Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. DebInAustralia

    Tinnitus Is the Result of the Brain Trying, but Failing, to Repair Itself

    It has been noted by Dr Will Sedley (newcastle university) that there is evidence that tinnitus can arise in the brain and / or the ear. In favour of it being of brain origin is the increase in auditory brain activity as seen on fMRI as well as the act of severing the auditory nerve in some can...
  2. DebInAustralia

    Has Anybody Noticed a Connection Between Tinnitus and Wheat?

    A dear friend of mine recently learnt she may have cochlear hydrops. I think her doctor suspects it is autoimmune driven. She has responded favorably to low dose naltrexone.
  3. Codaz

    Cochlear Hydrops

    Very informative paper. Thanks.
  4. Blue28

    Worsening High-Frequency Hearing After Acoustic Trauma

    ...nerve sensations (burning or cold/freezing) in my ears and face. My balance is now affected and I either feel off balance or have brain fog. I'm also getting more and more headaches. Anyone else experience these symptoms following noise exposure? Is this cochlear hydrops or the start of menières?
  5. T

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    ...wouldn't something like canalostomy (which drills a hole through the canal into the endolymph) introduce risks for symptoms to cochlear hydrops? From what I understood of the hypothesized cause of cochlear hydrops is that the endolymph-perilymph membrane is broken that results in a cascade of...
  6. JoyBenz007

    Permanent Spike? Or Possible Damage?

    ...hearing distortion. May 11th I saw dr ahuja and he gave me a hearing test and had hearing loss at low decibel and diagnosed me with cochlear hydrops...said no sodium no coffee no alcohol...and put me on a diuretic and I got very sick, I called him and he told me He couldn't technically...
  7. Ian Mac

    Denver Man Gets Gene Therapy to Restore Hearing I'll be going to jail for 6 months, can you imagine how hellish that will be for me? Any hoot I now have also been diagnosed with cochlear hydrops (labrythitis/vestibular nueritis can actually cause cochlear hydrops) which can turn into minieres disease if I don't take the medications. You...
  8. Jchapman78

    Cochlear Hydrops — Need Relief

    ...chiropractor and mentioned several articles I've read. It occurred to me that he had rotator cuff surgery a month or two before his cochlear hydrops symptoms started. So....this could very well be due to damage to his neck or upper back. He's going to see my chiropractor or our DO soon...
  9. J

    New to Tinnitus

    ...anything particular today, aside from lifting (and i drank alot of caffiene as well due to it). I thought because so I prob don't have meniere's , but now that I think about it, I might not have menieres but I can have cochlear Hydrops....can my hearing come back if the fluids in my ears...
  10. Ian Mac

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    ONLY and OTOLOGIST can test you for Hydrops, they also can do alot of other test to asses your hearing and balance functions. Infections and viruses and bacteria cause damage which can then lead to excees fluid build up in the ears which causes increased pressure inside the COCHLEA this water...
  11. GregCA

    Do I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    I've never heard of cochlear hydrops as a result of micro-suction. It's a condition resulting from a problem with the pressure of the endolymphatic fluid in the cochlea (the mechanisms/controls to establish the proper pressure aren't working), which I have a hard time imagining they could be...
  12. Quiet please

    Hearing Aids

    I got new hearing aids this morning and am very happy so far. My tinnitus is caused by a condition called Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops. I have had severe tinnitus 24-7 for many years with hearing loss predominantly in one ear. I had SSHL & have been suffering like so many of us for years...
  13. 1

    Tullio's Phenomenon

    Menieres is a non existent-imaginery disease. When a word says a lot in reality says nothing.Thats the case "meniere". If you have symptoms that doctors don't know the cause call it menieres you can call it "I DONT KNOW" and you will be more serious and right. Is the same analogue as pain. Pain...
  14. gary

    IGF1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) as SSHL Salvage Treatment

    Yes, very good information. This is exactly what the symptoms I have are and what a E-COG ((Electrocochleography) bares out. My E-COG in the right T ear is always in double digits, left ear single digits. My ENT told me if we can get the right in signal digits you're T will go away. Well there...
  15. Frédéric

    Imaging of Ménière Disease

    Imaging of Ménière Key Points The delayed (4-hour) intravenous gadolinium-enhanced 3D FLAIR MR imaging technique is most frequently...
  16. Chinmoku

    To MRI or Not to MRI

    ...about the MRI noise. The MRI with contrast would not be used to rule out a neuroma, I had that in the past. This MRI would be used to assess whether I suffer from cochlear hydrops. I would like to have that piece of information. Any advice whether I should risk the MRI noise or not? Thanks.
  17. A

    Hough Ear Institute's Hair Cell Regeneration Project

    Another email from Ashley from Hough Ear Institute with regards to hyperacusis. Just asked her about inner ear damage, cochlear hydrops and Meniere's disease. Fingers crossed we get things for all types of damage or tinnitus and other conditions soon.
  18. ozzienam

    Weird Tinnitus Has Spread to My Good Ear

    Hello, I have been told by my neuro-otologist that I likely have Cochlear Hydrops (unilateral), although we haven't completely ruled out possibly Auto Immune Ear Disease. My affected ear suffers frequent fluctuations of prolonged hearing loss and short bouts of recovery, bad tinnitus and bouts...
  19. Coyotesheaven

    Low Frequency Gets 10x Louder When Lying Down

    ...I don't think you would be so responsive to steroids; however, a lot of pre-existing problems in the inner ear can lead to cochlear hydrops in the first place. I probably have it too from all the crap that is going on. Even if you do have hydrops, you should know that the condition does not...
  20. PaulBe

    Oral Steroids (Can It Make Tinnitus Worse? Share Your Experiences!)

    ...Menierre's is of itself a disease considered to exist because a certain criteria (collection of symptoms) has been met. T & H, cochlear hydrops, vestibular issues are stages passed in arriving at that criteria. A clinic in Austria did a large study on Menierre's patients and middle ear...
  21. FGG

    Treating Tinnitus with RST Sanexas, Using Electrical Cell Signaling?

    I have never heard hydrops described as "glue ear" type symptoms. That seems more middle ear to me. What makes you suspect hydrops, specifically? Do you have low frequency hearing loss or vertigo? Did anyone's MRI suggest hydrops? Re: glue ear. It sounds like your Eustachian tube isn't draining...
  22. japongus

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    There are lots of theories. Damage to the vessels in the cochlea. Middle ear issues. Problems of hydrops and pressure. Cells in the middle ear that aren't at the appropriate tonic tension. etc. We have different types of hyperacusis, mine is far closer to a middle ear muscles issue than so many...
  23. Ian Mac

    Terrified. Please help.

    Kevin you likely have cochlear hydrops, not menieres desease but cochlear hydrops. There is fluid in your ears that fluid is under pressure if the pressure isn't right the fluid presses on the hair cells causing you to hear literally insane sounds that you never thought were possible. This...
  24. I

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    I have cochlear hydrops for over a year now. Do any of you guys use the supplement Lipo Flavonoid Plus...
  25. Ian Mac

    Tinnitus Spikes! :(

    You likely have cochlear hydrops, if it gets really bad your endolymph and perelymph fluid chambers can rupture and then you have minieres disease, but right now you have increased pressure in your cochlea causing tinnitus that sounds like a revolving door of searing high pitched Timnitus...
  26. RAlex

    Tinnitus/Hyperacusis for 2+ Months — Unsure of Exact Cause

    ...ear. But me saying that to him didn’t seem to interest him. He was convinced my hearing is fluctuating so now he believes I have Cochlear Hydrops even though there is nothing visible on my MRI and he did not recommend doing any additional testing like ECoG either. While my symptoms match up...
  27. L

    CBG:CBD Cannabinoid Tincture — It's Helping My Tinnitus

    This makes a lot of sense if you have EH. There is definitely an inflammatory component to it. If you have it in both ears then it’s likely autoimmune in nature (I think they say 90% of bilateral EH is autoimmune). Have you ever tried a diuretic or LDN?
  28. aura

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    It was an internal sound. The loudest and sharpest tinnitus I've ever heard in my life. It was only for a second and it felt like my heart skipped a beat for a moment. Everything in my body stopped for a moment, it was a very strange and scary sensation. It was ridiculously loud (30/10 or...
  29. DeanD

    Experiencing Palinacousis, Reactive Tinnitus, TTTS, and ETD — Any Link Between All of This?

    ...with the basic understanding of tinnitus. I don't think it is Meniere's as dizziness is not a prevailing symptom. I also ruled our cochlear hydrops as I am not experiencing any particular sudden deafness. I am considering a trip to my GP and ask for a neurologist appointment. I was quoted a...
  30. lolkas

    Cochlear Hydrops — Need Relief

    One of our forum members got shots on to his head/neck duration was 7 days. i met him here in NYC wherr he was receivong threatment and reported that it got that resolved for him. you should look in to that, it costs $20000 thougg
  31. vegasjon

    How Long for Low-Sodium Diet to Work? (Or Does It?)

    Hi all, I've mostly given up on getting rid of "the ring," but am desperately trying to manage the pressure/fullness from what the doc believes to be cochlear or endolymphatic hydrops. Background: I had a stapedectomy a year ago and it relieved me of many other horrible issues, but the awful...
  32. Chinmoku

    Hearing Aids

    May I ask you how have you been diagnosed with cochlear hydrops? What tests did you take? Thanks in advance.
  33. dpdx

    Need Your Opinion — New Tones and Sensations After ENT Tests

    My ENT told me I have brain cancer, blood cancer, thyroid cancer, cochlear hydrops, meniere disease, etc and its up to us to find out which one of these diseases I have.
  34. Ozwel

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I agree with you, I should have said "poor" evidence instead. Of course I wish it works and I agree there is a possibility for that. I meant I read many people here who look to be so sure despite the fact it’s still unsure to me, just a possibility, that I don’t know what is going to happen to...
  35. M

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    My 2nd ent (who is the chief of surgery at my hospital) suspected cochlear hydrops causedby standing next to a loud speaker at a concert back in April. He put me on a diuretic which helped me the first few days but my full feeling in my ears has gone back to how it was before. I saw him the...
  36. Damiano

    Can Tinnitus Cause Dizziness? I'm Having Bad Dizziness 1 Year After Tinnitus Onset

    ...and worried, tinnitus and balance together are dragging me down. One possible cause for both tinnitus and vertigo is high level of cochlear hydrops in the inner ear. I tried oral steroids, vasodilators and antiviral medication but in vain. Not sure what to do next, I hope the balance...
  37. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Exactly, it wasn't part of the phase 1 trial but the patient testimonials for tinnitus were at least compelling enough for the ENTs to mention this to Frequency Therapeutics as Dr. LeBel alluded to in the Tinnitus Talk Podcast. Also, @Darktale, if you look at cochlear implant tinnitus studies...
  38. D

    Wearing Foam Ear Plugs on a Roller Coaster?

    Oh I'm glad to hear wearing the foam earplugs were fine while riding!! That was my main concern. Sorry about your vertigo! Thanks for the response
  39. brownbear

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus

    I developed a sudden hearing loss in my left ear 9 weeks ago. The working diagnosis is cochlear hydrops. I had oral and intratympanic steroids early and tried HBOT but it seemed to make things worse. The steroids definitely seemed to help my hearing which has thankfully improved. However the...
  40. Jrblovsky

    Acoustic Trauma from Gun Range normally again. Something so simple can cause so much grief. I wish I could report the same, but unfortunately I developed cochlear hydrops or secondary Meniere's disease. I'm 10 months post trauma and my tinnitus is unbearable along with extreme ear pain and fullness. I honestly...
  41. Dr. Nagler

    Hyperacusis Question

    ...ear? The intensity of the thump seems to be correlated to the loudness of the irritating sound. I have been managing tinnitus and cochlear hydrops for quite some time and this condition strikes randomly. Is this an indication that my hydrops is worsening? This problem usually gets better...
  42. dpdx

    Tinnitus Spike After a Customer Screamed and Whistled?

    Shower ONLY and by walking next to a busy road. My T used be a 2/10 but after my ENT said I might have (Acoustic Neuroma, Meniere, Cochlear Hydrops, Blood Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, etc), she tried to do (Typanometry, MRI, CT, Blood Tests, ECOG, CVEMP, Acoustic Reflex) to rule out if I have some...
  43. R

    What Is the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    The ENT consultant said I have cochlear hydrops, which seems to be linked to Mennieres. I have some low pitch hearing loss and constant tinnitus, which is like a low hum. The good thing is that I don't yet have the other mennieres symptoms of dizziness and nausea. I don't have a feeling of...
  44. Blue28

    Plugged Ears and Loud Tinnitus — Help!

    ...trauma was so severe that due to the degradation of the cochlear cells, it has triggered something feeling is I now have cochlear hydrops. My hearing can fluctuate with my ear pressure, and my tinnitus can also increase depending on the pressure in my ears. If I eat salty food this...
  45. Yvonne langridge

    Does Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops? Need to Know What to Expect.

    I have had Cochlear hydrops for at least 20 years, stating about when I was 40. Starting with left ear the tinnitus increased with the hearing loss. The hydrops moved into my right ear about 5 years ago and with it some tinnitus but a long of ear discomfort. As the left ear is so deaf, I have...
  46. billie48

    My Turn for Your Support — Woke Up with Sudden Hearing Loss and Severe Vertigo

    Thanks for the advice. Because my hearing loss is so sudden and total on my good ear, they consider it SSNHL. But I can ask the doctor for a diuretic to help the ear fullness too. Thanks.
  47. dpdx

    Eng/VNG Testing — Afterwards Tinnitus Has Been Louder

    my ENT wanted me to do like 15 tests asap, she belived i had Meniere, acoustic neuroma, cochlear hydrops,etc
  48. Virek

    Endolymphatic Sac Decompression

    ...My ears are a mess, particularly my right ear. Aural fullness, modulated tinnitus and distorted hearing. I was already well aware of cochlear hydrops - my ENT recommended Endolymphatic Sac Decompression. I've tried the diet, Serc, Diuretics... No help at all. This is not an episodal condition...
  49. davidprior8

    Hello All. I Have a Low Hum Tinnitus. I'm Also Told I Suffer from Anxiety and Depression.

    ...high. I'm getting a fullness feeling at times in both but never at the same time. Tinnitus specialist on Tuesday said I may have cochlear hydrops. But that condition implies bouts of tinnitus; not constant tinnitus. I read about the ‘treatments’ which are easy enough to follow; no caffeine...
  50. Paulie87

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    I appreciate what you are saying, and I agree that getting myself in good shape will help me regardless as it is not good to be in poor shape. You have no idea how your condition will progress though. You may lose a lot of hearing or very little. You don't even know definitely that what you are...
  51. Ian Mac

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    ...spine injuries there's noises that come from ear injuries there a noises that come from brain injuries there's noises that come from cochlear hydrops and menieres desease and perelymph fistulas and superior canal dehiscence and the most underrecognized of all poor ion balance - but none of...
  52. Quiet please

    Use of Modafinil in the Treatment of Tinnitus

    @GBB, although I love the effectiveness of Modafinil, I only take it once a week or so now. Two days or more in a row, it gives me mild heart palpations. Even with taking 1/2 a 100 mg. It helps me with brain fog & daytime sleepiness. It doesn’t seem to directly affect the tinnitus but since it...
  53. Quiet please

    Hearing Aids

    Hi @PeterPan, In my case, my Cochlear Endolymphatic Hydrops symptoms started changing for the better within the first week. The tinnitus went to a softer pitch and the static and fullness was reduced. This is mostly only when I’m wearing the aides. When I take them off, the tinnitus part comes...
  54. Coyotesheaven

    Audiogram — Low Frequencies Burning Away — Help

    @Jkph75 Well, whoever said that super fluctuations in the normal range to you is a complete moron. I have learned to ignore the ENTs and even the neurotologists when it comes to my hearing. They are not as smart as they appear to be, or they are but would rather see me decay so they can fit...
  55. Dominic1955

    Could It Be Cochlear Hydrops, Ménière's?

    ...some input from people in this forum who had similar symptoms and now have somewhat recovered. My otoneurologist told me it could be cochlear hydrops and it can progress to Ménière's but he is not sure Physicians seem to have no answers when it come to disease like we have T I am not sure...
  56. PatrickG

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    ...I'm pretty sure I have cochlear hydrops like you have @Ian Mac and it drives me crazy. I also wish I had "normal" T, that's how bad it is with always changing T... So all of this is very interesting for me too. And the prices in Germany are much cheaper that US?
  57. S

    Cochlear Hydrops? Is It Curable? And Other Questions

    ...i would say 50/50 odds on this... They define it as treatable, but not necessarily. curable To answer the original question, yes cochlear hydrops comes without vertigo, but frequently has balance issues or sensation. It seems to be more loosely defined, but typically they say certain...
  58. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Off the top of my head: 1) they have other untreated pathology that is more significant and possibly even undiagnosed (e.g. Hydrops, third window syndromes both are notorious for being hard to diagnose). 2) they didn't follow instructions and moved too much and/or swallowed after injection...
  59. Teri

    Meniere's Disease

    ...Today I had the husband of my regular ENT due to a scheduling error. But again, he stated my diagnosis is endolymphatic hydrops or cochlear hydrops. He stated it is impossible to test for certain and there is no treatment other than diuretics and diet. He did state that if my hearing drops...