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Search results for query: Please go to my started threads

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  1. Michael Leigh

    Long-Term Tinnitus Sufferer — It's Gotten Louder and Wider in Frequency Over the Last Years

    ...enrichment. The idea is not to mask or cover up the tinnitus. More information about this is in the links below. Please go to my started threads and read the following posts: The Habituation Process, Tinnitus and The Negative Mindset, Acquiring a Positive Mindset. All the best, Michael New...
  2. Michael Leigh

    New Spike After Loud Bang Next to My Ear, Will It Go Away?

    Hi @dorje Try not to be too hard on yourself. Spikes in tinnitus happens and it's nothing that you have done wrong. Your audiotry system is healing and it sounds to me that you have some hyperacusis, and if this is the case, you probably have suffered a noise trauma brought on by "loud noise"...
  3. I who love music

    Anxiety Attack Last Night

    My thumping went away when my T subsided. You may want to try this, it changed me..https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/back-to-silence.7172/
  4. Marcuso22

    Severe Acute Noise-Induced Tinnitus: Xanax Reduces the Intensity — Looking for Safer Alternatives

    I don't know why you refuse to believe in reactive tinnitus. I can tell you as a sufferer of it, it is very real. You should read this article about it. It explains, defines it very well & provides many examples of people who suffer from it...
  5. alex1975

    How to Use Pink/White Noise for Treating Reactive Tinnitus?

    Thanks Micheal, I really appreciate it. I had no clue about the complications that exist with hyperacusis & tinnitus. I have an appointment with an audiologist Wednesday and hope to get some more clarification. Meanwhile I'll go through your articles to get some info. Cheers!
  6. Michael Leigh

    Struggling with Tinnitus — It's Gotten Worse After Stress / Anxiety / Postpartum Depression

    You are right not to use earplugs when out and about as they can cause more harm than good. By loud noise I meant going to clubs and concerts. If you wanted to attend these venues and see no reason why you shouldn't just be careful. Use earplugs but be careful of overly loud sounds. As above...
  7. Michael Leigh

    Having Tinnitus After Ear Wax Cleaning (Water Irrigation) and Neomycin Ear Drops

    HI @Vj926 I have only seen your post by chance. When writing my name please don't put a full-stop at the end, if you do I won't receive an alert message. It should be ok to use a laptop at work but please be aware of the following: Some people with noise induced tinnitus myself included...
  8. A

    What Movies Have You Watched More Than Once?

    Thanks. I really hope that with time I can push it into the background, but I think it's going to be much harder for me due to anxiety conditions I have. I have catastrophic thinking. I've not tired any supplements yet, but I may try magnesium.
  9. Roseanna H

    Hearing Protection and Tinnitus: Keep The Tiny Hair Cells Safe — Discuss!

    Hi Michael, I have heard people mention that they (ear plugs) don't always help with hypercausis, and that it can kinda work against it although your only trying to use them to help you?? Thing is i just get so worried that the tinnitus could get worse, or more damage could be done. So i feel i...
  10. B

    Are AcousticSheep's SleepPhones Safe for Tinnitus?

    Hi Michael, Sorry I took a while to reply. Thank you for your advice . I agree, we have to be particularly careful the use of headphones. I seem to have found compromise; I can certainly set sleep phones on a timer to go off after one hour. That way I should drift to sleep with them on but...
  11. jazz

    When Will My Ear Pain Go Away?

    No one will be able to answer this. It's all up to your body. I also get pain (scalp) from my tinnitus--when it's being particularly loud. And the pain has never gone away. I also get intermittent pain deep in my ear. I have ETD so I wonder if there's a connection. But I know there's...
  12. Michael Leigh

    Safe Noise Levels?

    @Capricornus I see on your profile picture that your tinnitus was caused by "loud noise"? exposure to loud noise is the most common cause of tinnitus. Even though you say sounds don't bother you, something is causing your tinnitus to spike? Tinnitus that was caused by loud noise exposure...
  13. Michael Leigh

    What Movies Have You Watched More Than Once?

    @all to gain You are new to tinnitus and have a lot to learn. I say this respectively and not to undermine or be in any way condescending towards you. It is a learning curve that takes time so please try to be patient. I have had this condition for 23 years. At the end of this post please...
  14. Michael Leigh

    I'm So Angry!

    @SugarMagnolia I am sorry to hear of your ordeal and hope you start to feel better soon. Please try and forget about this episode although I know it isn't easy. If you are not careful you might find yourself slipping into a negative mindset. It is unfortunate there are some people in this forum...
  15. Michael Leigh

    Evolving Tinnitus After ~10 Years

    HI @Liam Robinson Noise induced tinnitus will usually remain stable for many years after habituation has been achieved but if hyperacusis is present, the person is likely to experience random spikes due to the auditory system being oversensitive to sound. You haven't said whether you had...
  16. Michael Leigh

    What's the Real Difference Between Using Headphones and a Telephone?

    I agree with you. However, I will not be explaining these differences, for I have done so many times and I'm tired of going over the same thing and people wanting to challenge, my beliefs and me having to defend them on this particular issue. I have corresponded with many people over the years...
  17. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus and Medical School

    ...dispel negative thinking and worries that can hinder or completely stop a person from reaching their full potential. Please go to my started threads. Read and and print the following posts and refer to them often. This will help to reinforce positive thinking: New to Tinnitus, What to Do...
  18. M

    I Have Visited Nightclubs — No Spikes

    So in other words : you should not go out because there is a chance that your life will change in a nightmare? I recently started to go out again and I am always scared, also the day after. This kind of posts make me think that I am making a mistake by going out. I just don't know what to...
  19. jazz

    Since April 2014

    Hi Karen2014, It's good you're going to the doctor to rule anything out. It could be something medical. If he or she says nothing is wrong, please don't despair. Many things can be done for tinnitus. Have you been to this site before? There are lots of ideas that will help you sleep...
  20. brixenbrixen

    Severe Tinnitus Odyssey Since MRI

    Yes I am... and I have a wonderful partner who supports me endlessly. This is a huge gift - I hope that life will be colourful and beautiful again. Yes it was just from the MRI - it was so loud that I felt really physically pain in the ears. In November I had no COVID-19 vaccination nor...
  21. amandine

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    My point classically proven. If Soul Station (no offence - not personal - not you but anyone / everyone) had put his info as follows in my quote and earlier posts on his post then RaZaH would not have asked but could appreciate soul stations post with more information. Anyhow, if peope dont...
  22. Michael Leigh

    Is This Kind of Tinnitus Hyperacusis?

    HI @marko1103 After you have read this post, please click on the links below and read my articles on tinnitus as I think they will be of some help to you. Read them slowly and thoroughly to absorb all the information. If you have a printer I advise that you print them, and refer to them often...
  23. Lane

    Positive Benzo Taper Outcomes: Temporary or No Tinnitus Loudness Increases etc?

    @GoatSheep -- I can only speak from my own experience of tapering off of 12 years of 1-2 mg/day of clonazepam (before tinnitus). I found the first tapers to be relatively straightforward. I fairly easily went from 2 mg/day to 1.5 mg. Then from 1.5 to 1.0. Thinking in percentage terms, I...
  24. katri

    Tinnitus Worse After Listening to Boyfriend's Band Practicing Music: Looking for Support

    Hey I wanted to talk to you. It seems like my tinnitus keeps getting worse by the hour and I’m not sure why. My brain is literally screaming at me and I’m unsure of what to do about it. Is this normal after some trauma? I’m fine for awhile, then I’ll feel a bang in my ear, it’ll be soft...
  25. Michael Leigh

    Staying Home to Recover from Reactive Tinnitus — Not Sure If I’m Doing the Right Thing

    ...less stressed a person is will have a positive impact on the tinnitus, by making one's perception of the noise less. Please go to my started threads and print the articles mentioned below. Take your time and read them without skimming, this way you will absorb and retrain the information...
  26. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    @Juan Ordinarily I wouldn't bother to respond if someone had written what you have done about me. For the simple reason I'm not looking to make trouble with anyone here. However, you have been a member and regular poster to this forum for quite some time. Even though you have been disrespectful...
  27. Michael Leigh

    What's Happening? Am I Habituationg or Getting Better?

    Hi @Swannys I have read your post. It is good that you are able to participate in the things that you like to do, and hope you will keep teaching dance classes. Tinnitus can be complex and at times a person can feel like they are on a rollercoaster. Take each day as it comes because the...
  28. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    White noise generators will help treat tinnitus, and hyperacusis if it is present. The white noise should be set slightly below the tinnitus. Over time the brain habituates to the white noise and slowly pushes the tinnitus into the background making it less noticeable. Ideally, white noise...
  29. Michael Leigh

    What Is the Benefit of Sound Enrichment?

    ...by it, I believe sound enrichment can help the brain to reduce the tinnitus. If sound enrichment is stopped at night, there is a risk of the tinnitus becoming louder over time. Please go to my started threads and read my post: The Habituation Process, as you might find it helpful. Michael
  30. Michael Leigh

    Using Bose QC35 Headphones with Noise-Induced Tinnitus?

    @Jason C You are not helping yourself by not using sound enrichment especially at night. Some people think that I don’t know what I’m talking about but I assure you that I do. I don’t want to come across as all knowing because I’m certainly not but, I do know about this: If you want to help...
  31. Michael Leigh

    What Causes a Tinnitus Spike and Can It Be Cured?

    I am sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time at the moment @Beep Boop Bop. You are still in the early stages of tinnitus and it can be a lot to deal with so don't be too hard on yourself. Talk to your doctor who may prescribe something to help with your anxiety. Please do...
  32. Kathi

    Failing TRT ...

    Hi Martin, These are the things that I've done as part of my strategy. I went to my physician--not my ENT--my family doctor and got a prescription for anti-anxiety meds. He gave me a referral to a CBT therapist. The CBT therapist enrolled me in a six week group workshop on how to reduce...
  33. Michael Leigh

    Hello from New Member

    HI @torrid Please read the post below and click on the links at the bottom of the page afterwards. All the best Michael New to tinnitus what to do? The onset of tinnitus can be difficult for a lot of people to cope with. It comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it...
  34. Michael Leigh

    Music Makes My Tinnitus Worse — Is It Hyperacusis or Tinnitus When Sound Activates Your Tinnitus?

    It is entirely up to you if you feel wearing earplugs will be of benefit. I should stress that it's not advisable to overuse them as lowering of the loudness threshold may result. Use them judiciously is my advice. I understand your frustration but placing yourself in a vacuum and keeping away...
  35. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Worse After Listening to Boyfriend's Band Practicing Music: Looking for Support

    You have had tinnitus since 2015. I read some of your early posts to this forum and note that you did learn to habituate and able to carry on with your life doing everything that you wanted to do which is good. The fact that your noise induced tinnitus has increased and experiencing the things...
  36. Still-Hope

    Tinnitus from Loud Headphones: Any Advice / Suggestions Welcome!

    Thanks a lot Michael. I've totally stopped using headphones, I've stopped listening to loud music as well. I'm listening to some smooth music sometimes at maximum 50 dB on small speakers. But really not often. And honestly, as I was a musician, I know it's done for now. I will have to find a...
  37. Michael Leigh

    Calling All Who Experienced Getting Better Hyperacusis-Wise

    I hear you Kelvin and fully understand the medical professionals attitude towards you once they see your hearing tests fine. They obviously don't know much a bout hyperacusis Please try them again and see if they are able to provide you with white noise generators. You could pursue the private...
  38. Michael Leigh

    I'm 14 Years Old, and Encountering a Tinnitus Scare.

    HI @ConcernedTeen Welcome to the forum. The onset of your tinnitus is not uncommon and is probably a result from using headphones at too high a volume and for too long a duration. As you mentioned in your post, you have noticed the tinnitus for some time but managed to live with it as it was...
  39. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Answers

    Tinnitus answers I was recently asked the following questions by a few people and have decided to submit my replies here, as they might be of help to others. Names have been omitted. “My T was caused by headphones, I’m 8 weeks in and can’t cope, any advice please”? “You have had T for many...
  40. Michael Leigh

    New Problems Making Habituation DIfficult

    Hi @Casper 1) I do think the distortion that you hear is down to noise trauma to your auditory system and is a form of hyperacusis. The best way to treat this is using sound enrichment. Please read my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it. All the information is there. Click my "started threads"...
  41. S

    Worsening Tinnitus... Stress? Benzo Withdrawal? Any Ideas?

    I used to chat with you back in the day. You are always so supportive to everyone. It’s really nice of you. Good to see people helping out each other. I know how badly this can affect people.
  42. Michael Leigh

    Unilateral Hyperacusis Appearing 3 Weeks After Tinnitus/Acoustic Trauma?

    The advice that I give regarding headphone use and for people with "Noise induced" tinnitus is based on experience with NIT. Corresponding and counselling people with this condition. There are plenty posts written in this forum, by members that have noticed their tinnitus increase having...
  43. Michael Leigh

    Achieving a Calm Mind with Tinnitus

    @Greg Sacramento Firstly, you have to find out what has made your tinnitus become worse? The usual cause is "sound". If you have been using headphones or attending places where loud music has been played then this is the reason your tinnitus has become worse. If it isn't sound that is...
  44. I who love music

    24/7 Tinnitus for MONTHS, Help Me

    Been there. Suicidal threee times. Headaches, spasms, throbbing, ringing, twitching, thumping, desperation, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, anger, all gone. I found my cure here on the forum. It took determination. It didn't cost a cent. It only took a few minutes a day. Once or twice a week...
  45. Zimichael

    Why I Am Back After Nearly 3 Years

    After an absence of nearly 3 years being a very active member of Tinnitus Talk, I have decided to come back primarily to present an idea because it is something that I would want for myself. However, the more I reflected on the idea the more I realized there may be others out there (likewise...
  46. R. David Case

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    My avatar is my artwork, I am an artist also. Everything you are spewing out is opinion about me, you don't know me and are not qualified to judge anything, if you don't want to use the Tinnitus Mix, don't. You don't have to try to tear down my credibility just for your entertainment. Here are...
  47. Michael Leigh

    Can My Hyperacusis Improve So That I Can Listen to Music with Headphones Again?

    ...As I See It, The Habituation Process, New to Tinnitus, What to Do? You will find them by clicking on the links below. Please go to my started threads, there you find additional information on tinnitus and hyperacusis. You have asked will your hyperacusis improve and can you use headphones...
  48. Michael Leigh

    What Can I Do When Even Masking Doesn't Seem to Work?

    Hi @G61 Please click on the links below and read my tinnitus articles. Tinnitus shouldn't be "masked" or covered up so that it can't be heard. A much better way is to use a sound machine for "sound enrichment" and set the volume slightly below your tinnitus. This way, you are not entirely...
  49. GeorgeLG

    "Your Tinnitus Is a Mild Case and Mine Is Severe"

    @Chinmoku, I am sorry for your suffering and I am sorry for others who could not find relief. I know suffering and I know how frustrating it can be. I know your pain is real. I have done my best to bring what I believe can and will help others and it is my hope that at least a few people will...
  50. Karen

    Please Help

    Hi, Ryan, and welcome to Tinnitus Talk! I've just read your story, and am glad to hear that your pain and hearing loss have gone away. In cases like this, it's hard to say if your tinnitus will eventually disappear, or whether it will continue. However, if it does continue, it may become...
  51. Michael Leigh

    How Could (Even Quiet) Noise Be Making My Tinnitus Temporarily Worse?

    HI @Hedgehog The most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noise. Typically, this is listening to music through headphones at too high a volume and long durations without giving the ears sufficient rest. You may think you were listening at safe levels, but you probably were not for much...
  52. Michael Leigh

    ENT Promised My Tinnitus Has a 90-95% Chance of Stopping within 6 Weeks — False Hope?

    @Kriszti Thank you for your question which I will try to answer. I live in Brighton and moved here in 2014. I was born and bred in London and got tinnitus 24 years ago. The majority of my time that I have had tinnitus I lived in London. If you read my posts and there are many, you will see...
  53. Zimichael

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Dear @swc5150 ... Forgive me if I am just a space cadet and can't even do a search correctly here, but I have a bone to pick with you...actually a couple of bones. Yeah, just to make myself popular, but WTF. 1. You posted this above re Keprra...but you have not posted any such result in the two...
  54. Jazz drummer

    First Post — Jazz Drummer with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    Hi @ Michael Leigh, Thank you very much for your response. I have read many of your posts and they were not only very informative, but were also a big part of what inspired me to post here. You are someone who obviously understands the ins and outs of this kind of situation and I thank you for...
  55. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Due to My Own Idiocy of Overusing Headphones

    Hi, Whether you are using a laptop or desktop computer, if they are fitted with an internal fan and conventional hard disc that spins, my advice is to change to a computer that does not use an internal fan and has a solid state hard drive SSD fitted. A lot of people that have noise induced...
  56. M

    Retraining Brain to Forget Frequency of Tinnitus — White Noise Sound Machine vs. Physical Fan?

    Thanks for the reply. I just went to a restaurant for the first time since this started getting bad and I am a physical wreck right now, there was someone screaming at the bar of the restaurant and it felt like those metal gongs were smashed in my ears... it’s hard to type, find the right words...
  57. Michael Leigh

    Questions About White Noise, GP's and Initial Treatment Options

    Hi @Strange_Brew I am going to tell you some truths about tinnitus especially when it's caused by loud noise exposure. Try and relax and don't push yourself too hard. Please follow the advice in the links that I have given you. They are based on many years of experience and there are many...
  58. GlennS

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    People are gonna try this no matter what I say, but I just wanted to weigh in one more time. I don't want to start a crusade against this guy but I've been on the internet since 1993, pretty much the day ISPs first started, and I can spot quacks a mile away. Start with his avatar image, which...
  59. MattS

    Unilateral Hyperacusis Appearing 3 Weeks After Tinnitus/Acoustic Trauma?

    So, then your answer is: no, there is no empirical evidence for this? I think this is where I'm finding myself resisting your advice somewhat. It's not that I don't appreciate the advice. And I know it's well intentioned. But I don't think you really present your advice as 'not written in stone...
  60. ThomasW

    My Ototoxic / Stress-Induced Tinnitus Is Nearly Gone

    Short Version: I got tinnitus from taking medicine but I was also very stressed at the time. It went way down to a low hiss in my left ear during the summer last year after taking 600mg NAC, B-Complex and 22mg Zinc Picolinate but came back after a very stressful week and way to much sodium. It...