cochlear hydrops. A lot of the symptoms are there in my left ear, especially when I eat something with a lot of salt.
  3. Sound Wave

    Tinnitus Increase and Hearing Loss in Left Ear.

    Maybe something to do with your inner ear fluids. You could read more about benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and cochlear hydrops...
  4. Samantha R

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms

    Hi! Sorry for the late reply. No real flare ups of note. My Hydrops seems to be hormonal. I have birth in June and stayed on the diuretics and LDN during pregnancy. Towards the end, I had some MEM (Middle Ear Myoclonus), but that has settled and stopped for about 2 months. I haven’t tried...
  5. FellowSufferer

    Introducing Tinnitus Quest

    Ah, it's actually £110 to purchase the Textbook of Tinnitus (published in 2024), a collection of articles by various authors, including Rauschecker. His chapter spans pages 221–230 and costs only £19, which I might buy out of curiosity. I've downloaded your Tinnitus Gating Model and plan to...
  6. Brian Newman

    Tinnitus and Diuretics — Can Diuretics Help Lessen Tinnitus Symptoms?

    Did you have any vertigo? And what were your other symptoms? I got a bad sound distortion from lifting heavy weights on top of my normal tinnitus.
  7. Blue28

    Do I Have Acoustic Trauma (Microsuction) Induced Cochlear Hydrops or AIED?

    ...@Liam_Cairns, sadly as @Vicki14 pointed out, many people are being permanently harmed by microsuction. I also believe I suffer from cochlear hydrops following an acoustic trauma brought on by microsuction. This was over 5 years ago. After three months of researching my symptoms I came to the...
  8. Quiet please

    Lion's Mane Mushroom

    Hi everyone. When I see these posts describe tinnitus along with hyperacusis, ear fullness and pain, I totally relate. My diagnosis (who really knows?) is Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops. I’m expecting my Lion’s Mane from UPS any minute now. Question: Is it absolutely necessary for the Niacin...
  9. Samantha R

    Experiences with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED)?

    Hi Juan, Yes, I’m taking Moduretic (a diuretic) and I was also prescribed Betahistine. Personally, I think a diuretic is essential to drain the excess fluid from the inner ear, worked a treat for me. Might be worth a try? Sam
  10. PatrickG

    If Salt and Sugar Make Tinnitus Spike...

    I honestly don't know what spikes my T. It's very unpredictable and I'm not totally sure I have cochlear hydrops but suspect I do.
  11. LilSass

    Hi @meemil ! Have you ever looked into upper cervical chiropractor? It has a very high success...

    Hi @meemil ! Have you ever looked into upper cervical chiropractor? It has a very high success rate to reduce/cure Menieres, which is a form of cochlear/endolymphatic hydrops. It is non-evasive and inexpensive. Hope you're doing well! :)
  12. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Didn't your doctor suspect cochlear hydrops in your case (which can cause distortions) or am I thinking of someone else?
  13. Candy

    Sudden Hearing Loss and Helicopter Noise in Ear — Please Help Me

    How’s it going? Are you dizzy with it? Could it be cochlear hydrops? Please sleep as much as you can as I am a firm believer that the brain resets itself at night.
  14. M

    If Salt and Sugar Make Tinnitus Spike...

    Does it spike your Tinnitus???
  15. Dr. Nagler

    Dehydration — Excercise induced Tinnitus/Cochlear Hydrops?

    Hi @dhenry89 - Cochlear hydrops is a difficult diagnosis to make. The hallmarks are low-pitched tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss, and fullness in the ears - but the symptoms can vary. The episodic vertigo of Meniere's is not present in cochlear hydrops. Treatment of cochlear hydrops can...
  16. L

    Cochlear Hydrops? Worth Investigating Further?

    I want to give my 2 cents about cochlear hydrops. I spoke to an ENT and he made a pretty good point about tinnitus, fullness, hyperacusis and all the other great symptoms we experience. He said that far too many people dismiss the possibility of hydrops because the “know” that their tinnitus...
  17. Andrea Lopez

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    I think I have low frequnecy tinnitus... I'm worried it can possibly be Cochlear hydrops/Menieres? Are there any tests to determine this? I'm new to T
  18. D

    Sudden Onset of Dysacusis/Diplacusis — Please Help Me! mild anyway (20-40 dB fluctuating), but now it's hard to notice it even at near-silence environments (~20 dB). I've been suspecting cochlear hydrops (although I haven't had hearing loss and ear pressure), but this is confusing. If someone could offer some help/ideas, I would be very...
  19. Ian Mac

    Cochlear Hydrops — Need Relief

    I am the member who tried the experimental procedure for Menieres to try to fix my Cochlear Hydrops, a very depressing experience which did NOT help my cochlear hydrops. Hi lolkas, yeah it didn't work man. I'm still stuggling just like I was before. Hope you doing well brother.
  20. dpdx

    Well if he wasn't an idiot like my stupid ENT I would have been habituated by now. They didn't...

    Well if he wasn't an idiot like my stupid ENT I would have been habituated by now. They didn't believe that I had acoustic trauma but cochlear hydrops, meniere, neuroma, thyroid cancer, etc.
  21. N

    The Bionics Institute Claim They Have Found a Way of Objectively Measuring Tinnitus

    @DimLeb, do you not buy into the findings from the Shore Lab or the successful trial results from those findings? Yes, I've also read the same as you regarding loud noise exposure causing temporary hydrops. It was an animal study, wasn't it? My point really is that sound can only be processed...
  22. GregCA

    Low Frequency Hearing Loss and Tinnitus... Causes?

    A couple of leads to consider: otosclerosis or cochlear hydrops.
  23. N

    Hyperacusis / Reactive Tinnitus / Hearing Distortion

    I don't think of hydrops as a purely cochlear thing. There was a surgeon (can't remember the name, sorry, but I will search for them later) who did tetonomies on people with Meniere's and for a lot of his patients it was essentially a long term cure. Recruitment is one of those weird things...
  24. I

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    Kathleen, why do you say you are only 90% back to normal, what are you basing this on? Can you tell that your hearing is not as good as it was before the cochlear hydrops?
  25. glynis

    This Is Why We Need a Cure: Mother Who Suffered Tinnitus Took Her Own Life, Inquest Hears

    @Terrel , Hydrops is when crystals have developed on the ends of the tiny hairs in your cochlear and can cause dizziness without the vertigo of Menieres or hearing loss. love glynis
  26. Ian Mac

    Tinnitus Is the Result of the Brain Trying, but Failing, to Repair Itself

    But what about tinnitus that comes from cochlear hydrops, lol we all know that's not in the brain it's clearly a phenomenon of the ears. Google it and answer me that..
  27. J

    Tinnitus Getting Worse and New Hearing Loss: Could I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    By the way, I think there may be surgery for this, endolymphatic sac decompression... maybe you can explore this with your doctor, see if it is an option for you.
  28. Ian Mac

    IGF1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) as SSHL Salvage Treatment

    Hydrops is a medical condition I'm not talking about oxytocin spray. XDR is reporting the symptoms of cochlear hydrops, including salt and caffeine affecting his T. I just wanted to bring the condition to his attention.
  29. Ian Mac

    Ear Pressure and Tinnitus? 3 1/2 Months So Far

    Um yeah we're talking Cochlear Hydrops.. which is distinctly different from full blown Menieres desease. Perhaps your confused? Cochlear hydrops is the Tinnitus of menieres without the vertigo of menieres, many people hear ringing from hydrops (it happens with unhealthy diet, like how 80% of...
  30. rumbler

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    ...I can make it go away if I tilt my head at a 45-degree angle to the right or shake my head quickly. One doctor diagnosed me with Cochlear Hydrops, but a second said that was totally incorrect. MRI and hearing tests all come back normal. What's so strange is that the tinnitus goes away every...
  31. K.A.

    Dentist Tips: How to Prevent Tinnitus from Getting Worse During Dental Procedures

    Do you have to do it with an ultrasonic tool? (Never done root planing myself...) Also, have you considered dividing the procedure into two separate sessions?
  32. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus Getting Worse and New Hearing Loss: Could I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    I'm sorry to hear of your struggle. I have cochlear hydrops and it progressively destroys your inner ear. Mine has progressed from a 10% loss in January of this year to 50% now. I have severe tinnitus and the pressure in the ear is really bad. I hope you find relief. I'm a total disaster.
  33. Telis

    Loud Low Humming Sound When Upside Down

    Guess I will have to do some research. Thanks
  34. meemil

    Young Adults with Tinnitus — Please Respond in Solidarity with plenty of ear problems. Started with a bad infection, got sudden hearing loss right after, which turned to be a bilateral cochlear hydrops. I've had maybe a dozen episodes already, luckily hearing has always recovered. It's been a year now and the symptoms of the infection are...
  35. Samantha R

    Tinnitus and Diuretics — Can Diuretics Help Lessen Tinnitus Symptoms?

    Hi Brian, I have/had cochlear Hydrops most likely because of hormonal IVF treatment. A diuretic will only work if your inner ear has Hydrops (excess fluid). The weight training may have caused Hydrops for you, but I’ve not heard of anyone else who has developed it in this way. You could try it...
  36. twa

    Use of Modafinil in the Treatment of Tinnitus

    Can I ask what kind of vision issues do you have? Thank you, twa
  37. Quiet please

    Just Started with Tinnitus in May 2019 — ENT Diagnosed Migraines as the Cause

    @ElisabethMarie, Sorry you’re going through this. I understand because I’ve been in your shoes with allot of your symptoms. I have an auditory condition called Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops (CEH) I have a Post about it. Maybe read it? You might find it interesting. All the best!
  38. K

    Hearing Static Distortion at Certain Frequencies

    ...and hyperacusis as well as tinnitus. You could try supplements like Magnesium L-Threonate to see if it helps. Although you’re sure it’s not Meniere's, it could still be Cochlear Hydrops. I’d try a non loop diuretic for a little while just to see if it helps. That way at least you’ll know.
  39. PatrickG

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    @Mr. Cartman are you still active? I probably have cochlear hydrops and its driving me crazy. I would need some of your advice because the word says you're the expert in the field.
  40. PatrickG

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    Hi there @Mario martz ! Weird I didn't see your message. I'm not habituating at all because T is changing every freakin second. It's driving me mad. I strongly suspect I have cochlear hydrops :(
  41. Zeneth

    Tinnitus Spikes! :(

    It seems an otologist is an ENT, so i saw one a while ago and they said I was fine, but they took no x-rays or anything... is that whats needed to detect cochlear hydrops???
  42. T

    Sound Pharmaceuticals (SPI-5557 & SPI-1005)

    That now makes much more sense, thanks. That means their SPI-5557 treatment is the regrowth one then.
  43. Sound Wave

    Head Feels Pressurized

    Aural fulness seems to be a common T symptom doctors can't really explain. I just discovered 'cochlear hydrops' which explains aural fulness and T. Check it out - I just resurrected an older thread about it.
  44. K

    Tinnitus Getting Worse and New Hearing Loss: Could I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    The only treatments I’m aware of are steroids and a diuretic + lowering salt and sugar intake. If that takes down the fluid build up in the inner ear some hearing may come back.
  45. J

    Tinnitus Getting Worse and New Hearing Loss: Could I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    How are you doing? did you get some of your hearing back? The last ENT I visited suspects I might have some form of hydrops too. To me this is really surprising after years of hyperacusis which was obviously due to noise. However, along the road there was also a virus that attacked one of my...
  46. Chinmoku

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    One of the many doctors I saw claims that excess cochlear hydrops can do that.
  47. gotyoubynuts

    Hi, I Just Joined the Forum (Meniere's Disease for 5 Years)
  48. Lauren Morse

    Low Frequency Hearing Loss and Tinnitus... Causes?

    @GregCA I certainly don't have otoschlerosis. Do migraines cause cochlear hydrops? I have definitely had some symptoms of that in the past. However, diet modifications has never helped me and I eat almost no salt.
  49. JohnnyBoy

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Low Frequency Tinnitus

    ...and got another hearing test. Looks like my low frequency hearing 250 Hz and below is starting to drop. The ENT really thinks it's Cochlear Hydrops now and wants to put me on prednisone. Surprised he didn't want to try a diuretic. I'm very hesitant to try Prednisone again after my first...
  50. GregCA

    Meniere's Disease

    Yes, that makes more sense to me...
  51. L

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    I have never heard of intratympanic LDN. Would like to know more. Also, to be clear, I believe @Samantha R also took (takes?) a diuretic.
  52. Ian Mac

    New Stem Cell Transplantation Method Restores Damaged Auditory Pathways

    ...ear osmolality. Once you relieve the pressure then your hair cells will stop sending tinnitus sounds and you'll be cured. In fact cochlear hydrops without vertigo is likely the cause of your tinnitus. An overall healthy lifestyle with extra hydration will relieve you of the increased water...
  53. Deamon22

    Cochlear Hydrops? Worth Investigating Further?

    Thanks, I hope so too :) How are you doing? I did not explore it further, since I never had fullness or much hyperacusis (except the first few weeks after the whiplash), just fluctuating tinnitus. Now after a few years it kind of settled into long ups and downs that stay in a certain range most...
  54. danni1979

    Does Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops? Need to Know What to Expect.

    Hi,could you tell me what your symptoms are pls?? I had 2 horrible episodes which sounded like cochlear hydrops nut i saw my ent yest and mybhearing tets came back normal as well so he dismissed it.Thanks x
  55. Rubenslash

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    Do you experience dizziness/vertigo?
  56. Magpie

    In Need of Answers, Please.

    ...My tinnitus is due to Meniere's which is basically a build up of excessive endolympathic hydrops in the inner ear. There is also cochlear hydrops which causes similar symptoms including pressure/fullness and dizziness. It's possible that you might have a variant of either but I'm not a doctor...
  57. Ian Mac

    IGF1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) as SSHL Salvage Treatment

    ...the bird noise T also has almost completely gone away. Off- Topic but... Good information is good information. Cochlear - Cochlear Hydrops (increased pressure inside the inner ear (cause unknown)), this pressure causes "fluctuating" tinnitus as the pressure within the Cochlea...
  58. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    It clearly won't affect hydrops or the abnormal Reissner's membrane in Meniere's but I suspect it will repair the hair cells damaged just as well if: 1) they can reduce the hydrops at the time of injection. 2) the round window isn't too impermeable in late stage Meniere's, though with even a...
  59. J

    Meniere's Disease mind. I only hear in one ear. I went to an ENT PA today who told me that he thinks that my recent pregnancy is giving me pre- Cochlear Hydrops episode. He said that I can't be diagnosed with it b/c my hearing test was normal, even though I feel that my hearing is impaired. I didn't...
  60. V

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    Good luck to you hope it works ! BTW does someone know where to get diagnosed for Cochlear hydrops in Europe ? Mine most likely comes from an infection (has been worse when I took steroids which are immunosuppressive) so I might have that.