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  1. Carlos Galiano

    Neuroscientists Identify Brain Mechanism Responsible for Tinnitus, Chronic Pain

    When? In 10 years? 20 years maybe? I'm not interested then. Now I will have suffered too much for too tinnitus and be "saved" by the brain to suppress it. I see many studies, news, research, discoveries of neural networks involved ... but only that. There is nothing else. It is much more that...
  2. Carlos Galiano


    Obviously not. But check the company statement Mute Button on their website. Currently there is no longer sold. He has been suspended. This clear. It has failed. 5 people I know who have used it. A none has served. Mute Button, a device that was investigated for 10 years with the best...
  3. Carlos Galiano


    Mute Button failed. All failed.
  4. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    You think I am also 101 not work for chronic? Or you have any hope? Maybe could relieve a little T ... How sad ... I had a lot of hopes on AM 101
  5. Carlos Galiano

    Pitt Team Identifies Cause of Resilience to Tinnitus, Potential Drug Theraphy

    PNAS: Pathogenic plasticity of Kv7.2/3 channel activity is essential for the induction of tinnitus
  6. Carlos Galiano

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    I have high hopes for aut63. It is the closest thing to relieve tinnitus. I hope everything goes well and may benefit chronic.
  7. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Papu muchas gracias. Yo también he leído todos los mensajes y he obtenido la misma conclusión. Pero eso no significa que no existe tal riesgo, y es algo que me preocupa. El texto de la fase II dijo que "por lo general" o riesgos "típicos" desaparecen cuando el tímpano se cierra. Pero no dice...
  8. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Please, I am thinking of entering 101, any participant or another person could contact if there is a risk of permanent hearing loss? The Phase II studies are silent on this issue. Only speak of temporary loss. I am convinced that there is that risk.
  9. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Please, someone tell me where the studies are assayed am 101 tinnitus 6-12 months with negative results? In some items that data is mentioned, but no study is provided.
  10. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    The time you take now with tinnitus? The last round they did when you were wearing more than 6 months with tinnitus?
  11. Carlos Galiano

    Neuroscientists Identify Brain Mechanism Responsible for Tinnitus, Chronic Pain

    Tinnitus sometimes fall with anti dopamine medications like sulpiride .... More dopamine is suicide for a person with tinnitus
  12. Carlos Galiano

    Neuroscientists Identify Brain Mechanism Responsible for Tinnitus, Chronic Pain

    I will not be pessimistic but objective when I say that this kind of News About confirms the theory that tinnitus affects multiple neural networks and brain and is almost impossible to find an effective solution in the medium to long term. Why? Because any drug as aut63 intended to inhibit the...
  13. Carlos Galiano

    Neuroscientists Identify Brain Mechanism Responsible for Tinnitus, Chronic Pain

    The text says nothing more or less we have, in simple and understandable terms, less brain? Does not sound very good that we have less volume of prefrontal mass ... well ... But nothing seems a brain disability ...
  14. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    The doctor in charge of the project was 101 am clear. Am 101 was tested with tinnitus of more than six months and not worked. Forget chronic 101 am. Maybe in some cases it could lower it, but usually does not have any effect.
  15. Carlos Galiano

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Does anyone know if they will try AUT63 in the following phases in other countries of the European Union?
  16. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Tests with patients over six months were in use under this doctor. Does anyone know where the results of those tests are?
  17. Carlos Galiano

    Summary of Drugs and Investigational Treatments

    We can deceive or assume the reality demonstrated by the tests. Beyond 6 months ago virtually no drug effect. There is serious evidence to support that thesis. "Because it is not known When That transition from ear to brain OCCURS, one of the current trials, of 300 European patients, testing...
  18. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Bring bad news for everyone. I had an interview with the attending physician 101. An assay am really qualified and prepared, very solvent and doctor specialized in this field. It was conclusive and clear: am 101 does not work for more than 6 months, testing in patients older than 6 months...
  19. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    There is a risk of permanent hearing loss, as in any tympanic treatment. The efficacy and safety brochure credits him, as a percentage of 1-3%.
  20. Carlos Galiano


    Not to be pessimistic. I read the post. I am aware that some people have reported great improvement, others not so much. Moreover unrepresentative data, involving the reduced sample in relation to the total of people involved in the trial. What scares me most is the risk of hearing loss arising...
  21. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Not to be pessimistic. I read the post. I am aware that some people have reported great improvement, others not so much. Moreover unrepresentative data, involving the reduced sample in relation to the total of people involved in the trial. What scares me most is the risk of hearing loss arising...
  22. Carlos Galiano

    WSJ Article: Army Tests Hearing Drug at the Rifle Range

    And Sodium thiosulphate? I agreed to put the link but do not take nothing of it. It seems there is not much information on that amino acid (methionine) which is in phase III. It's strange. Still I think that is interesting news to publish. It is of recent date. Regards.
  23. Carlos Galiano

    WSJ Article: Army Tests Hearing Drug at the Rifle Range Anyone know anything of D-Methionine. It is the first time I read something about this drug (phase 3 nothing more and nothing less). It's strange. He had not read anything about SODIUM. Someone can enlighten us?
  24. Carlos Galiano

    One Person's Cure: Pentoxifylline, Piracetam and Supplements (P+P+S)

  25. Carlos Galiano

    Summary of Drugs and Investigational Treatments

    For me. Bad news. Chronic patients are marginalized. Regarding AM, it states that only take effect in tinnitus 1 year. Someone is using VNS Forum being tested? "To treat the condition, the group set about...
  26. Carlos Galiano

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

  27. Carlos Galiano

    Tinnitus Treatment with Sound Stimulation During Sleep

    What do you think? Is new.
  28. Carlos Galiano


    In Spain we are going to start with AM 101.
  29. Carlos Galiano

    I Was a Guinea Pig in the Autifony QUIET-1 Study, Great Results

    Anyone know when to publish the results of phase II Autifony? Also anyone know more or less when I could be on the market this new drug? The later will have fewer options efficacy in our cases.
  30. Carlos Galiano


    Using the translator. Sorry if the English is bad. A colleague of Spain has tested the Mute Button. The therapy is over. He has had no results. Nothing favorable. It seems that is the umpteenth Mute Button frustrated project for our cause. Hopefully more patients tell their experience.
  31. Carlos Galiano


    Why no news??
  32. Carlos Galiano


    Do not saturate the forum please. We await the response of the two users Mute that posted it for months. If no one is saturated follow the threads. Let us reserve feedback to users to make it more accessible. Sorry English translator. I speak bad Inglés.
  33. Carlos Galiano


    Mi friend, who is user of Mute Button until March said that dont have any progress
  34. Carlos Galiano


    News please. Eternally grateful to the two users if they publish their progress. It's been four months and only know 2 people who are with Mute Button. It's all very strange.
  35. Carlos Galiano


    A Spanish faceebok my group takes a week with Mute Button. And I inform you of developments. A greeting.
  36. Carlos Galiano


    Another fraud. It was hoped. I do not think there's anything effective against tinnitus for another 5-10 years.
  37. Carlos Galiano


    If it is expensive. But there are millions of English and Irish who suffer and I assure you that many would pay that much and more to experience tinnitus reduction. Has anyone else had to buy it and I see a lot of misinformation. Why the BTA not publish anything about it?
  38. Carlos Galiano

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    A simple summary: AM 101 has failed.
  39. Carlos Galiano


    Why after 3 months since it went on sale there is not a story about users who have tried the Mute Button? It is very suspicious and raises concerns me. Sorry for my English, I use google translator. I am Hispanic.
  40. Carlos Galiano


    That pesima news. Should produce some effect on the month you wear using it if really effective. But wait, you never know. I wish you all the luck. Please discuss the results please. We are eager bro.
  41. Carlos Galiano


    I am Spanish, my English is not very good. The user to buy mute button: John Mc Garrity, a question. Have you noticed anything yet? Take one month. Please there is a lot of misinformation about Mute Button can you tell that you felt? Honestly if Mute Button does not provide some relief and...