Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. A

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    An ENT proposed the hydrops thing for me many years ago. I think it is a an unproven or unverifiable thing. They only thing they do is go in there with surgery and try to patch it up, but I highly recommend NOT doing that. Some will do it, but most likely most doctors will not even want to...
  2. monkey legs

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus

    Hello and welcome. Having previosuly had low Tinnitus since 1991 over Christmas some kind of Sinus infection (as far as I know), has left me with much louder and annoying Tinnitus. I have to say it has wiped me out for a while. But I take some comfort in knowing this forum exists. You are a...
  3. Blue28

    Equilibrium Disturbances 6 Months After Noise Trauma

    Here's the page 9 'Trauma and Ménière's Disease
  4. T

    TNF Alpha and Brain Inflammation

    How does focusing on tinnitus help?
  5. FGG

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    It's an anti-inflammatory. It helps with the inflammatory part of your injury. How big of a factor that is (inflammation) in each individual partly determines how useful steroids are. At least in rats (and there is a doctor in Tacoma who strongly believes in people as well) also act on...
  6. JoyBenz007

    Just Going Through the Motions my ear drums look fine and I need do a hearing test, he said I had hearing loss at the very lowest decibel and then said I had cochlear hydrops....he had asked me if I was exposed to loud noise and I said yes my Bach night but for some reason he didn't look much further into it. He said...
  7. Chinmoku

    Tinnitus and Vertigo — Can They Be Related? diagnosed with Meniere. If you have no hearing loss at low frequencies and your dizziness is more a sense of unbalance with no strong spinning you could be diagnosed with BPPV, vestibular migraine or PPPD. Cochlear hydrops is another possible diagnosis. I hope it all resolves soon for you.
  8. ErikaS

    Experiencing Palinacousis, Reactive Tinnitus, TTTS, and ETD — Any Link Between All of This?

    Have they ruled out cochlear hydrops or Meniere's disease? Just asking with your history of vertigo. If you follow up with ENT or neurologist, you could ask them about medication like Keppra (anti seizure) that others have had help them with hyperacusis. The only other thing I’m thinking you...
  9. Matchbox

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    They are proteases, and any bone remodelling the cochlea I'd assume is bad and would; 1) Sure kill hair cells 2) Also kill the nerve cells synapsing to them 3) Stiffen/harden the stria vascularis potentially if it became calcified, adding even more fun hearing woes like hydrops. The only real...
  10. DebInAustralia

    CBG:CBD Cannabinoid Tincture — It's Helping My Tinnitus

    Glad to read that you are feeling better on the oils. I am totally new to CBD. Interested in trying. Petrified of spikes however. Are they related to THC content? Which one are you taking please?
  11. StayCalm

    Slight Echo or Distortion in Bad (Tinnitus) Ear

    ...issue and evolved in to mild to moderate low frequency hearing loss in my left ear (my ENT diagnosed it as SSHL but it could be cochlear hydrops). A few weeks later, a pretty bad tinnitus set in, as well as some sound distortion and sensitivity. In the past few weeks, I've actually noticed...
  12. Quiet please

    CBG:CBD Cannabinoid Tincture — It's Helping My Tinnitus

    It’s only been 8 days, but I had to share this with my fellow tinnitus sufferers. I’ve been taking subliminally Lazarus Naturals Full Spectrum CBG:CBD tincture. The bottle contains 1500 mg each of the CBG:CBD Cannabinoid in MCT oil. So far, I’m taking 10 mg 4x day. TRUTH! It is most...
  13. scotty03874

    South Korean Clinic Treatment (Dr. Minbo Shim)

    They asked while I was in their office (in person) in December 2020 getting treated to speak to another patient that had a head trauma from a heavy board that fell on his head causing tinnitus and hearing loss. I was happy to talk to him about my experiences there. He was getting treated that...
  14. Coyotesheaven

    Could It Be Cochlear Hydrops, Ménière's?

    I have about the same configuration to your before audiogram, but not quite the degree of loss from what we know. I have some noise and illness-related high frequency notches, and a dip in both ears starting at 500 hz and below coming most likely from circulation problems. While your...
  15. Pre55ure

    Sound Pharmaceuticals (SPI-5557 & SPI-1005)

    Thanks for that info, I'm very interested in SPI-1005. I haven't been diagnosed with Meniere's - but I share a lot of the same symptoms (episodic intense tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss). The potential connection to viral inflammation is really interesting. Do you have a link where I could...
  16. I

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    It does sound like cochlear hydrops. I also had slight sensitivity to sound but that wasn't bad. I did have the hearing different tones and the sound being distorted because of that. Yes the dial tone is a very good way to test this. Since my low frequency is damaged, the dial tone, and...
  17. dpdx

    1 Year After Ear Tests... cVEMP/Caloric

    ...also had hyperacusis which went away. Hearing exams were 100% normal. My ENT thought I had brain neuroma, blood cancer, otosceloris, cochlear hydrops, Meniere's disease, etc. She insisted I do a CT and MRI scan, which I did, she later recommended that I do ECOG, Acoustic Reflex, cVEMP...
  18. dpdx

    A Message to All ENTs

    ...would be more likely to be noticed immediately after exposure. My ENT was happy as hell. She said I could have: Acoustic Neuroma, Cochlear Hydrops, Meniere disease, Thryoid cancer, Blood Cancer, B12 deficiency , TMJ problems, Parotid Gland Cancer, salivary gland cancer, Labyrinthic...
  19. S

    Confused — Tinnitus Since June 2018, Pressure Comes and Goes in Left Ear, Sensitivity to Sounds, etc

    ...Also, if it is ETD, there is possibility of it normalizing and relieving as the inflammation decreases... 4) the same goes true for cochlear hydrops depending on the type... If it is menieres that supposedly also goes into periods of remission and eventually habituation however tinnitus...
  20. dpdx

    Caloric Test

    My ENT wanted me to do 15 tests asap, she thought I had a tumor in the brain, cochlear hydrops, Meniere's, etc. People on this forum NEED to listen to your advice. I went from mild tinnitus in October to hyperacusis on both ears, hearing loss, tinnitus on both ears (Moderate-Severe), ear...
  21. DebInAustralia

    Tinnitus Attacks with Blurred Vision

    I am sorry you are dealing with this. Sounds horrible. What work up have you had so far? I was reading about cochlear migraines. They are distinctly different from Meniere's and/or cochlea hydrops in that vertigo isn't a symptom. (this is a guess, not a diagnosis, so see your ENT) The article...
  22. Mila9828

    Confused — Tinnitus Since June 2018, Pressure Comes and Goes in Left Ear, Sensitivity to Sounds, etc

    How are you? I’m experiencing similar symptoms
  23. Blue28

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Discussion & Experiences & Questions

    ...a year ago. I also have chronic fullness in both ears which includes pain and a burning sensation at times (I have always suspected cochlear hydrops). My bilateral tinnitus is very loud. I have a constant "eeeeeeeee" sound but also a kind of hissing/shhhhhhhh which is also constant, but it...
  24. JoyBenz007

    Update — Not Everyday Is Easy But It's Been Much More Manageable

    ...I have perfect hearing, no hearing loss now. Saw ENT doctor and he said I had sudden hearing loss with tinnitus. I asked him about cochlear hydrops and said it's a made up diagnosis and it's simply irrelevant. However he did tell me the tinnitus comes from the brain signaling sound to my...
  25. Blue28

    Microsuction — Safer with ENT?

    ...ttts). In the months following this procedure I had extreme fullness in my ears, which persists and has recently been diagnosed as cochlear hydrops... And this affects my hearing to this day. Before microsuction I had NO tinnitus, no hyperacusis, my ears were completely healthy. Going to see...
  26. T

    Has Anybody Noticed a Connection Between Tinnitus and Wheat?

    Introducing myself... I have had tinnitus for over 20 years. It is mild, in both ears, and mostly caused me a problem in hearing the students when I was working as a high school counselor. I had mentioned it to my primary care physician many years ago, and he didn’t seem too worried, did a...
  27. Blue28

    Dangers of Microsuction to Remove Ear Wax — Awareness and Reporting

    ...hyperacusis, ear fullness and following my initial hearing loss, my hearing has continued to deteriorate (I suspect that I have cochlear hydrops caused by the deterioration of my inner ears from the loud microsuction). I'm so angry to read that 5 years after my life changing experience from...
  28. Ian Mac

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    It's called an ECOG test (this is not secret information). It tests the pressure in the cochlea, Mine is 65% pressure on the right and 55% on the left but the healthy pressure is below 35% oohhh nooo. Your ENT is good for one thing- to refer you to the otologist. Good luck. Would you like to...
  29. Laurix

    Hi There! Clogged Ears and Horrible Noise Here :(

    ...a different doctor this time and I got the same answer, pressure ok, hearing ok, just one difference, he guessed that I might have Cochlear Hydrops, and his recommendation was to stop the intake of alcohol (umm ok), salty foods (noooo), and coffee (from my cold dead hands). I also have a date...
  30. Richard Wallace

    How Long for Low-Sodium Diet to Work? (Or Does It?)

    Hi vegasjon, I don't have an answer for your post, but I was going to post something similar a little while back about the success rate with a low sodium diet. I too have eaten too much salty foods as I admit I love salt. I also have a lot of problems with fullness and pressure in my ears also...
  31. FGG

    New Method to Map the Inner Ear Using Artifcial Intelligence (AI)

    Thanks for the info. Off hand, this seems similar to what they are doing with mammograms now (using machine learning to make more objective calls on subtle findings that might otherwise be more subjectively evaluated) but with the inner ear, in particular hydrops. Seems like a good idea for...
  32. L

    Treating Tinnitus with RST Sanexas, Using Electrical Cell Signaling?

    ...The tinnitus has gotten worse but only slightly. Seems to be holding steady over the last month. @FGG, do you believe it could be cochlear hydrops? None of us have been able to get a definitive answer but I know I have additional sinus pressure, headaches (that are getting better) and eye...
  33. dpdx

    I Officially Have Balance Problems

    ...reduced to a 4/10 and then to a 2/10. Audiogram was PERFECT, but my ENT thought I had brain cancer, acoustic neuroma, blood cancer, cochlear hydrops, thyroid cancer, meniere disease, etc. I did the caloric test (ear irrigation) on January 15 and a loud CVEMP 90db for 1 minute, it caused...
  34. N

    From 0 to Debilitating Tinnitus in 2 Months

    I used to have this at suicidal levels and still do to this day although it lessened. I have something far more annoying now where I hear what sounds exactly like the wheel from The Price Is Right being spun... the exact same frequency of the beeps but at Geiger counter speeds, overlaid on ANY...
  35. dpdx

    Hearing Test Results Asymmetric?

    Your ENT is pretty smart. My ENT told me I might have acoustic neuroma, meniere, cochlear hydrops, etc. She refused to believe I had an acoustic trauma.
  36. Quiet please

    Hearing Aids

    @Daniel Lion, I am a Leo, so I appreciate your name. How does this work you ask? I’m not a techie, so cannot give you a scientific answer. But first let me say that it’s been 8 days and I’m tinnitus quiet for the first time in 10 1/2 years. That’s really something! I do say that in my specific...
  37. Codaz

    Betaserc (Betahistine)

    ...18,25 euro per box of 100 pills. In the Netherlands you are only able to get 16mg and not always A-brand. I was diagnosed with cochlear hydrops (pre-meniere, stage 0) The low frequency hearing is reduced a lot :( BUT Betaserc seems to help me for my vertigo issues and a bit with tinnitus...
  38. Agrajag364

    Microsuction — Safer with ENT?

    Thank you and I’m so sorry for your experience.
  39. I

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...out meats. Meats may cause all sorts of things in your body. I read the reason they think foods cause issues is that if you have cochlear hydrops your fluid in your eat is not maintained independent of your body, but when you have cochlear hydrops your ear fluid is now mixed with your body...
  40. jack8092

    Aural Fullness, Reactive Tinnitus, Crackling in Ears 9 Months After Acoustic Shock online call. However, after a recent call with Prof. Bance (Cambridge), there can be a different explanation, and that is a Cochlear hydrops which can be induced by the noise as well. I did not try much medications as I thought it was TTTS, which does not have a clear medical...
  41. Dr. Nagler

    Tinnitus Sound

    ...pitch of tinnitus people might have according to the underlying condition? Other than the fact that the tinnitus of Meniere's and cochlear hydrops is typically low pitched, I am unaware of any relationship between pitch and underlying condition. ............. The second question was a bit...
  42. FGG

    Hyperacusis / Reactive Tinnitus / Hearing Distortion

    I think the terms need to be better defined and dysacusis and hyperacusis not assumed to have one cause. This is as much as a researcher issue as a layperson issue. Anyway, research has shown there is a phenomenon of "central gain" that occurs after hearing damage especially adjacent to the...
  43. N

    Hyperacusis / Reactive Tinnitus / Hearing Distortion

    Except what I'm going through must ostensibly not be a cochlear issue. It doesn't make any sense that it is. When a hair cell is damaged it's supposed to be damaged forever. It doesn't make sense that my sound distortions fluctuate wildly on a day to day basis. This wasn't caused by a standard...
  44. Alue

    Tinnitus Spike After a Customer Screamed and Whistled?

    Yeah, I agree your ENT sounds ignorant. What do they mean you can't get an acoustic trauma 5 days after a loud concert? With the roll glutamate excitotoxicity and nerve degeneration that seems to fit the model. Some of those tests (especially the acoustic reflex) should be contraindicated...
  45. Michael Leigh

    My Tinnitus Has More or Less Been Gone for Four Months

    I can only say one thing @dpdx I fully agree with everything that you have said above. It is a shame that whenever there is scope for money to be made, there are people that will use underhanded means to acquire it. One would think these unscrupulous practices wouldn't extend to the medical...
  46. DebInAustralia

    TNF Alpha and Brain Inflammation

    Sam's tinnitus is no longer an issue since taking 1 mg LDN daily since her cochlear hydrops experience (may be linked to the progesterone used during her IVF attempt in 2020). She has since given birth to a beautiful girl, and I recall her telling me that her tinnitus had ramped up during her...
  47. Blue28

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Discussion & Experiences & Questions

    Hi again...does anyone have any advice relating to my above post. I have to make a decision about whether or not to have an MRI but I'm terrified it'll make my T, H and HL worse. Thanks
  48. Paulie87

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    I thought the tinnitus is what was really getting to you at the moment? If you don't have severe vertigo yet, don't worry about if or when it ever comes. I know this is easier said than done, and I have my own worries, but the doctor spoke to me over the phone, he did not examine me, and at the...
  49. T

    Severe Tinnitus Increase from ETD

    ...feeling came and went and continues to do so but seems to be improving, when I explained this to the ENT he said he thought I had a Cochlear Hydrops/ Ménière’s type thing and in so many words basically told me I was screwed.. I find hard that to believe since all this began with my Eustachian...
  50. dpdx

    My Tinnitus Has More or Less Been Gone for Four Months

    ...this time I am not so lucky. Well I gave my faith in the audiologist and ENT since they had tinnitus too. ENT told me I could have : cochlear hydrops, meniere diseases, tumor in brain, thyroid cancer, etc. When I told her that it got worse she got mad at me as if it was my fault. I dont think...
  51. Matchbox

    Treating Tinnitus with RST Sanexas, Using Electrical Cell Signaling?

    There is no way on God's green (blue) earth that Wim Hof breathing created a fistula. The membranes aren't that weak (your eardrum "should" give out before it does). Think barotrauma (skydiving, flying, diving and pain / unable to equalize) or super intense weight lifting after cardio, things...
  52. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Almost everyone will get tinnitus with severe enough (especially sudden) hearing loss. As to why people with more mild hearing loss get tinnitus, there are a few theories. Both Dr. Thanos Tzounopoulos and Dr. Will Sedley have talked about some brains having a more "predictive" nature and appear...
  53. I

    My Tinnitus Seemed to Vanish Luckily

    I had what I think is Cochlear Hydrops which killed my low frequency hearing by about 30% in my left ear. It also caused other hearing issues and of course ringing and also a slight hissing sound. The ringing wasn't all that bad but it was there at about 3/10. I thought the tinnitus would be...
  54. EatMoTacos

    Permanent Spike? Or Possible Damage?

    @JoyBenz007 I know the feeling all to well, I got T first when I was around 13 from a firework accident and it went away for the longest time. Until I was 27, it came back with full force mainly on my right ear. Due to loud clubbing and not taking precaution I was plagued with this since then...
  55. Foncky

    Bilateral Tinnitus May Be Hereditary

    Maybe, who knows ? An ENT doctor told me that I had something like that but it was only because he refused to admit that noise can cause massive and permanent damage. My ears were never quite normal though. Before my first trauma I had some distortion and saturation around loud noise. But no H...
  56. S

    Confused — Tinnitus Since June 2018, Pressure Comes and Goes in Left Ear, Sensitivity to Sounds, etc

    ...very odd. So all I have today, is it may be sensitivity or hyperacusis which will get better with time and/or it may be cochlear hydrops (which seems somewhat serious from my research depending on the type) From what I can tell as a general rule, low sodium diet, diuretics are an option...
  57. Hudson

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    This has been posted many times before but I'll repost for any newbies out there: Criteria Inclusion Criteria: Persistent subjective peripheral tinnitus (unilateral or bilateral) following traumatic cochlear injury (acute acoustic trauma, blast trauma, middle ear surgery, inner ear...
  58. D

    Hearing Aids

    Thanks for getting back to me. I liked your explanation, it made sense. I am very pleased for you... this is a success story, if the results continue, you may consider posting up your story. Your information is really helpful and your story really is inspiring. I wish you continued success...