Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. Kathleen11

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...was normal but my VEMP was abnormal. That combined with my symptoms of low-frequency hearing loss, tinnitus, and fullness led to the cochlear hydrops diagnosis. Now that my hearing is about 90% back to normal, I have added sodium back to my diet. If I have a lot of sodium, the tinnitus...
  2. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus and Progressive Low Frequency Hearing Loss

    How do you function? I literally am bedridden several days a week, the noise is so extreme. I am contemplating ending my life. It's that bad.
  3. Blue28

    Tinnitus and Progressive Low Frequency Hearing Loss

    Hi @Jrblovsky, sorry to hear you're struggling too. Your symptoms sound very like mine... And like you I've searched for answers that could help and have found nothing. My cochlear hydrops was triggered after hearing damage from microsuction.
  4. Ian Mac

    Tinnitus Spikes! :(

    See above
  5. shelbynn

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    You're probably thinking of someone else. Although, he did prescribe me a diuretic which I haven't taken. I'm seeing another doctor to get a second opinion in a few weeks. I had a few days of no distortions but came back with a vengeance and I have no idea why.
  6. J

    Meniere's Disease

    So, another question. The PA I saw said my tinnitus should go away and that I may never have an episode like this. Is that even possible? Sounds like once you have Cochlear Hydrops you have it forever to some varying degree and never feel normal again.
  7. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus and Progressive Low Frequency Hearing Loss

    ...a vertigo attack yet my low frequency hearing continues to decline. I'm 33 years old and have always protected my ears. I thought I caused tinnitus from gunfire but it seems my losses are all now in low frequencies. Also don't ever listen to an audiologist. They are all idiots. Cochlear...
  8. J

    Meniere's Disease

    @glynis, thanks. But the reason why I think I might menieres or at least the cochlear hydrops variant is because prior to my current condition, I did have episodes of hearing loss on 2 occasions within the year, both which resolved with a few days of heavy prednisone (but this time it didn't)...
  9. Zeneth

    Tinnitus Spikes! :(

    what should I do? until I can get an appointment
  10. J

    Experiences with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED)?

    ...2 medications did nothing at all, I don't feel any difference really .. in theory these are medications that could work in case of cochlear hydrops. My doctor prescribed them on suspicion my hyperacusis could have some connection with hydrops, although my hyperacusis is clearly due to noise...
  11. FGG

    Hyperacusis / Reactive Tinnitus / Hearing Distortion

    That's interesting. I always wondered what the mechanism of action of Keppra was in those cases. As far as Potassium supplementation, I personally think those are more cochlear. For instance, high Potassium and/or low Sodium affects endolymph constitution (why low Sodium helps hydrops). The...
  12. Zeneth

    Tinnitus Sounds Like Water?!

    I just plugged my ears to listen to my T closely and I actually hear watery/fluid sound! does this mean something? I also got an annoying air leak sound in my ears recently Things my ENT suggested I may have: ruptured eardrum eustachian tube dysfunction cochlear hydrops
  13. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus for 4 Years from Loud Noise — Now I Rarely Notice It and It Doesn't Bother Me

    The diagnosis was based on an abnormal ECoG test along with the other symptoms. They say I have cochlear Meniere's or cochlear hydrops being I have no vestibular problems. My balance is typically fine and I've never had a vertigo attack in a year. However the other symptoms are constant and...
  14. attheedgeofscience

    Is There Any Hope?

    ..."thinks" "officially" "normal" Medicine, and especially tinnitus, is not an exact science. Far from. Probably more than anything, cochlear hydrops are diagnosed by exhaustion i.e. if you don't have condition a, b, or c, then we "assume" that you must have condition x (because what else could...
  15. J

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    My guess: this could be categorised within the very broad boundaries of very light Meniere or "Meniere-related". Or endolymphatic hydrops... or some very light retro-cochlear activity involving the conduction of sound through the hearing nerve... Many hearing issues over the years, in time...
  16. Dominic1955


    I doubt that you have Ménière's, you never had symptoms before? Severe hearing loss with vertigo probably labarynthitis Look up @caffclifton and read her story. I have SSHL and I may have cochlear hydrops It's a positive story with great outcome! I will follow your progress Dom
  17. Magpie

    Donkey Milk

    . Not that I'm aware of. I had hyperacusis for many years but I no longer have. Gradual desensitisation is what happened. I do have permanent damage to the hair cells as a result of excessive hydrops.
  18. Ava Lugo

    Do I Have Acoustic Trauma (Microsuction) Induced Cochlear Hydrops or AIED?

    I'm curious, because I think in one of your posts you said that your tinnitus is reactive, do you still listen to music and watch TV or does it sound distorted because your tinnitus intrudes during those times? I am sorry to hear about your microsuction experience.
  19. FGG

    Hough Ear Institute's Hair Cell Regeneration Project

    It's not one thing. If it was always cochlear synaptopathy, hydrops wouldn't cause tinnitus. Neither would middle ear disease. Anything that interferes with the hearing signal will cause "phantom cochlea" i.e. tinnitus. It's not one structure. But cochlear synaptopathy is probably the most...
  20. Quiet please

    Hearing Aids

    @Juan, yes; it was very scary! I also do feel it’s all connected. My “official” diagnosis is Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops. To put it in my own layman's terms; my auditory complex system is very messed up. It’s been going on for 11 years come this May. I’m just happy to have some relief with...
  21. T

    Aldosterone and Hearing

    By doctor, is this your GP or ENT? I have an ENT follow-up next month... might as well ask too then. :whistle:
  22. L

    Lion's Mane Mushroom

    If it’s non flushing, then for this purpose it is likely useless. The flush is what induces blood flow to certain regions, like the ears.
  23. T

    Sound Pharmaceuticals (SPI-5557 & SPI-1005)

    I believe they are treating hearing loss, or rather as FGG puts it as hearing interference, resulting from Meniere's except this hearing loss isn't from cochlear hair cell damage but rather from hydrops.
  24. Matchbox

    Tinnitus Began First Week of June 2020 After Wim Hof Breathing

    ...with Meniere's or AIED, so it makes it fun to figure out. My ENT said there's no way I had Meniere's but didn't totally discount cochlear hydrops, just said it's pretty rare still (though my audiogram has been showing fluctuating low frequency loss of from 5 dB to 15 dB depending on how bad...
  25. dpdx

    Feel So DUMB — Big Mistake

    Wow finally a good ENT. My ent told the reason I have tinnitus could be due to a tumor in the brain, thyroid cancer, blood cancer, meniere, cochlear hydrops, etc
  26. Ian Mac

    I Rather Not Be Here Than Hear This Loud Scary Sound :(

    Option#1: it's called cochlear hydrops, it should stay a low humming unless it gets worse and you developed vertigo, at that point you have what's called minieres. You can get tested for hydrops at an otologist, only an otologist not an ENT. Option#2: if the sound is like a typewriter in you...
  27. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Tinnitus arises from interference of input (that's why hydrops without synapse or hair cell damage can cause tinnitus from cochlear origin) and the brain reacting with "phantom cochlea". Either hair cell or synapse damage (or both) will reduce input.
  28. O

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Shotgun with no earplugs. 2007. But I got a new tone two weeks ago after a loud work weekend. Chronic pain sucks. Just hoping maybe one day I’ll have some relief.
  29. Diesel

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I have had occurrences of what @OptimusPrimed has described. Electrical chirps, tinny sounds, a tone that comes and goes. All from good old fashion noise exposure.
  30. Kolisar

    Menthol/Cold Sensation in Ears

    I hope you are able to find a solution. This is miserable, and I would not wish this on anyone. Please keep us updated on your progress.
  31. Quiet please

    CBG:CBD Cannabinoid Tincture — It's Helping My Tinnitus

    @Uklawyer, yes! Tinnitus lite; that’s what I have (for now)! Lol. Not 100% sure I have inflammation induced/related tinnitus. But I sure suspect I do. My “official” diagnosis is Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops. Tinnitus is a major symptom, along with hearing loss and ear fullness. BTW, the ear...
  32. Blue28

    Music-Induced Tinnitus: Ear Fullness/Crackling in Ears/Loud High-Pitched Tone When Yawning

    ...has worsened and I also have the fullness, crackling etc. I think all of these symptoms are the result of hearing damage caused by the noise. Possibly triggering cochlear hydrops. I too have protected my hearing but still these awful symptoms keep getting worse. Sorry I can't be more positive.
  33. FGG

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I read the whole thing and the "changes in spiral ganglion response" appear to refer to losses of "spiral ganglion synapses", aka "cochlear synaptopathy. Strial inflammation can cause acute noise induced threshold changes in some people who get secondary endolymphatic hydrops from it (this...
  34. Jrblovsky

    Endolymphatic Sac Decompression Surgery for Meniere's Disease — Any Stories or Experiences?

    I have been having problems with severe tinnitus and ear pain/fullness for 10 months now. I've been to various specialists and have been diagnosed with cochlear Meniere's, or secondary hydrops, whatever you want to call it. Has anyone had this Endolymphatic Sac Decompression Surgery done? I...
  35. Quiet please

    Hearing Aids

    @Chinmoku, my new ENT works at a teaching hospital in NY. She examined me in a more extensive manner and ordered a nuclear MRI with & without contrast, a 2 hr series of balance tests (failed 2 of 5) & audiogram. I went to physical therapy for 6 weeks for the balance issues. After my...
  36. J

    Ear Pressure and Tinnitus? 3 1/2 Months So Far

    I've read all of the stuff on the internet and that is why I asked about an ECOG. That is when I asked the several drs I have seen about it. I even went out of state to see a Dr who specializes in it. As of now, the ECOG is apparently antiquated. They've given me every other test. At this...
  37. Blue28

    Sudden Low Frequency Hearing Loss??

    ...had the fullness in my ears since the trauma, I'm sure this has something to do with this. My theory is that it's maybe some form of cochlear hydrops which has been brought on by the trauma. If you google it there are studies that confirm a link between acoustic trauma and cochlear hydrops...
  38. arcanesystem

    Arcanesystem's Tinnitus Updates

    Hey. So, my current knowledge on cochlear hydrops is based heavily on reading around online. I haven't really officially visited a doctor to get a true confirmation, but I've always had spontaneous tinnitus that likes to switch around every few months. It's made me suspect that there is...
  39. Lorac

    Tinnitus Saga

    ...and welcome to TinnitusTalk! Sorry you needed to search for help but I hope you can find some help here. I have hearing loss and T but I don't have Cochlear Hydrops. I know there are some here who have that affliction though and I think you will find people who understand what you go through.
  40. GregCA

    Cochlear Hydrops, Patulous Eustachian Tube, Pulsatile Tinnitus — Unclear Causes, Tests Unhelpful

    Are you comfortable posting your latest audiogram here? (blank out any personal info)
  41. S

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    Hi Ian and all, How are you doing now with the Orthokine treatment? I, too, have Cochlear Hydrops and am very interested in your experiences as well as where you had this done in NYC. I go frequently enough to NY and would like to talk with the doctors that you worked with. I wish you the very...
  42. carlover

    Feeling of Fullness in the Ear?

    Hi all ,try this one for size There is a condition called Cochlear Hydrops ,google yourself to death and have a look at the symptoms which include Fullness ("mistaken for Eust. problems") and tinnitus. Hi louise your audiologist is right hearing aids do nott cure but when in they reduce my...
  43. Ian Mac

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    see the OTOLOGIST. Google "Otologist _____(Your location)". Do whatever it takes to be seen, tell them you have nausea and vertigo, ya know then get tested for hydrops... OTOLOGIST = EAR NUEROLOGIST (hallelula)
  44. Zeneth

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ughh, those tests are dangerous and can permanently spike tinnitus... I'll try a low sodium diet though.
  45. Mclyra

    Feeling of Fullness in the Ear?

    I have that. I have to control salt intake (less) and water intake (more). You can find it out with a MRI (hydrops protocol, very specific) and if your hearing loss is in the low frequencies. It means your choclea is under pressure.
  46. Heathen

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    Low frequency hearing loss on my audiogram, combined with tinnitus and hyperacusis - that was the basis of the diagnosis. This all came on suddenly. I went from 100% normal to, in an instant, having tinnitus, hyperacusis, hearing loss, and some loss of sensation in the face and around my ear...
  47. A

    Hyperacusis Question

    ...ear? The intensity of the thump seems to be correlated to the loudness of the irritating sound. I have been managing tinnitus and cochlear hydrops for quite some time and this condition strikes randomly. Is this an indication that my hydrops is worsening? This problem usually gets better...
  48. I

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    Very good news, my hearing came back slowly also without any medications. I believe that the initial hit of cochlear hydrops that knocks out the low frequency hearing does get better. It may be because of other hearing cells in the ear taking over for the loss of the low frequency cells that...
  49. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus and Progressive Low Frequency Hearing Loss

    Cochlear hydrops or secondary Meniere's disease. Meniere's can affect the vestibular or cochlear region of your inner ear. Just because you don't have classical symptoms doesn't mean you don't have it. You probably have the same thing I have but it sounds you have it bilaterally. I hope you...
  50. Blue28

    Menthol/Cold Sensation in Ears

    Just to chip in as it's been a while since I was here, I saw an ENT this summer who believes I have cochlear hydrops (which I've been trying to say for 3 years). I'm 100% sure it was triggered by the damage/trauma to my ears from the microsuction by an ENT. I still get the coldness/numbness and...
  51. Matchbox

    Tinnitus and Progressive Low Frequency Hearing Loss

    How are you getting on? Any update on what you've tried?
  52. Tom Cnyc

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    " Search Results There is no "test" that will diagnose cochlear hydrops. It is a diagnosis of exclusion which often leads to frustration for both physician and patient. Ear is examined to ensure no earwax in the ear canal or fluid in the middle ear. Audiogram is obtained and reveals no unusual...
  53. glynis

    Does Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops? Need to Know What to Expect.

    Crystals on the hair cells in the cochlear causes inner ear problems like Labyrinthitus and Menieres and causes tinnitus and balance problems as the tiny hairs don't move as they should. Hydrops is quite common like Labyrinthitus that can go away and might only get one or two attacks but for...
  54. J

    Is There Any Hope?

    Thanks I saw an ENT PA who said he thinks I have Cochlear Hydrops but can't officially diagnose me with it b/c my hearing test was normal. I go to see the Dr. In a couple weeks. Right now I need to talk to people who know something about this disease, so any help in that area is appreciated.
  55. glynis

    Tinnitus and Endolymphatic Hydrops

    @ghhb , I had the tests you had along with others and MRI. Hydrops causes crystals on the tiny hairs in your cochlear and causes motion sickness and vertigo etc. Buccastem or Proclorperazine or Betahistine can help symptoms. I have Menieres and had it many years now . I take Betahistine and...
  56. valeri

    Low Frequency Tinnitus

    Dr Nagler, In a previous post you were explaining cochlear hydrops and that one of the symptoms is a low frequency tinnitus. Does "drone/generator" like noise qualify as low frequency? Also how exactly is the above condition diagnosed. I also have feeling of fullness so now I'm just wondering...
  57. Ruby louise

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    I have Cochlear Hydrops I take Serc. I couldn’t tolerate the diuretic he put me made me so weak. I actively avoid salt although some is hidden in foods. Can someone please tell me how much water a day I should drink as this washes the salt out of kidneys I believe My tinnitus is ringing louder...
  58. T

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Thanks for clarifying. I thought that the article was referring to everything for completeness only. Overall I feel that research largely points to hair cell/synapse issues.
  59. Zach777

    Possible Cochlear Hydrops — Weird Symptoms get one a week without Prednisone and once every three weeks with two weeks of Prednisone. That's good that your hearing comes back! Yeah my ENT thinks I could have Cochlear Hydrops but he is not sure yet. And I agree I wish there was more research out there on a lot of these ear issues.
  60. dpdx

    Which Ear-Related Tests Can Make Tinnitus Worse?

    not my ENT, she said I MAY have acoustic neuroma, meniere, cochlear hydrops, blood cancer, thyroid cancer, parotid cancer, lymphoma, brain cancer, ETD, etc