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  • Users: del
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  1. del

    something herbal for memory, mostly used for alzheimer patients, apparently it balances the...

    something herbal for memory, mostly used for alzheimer patients, apparently it balances the blood flow in brain. something for casual 'tinnitus' and hearing loss which I don't have either and how irrevelant are these to flattening on my neck now?? another something that apparently does the...
  2. del

    Started my medications today for the flattening on my neck. Let's see if it will make any...

    Started my medications today for the flattening on my neck. Let's see if it will make any changes regarding my PT in coming days / weeks.
  3. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    Hi @Karen, I think she was talking about Spinal Cord Flattening in neck, she didn't go into detail but I got the copies of the scans and will show them another doctor for detailed explanations. Brain Surgeon checked the tomography and blood test results this morning and told me they were clean...
  4. del

    No dying. *gives you a box of kittens*

    No dying. *gives you a box of kittens*
  5. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    Neurologist checked the x-rays and said there was... flatness? flattening? on my neck because of... being tense? She wrote me bunch of meds.
  6. del

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    I don't have pets but hospital had a catinspection today. ^^
  7. del

    Hospital had a catinspection day.

    Hospital had a catinspection day.
  8. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    Writing from hospital, rather bored and tired. Brain Surgeon asked for tomography and blood test, and somehow he didn't behave like I was crazy. I will see him tomorrow morning for results. Half an hour ago I went to my appointment with the neurologist, it was like meeting the older and blonde...
  9. del

    @Blackbird26 I am not sure but yes, it is loud. If not them landlord always finds something to...

    @Blackbird26 I am not sure but yes, it is loud. If not them landlord always finds something to drill, hammer or 'repair' @Sailboardman I guess that would generate some warm.
  10. del

    Brother is listening music in his room w/ earbuds so loud I can hear it here, bby down stairs...

    Brother is listening music in his room w/ earbuds so loud I can hear it here, bby down stairs screaming & I have an appt. in the morning..
  11. del

    Snake Wanted to Go Out

    Same... I had to scroll past, sadly we are the most dangerous species on earth :C and often the dumbest...
  12. del

    Snake Wanted to Go Out

    Snake care is serious bussiness. That babe should have a really large place to settle in. Also, look how pretty it is! :3///
  13. del

    What Hobbies Do You Have? (and Does Tinnitus Interfere?)

    Sleeping! Drawing / Illustrating stuff aka Working (yes my work is my hobby, I'm lame and workaholic like that) Reading / Writing Video gaming / RP
  14. del

    Ear Plugs for Movie Theaters?

    Thank you. We have two movie theathers here, I usually go to the one at the culture center. They have 3 old and 5 new saloons. The movies in the new saloons are always louder than the movies in the old saloons. Also those new saloons are smaller than the old ones, like a 'pocket cinema' or...
  15. del

    A venomous red jellyfish from outer space is sucking my brain out from my ear. How rude.

    A venomous red jellyfish from outer space is sucking my brain out from my ear. How rude.
  16. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    I have been researching further today, as my PT got louder with a headache again, I also notice the blod flow at the left side of my skull. None of the doctors wanted MRA / MRI / CT yet, even the times I visited them with massive headaches / migraines along with the loud pulsing in my ear. They...
  17. del

    Gay People with Tinnitus?

    *throws glitter at everyone* Also... I didn't mean "Be open minded and have gay sex olala!" I meant "Be open minded towards people who are not like you."
  18. del

    Gay People with Tinnitus?

    Not as 'happy' as the word dictates for unfortune some. We need more open minded people!
  19. del

    Ear Plugs for Movie Theaters?

    Thank you, I will do so next time I am out ^^
  20. del

    Ear Plugs for Movie Theaters?

    "I don't know" is my answer for all those questions D: Something similar to image below came with my phone as earbuds, I tried to put them, it didn't feel comfortable and they dropped quickly. So I usually use headphones. Plugs and buds seems similar so I took a wild guess. Also as I said I...
  21. del

    Ear Plugs for Movie Theaters?

    Hey @Zug thank you for the info. But I had a sudden realization that... I cannot even put earbuds to listen music, they hurt my ear and always fell. Are these soft? Easy to insert? (And sorry for awkwardness I am pretty noob at this stuff.)
  22. del

    Ear Plugs for Movie Theaters?

    I hope this is the correct place to ask this, but I have been wondering if ear plugs would be protective for loud sounds in a movie theater? I never used any before, though I remember covering my ears at certain saloons of the movie theater we have here. I think they have a problem with their...
  23. del

    Was She Wearing Earplugs...???

    That is... scarry D:
  24. del

    Pancake Day!

    I have been caving for pancakes for couple of weeks, this topic made it worse! Now I do need to get some D:
  25. del

    Gay People with Tinnitus?

    I'm pan, *waves hand*
  26. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    Yes, I am aware of the and have been reading the articles and the Cured Wooshers page in tears, hope to be one of them one day. I also checked the recordings of others and mine very much like Crystal's 'woosh' though louder. Also thank you again <3 I had some whistling noise on...
  27. del


    Thank you Karen, I have been reading the forums and I admire your endurance and will to help others. <3 Mine lessened a bit this morning (I hope it stays like this, I might finish the last piece I have been working on today!) and I am bit more hopefull towards my next appointments.
  28. del

    Favourite Video Games?

    AAAAH! Yes, that too <3 So many awesome games.
  29. del

    Favourite Video Games?

    *gasp!* I forgot to add KotOR series! I am ashamed as a SW fan.
  30. del


    I didn't think I am some special case, and yes, of course I am freaking out because when the sound becomes LOUD I have problem to do what I am supposed to do. It is impossible to ignore it and burns through my nerves, makes me more agressive and less patient. And no, it is not harmless.
  31. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    I'm ok with bit of witch-doctory and a hint of voodoo! Thank you for your opinion and suggestions tho, but I am not so keen to use such drugs out of doctor control =)
  32. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    @AnxiousJon No, I didn't. I wanted to try counselling first, to see what can be done before I jump into medication. And for ADHD, I have not been using any meds since my doctor reassigned, there has been some problems getting an appointment from a new one. Since the diagnoses of both were new...
  33. del

    Pulsing in My Ear...

    Hi, Glynis pointed me here so, uh, I actually wrote this post about what I am hearing and how terribly it criples my life. Also a short summary would be okay I guess; I'm 28 years old and I have a loud pulsing sound in my left ear for 2-3 years. Not hearable by others. Lessens when I press...
  34. del


    @Dutchy I have tried those too but nothing maskes it and to be honest currently any other sound irritates me :c @glynis Thank you Glynis, and no, it gets loud randomly. I have been on bed or on sofa all week, didn't do anything of note and still it remained loud and steady, only very few...
  35. del

    Favourite Video Games?

    I have noticed my favorite games are usually series; Fallout, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, BioShock, Portal... then The Longest Journey, Dishonored, and the first games of Assassin's Creed (especially the Liberation). This reminds me I had several games in my steam list I was planning to finish...
  36. del

    What Is Your Dream Job?

    Concept Artist for video games, working on getting there actually.
  37. del


    It is sadly impossible to give my attention to anything, regardless how hard I try. It is just too loud.
  38. del


    bystander* not bygoner, sorry.
  39. del


    Hey all, I'm Del and I work as a freelance illustrator. English is not my native tongue and I am writing this on phone with a massive headache and loud pulsing in my ear, so if I make any typos or grammar mistakes please forgive. I actually don't have a proper diagnose right now nor I want to...